As Many as 3,300 Americans - 10 Per Day - killed By Illegal Immigrant Drivers


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Dad's grief leads to quest to count deaths caused by illegal immigrant drivers | Fox News

In the five years since an unlicensed illegal immigrant ran down his son, Don Rosenberg has turned his anger and grief into a mission to answer a seemingly simple question: How many people are killed each year by drivers who don’t belong in the U.S., much less behind a wheel?

As many as 7,500 Americans -- 20 per day -- are killed annually by unlicensed drivers, and Rosenberg calculates that more than half are the victims of illegal immigrants. Now, by testifying before lawmakers, speaking to parents who have been through the same ordeal and posting his research on his nonprofit’s website,, Rosenberg is shedding light on a frightening number not readily available from government sources.

“Our archives are filled with stories of drunk-driving illegals killing U.S. citizens.”
- William Gheen, Americans for Legal Immigration


Every victim of a crime perpetrated by an Illegal Immigrant, every family of a loved one killed by an illegal immigrant, should automatically win any lawsuit they file against Obama and his criminal administration.

He has refused to enforce existing laws.
He has refused to keep jailed or deport violent illegals.
He has ordered the DOJ not to even bother arresting illegals who commit crimes less than a felony.
He has ordered the US BPAs to 'back off' and not fully do their jobs
He refused to sign Kate's Law
He has engaged in Human Trafficking to bring illegals here.
He has been found in Contempt of Court numerous times for ignoring court orders in regards to illegal immigration
He has refused t stop Federal Law-Violating Sanctuary Cities
In total, he has set the US record for an administration BREAKING THE LAW by refusing to comply with FOIA requests a record 70% of the time. (Pretty impressive for the 'most transparent administration evuh')

The blood of American citizens continue to stain this traitorous, criminal POS's hands, yet it does not even slow his Open Borders / Pro Illegal Invasion agenda down.

As I said the other day, he should be made to publicly apologize to every victim and/or their families ... right before he is CANED and dragged off to jail. Since that is NOT going to happen, every victim and every family of a deceased victim of one of Obama's 'imported' criminals/murderers should be allowed to sue Obama / this administration and be awarded an immediate 'win'. They have been not only refusing to enforce existing law but has also been violating our laws while aiding and abetting the crimes these illegals have perpetrated.

And, again, Mexico's assets should be frozen, checks from those financial accounts be written to every victim / deceased victim's family, the building of a wall and securing of our border be paid from that money, and then and only then should the balance of what is left of their funds here in the US should be returned to them.

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