As usual, Obama and the Dumbocrats are the extreme minority


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Americans strongly reject the claim that the United States spends an excessive amount on national defense. A strong majority of respondents (63.1%) say current levels of defense spending are either “about right” (40.1%) or “too little” (23.0%). Only 28.6 percent of Americans say that “too much” is spent on the military. This strong support of Americans for current or stronger levels of defense spending is timely given that starting in January 2013, the U.S. military will automatically suffer “sequestration” cuts—$500 billion in across-the-board spending reductions over the next decade—unless the President and Congress quickly change current law. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta has warned that sequestration will be “devastating” to the military, and General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has cautioned that further defense cuts of this magnitude will be “very high risk” to national security.

FPI National Survey: Foreign Policy Matters in 2012 | Foreign Policy Initiative

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