As expected, Egypt's military dictatorship is going after the pro-Democracy secularists.


Gold Member
Feb 5, 2014
The secular pro-democracy leaders helped overthrow the first democratically elected government in Egypt's history and welcomed the military coup and the return to military rule. Now the the military are going after them.

"Egyptian Court Sentences Activist to 5 Years in Prison"

"State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the United States was "deeply troubled by the new harsh sentences."

"These sentences and others under the (demonstrations) law have had a chilling effect on key freedoms of expression and assembly," she told reporters in Washington."

What did the State Department expect after the military coup?
It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.
It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.

But Haniya might have joined up with the Muslim Brotherhood here in the U.S. and that is why she is against General Al-Sisi. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case for many converts.
It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.

Yes, democratic elections are a drag, so if they don't go your way staging coups and placing a military dictator in charge is the solution. And, 5 years of jail is fair, for not adhering to laws against free speech.

It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.

But Haniya might have joined up with the Muslim Brotherhood here in the U.S. and that is why she is against General Al-Sisi. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case for many converts.

I am against military dictators in general. Your friends ISIS in Syria captured close to 100 Christians, mostly women and children, gloating about your heroes fighting against that evil secularist Assad?.
It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.

But Haniya might have joined up with the Muslim Brotherhood here in the U.S. and that is why she is against General Al-Sisi. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case for many converts.

I am against military dictators in general. Your friends ISIS in Syria captured close to 100 Christians, mostly women and children, gloating about your heroes fighting against that evil secularist Assad?.

The Sissi dictatorship is backed by USrael, his role is to persecute the pro democracy militants whatever they are islamists or nationalists.

In Syria the regime formed ISIS to subvert the opposition.
According to the Guardian and Telegraph newspaper the government of Morsi was the only democratic government in the history of Egypt.
It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.

But Haniya might have joined up with the Muslim Brotherhood here in the U.S. and that is why she is against General Al-Sisi. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case for many converts.

I am against military dictators in general. Your friends ISIS in Syria captured close to 100 Christians, mostly women and children, gloating about your heroes fighting against that evil secularist Assad?.

You're such a fake, Haniya. You have crept over to this forum, after you have started each day typing like a maniac on another forum as a creature from some lagoon would, and are attempting to make the readers believe you are a "good Christian." Where were you when the people in the Muslim Brotherhood were murdering the Copts in Egypt? Hiding under your burqa? There are people here in the U.S. who do belong to the Muslim Brotherhood, and I wouldn't be surprised if you were a member. You can come back with some more nonsense, but I think you have lost a lot of credibility with many of the readers. No fair and balanced poster types the day away unless they have an agenda.
It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.

But Haniya might have joined up with the Muslim Brotherhood here in the U.S. and that is why she is against General Al-Sisi. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case for many converts.

I am against military dictators in general. Your friends ISIS in Syria captured close to 100 Christians, mostly women and children, gloating about your heroes fighting against that evil secularist Assad?.

The Sissi dictatorship is backed by USrael, his role is to persecute the pro democracy militants whatever they are islamists or nationalists.

In Syria the regime formed ISIS to subvert the opposition.
According to the Guardian and Telegraph newspaper the government of Morsi was the only democratic government in the history of Egypt.

Mohammed Freeman is actually telling us that the "pro-Democracy" group, the Muslim Brotherhood under Morsi, actually cared about the Egyptian citizens like the Copts. I don't think actual pro-Democracy groups go around murdering people because of their religious beliefs.
It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.

But Haniya might have joined up with the Muslim Brotherhood here in the U.S. and that is why she is against General Al-Sisi. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case for many converts.
It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.

Yes, democratic elections are a drag, so if they don't go your way staging coups and placing a military dictator in charge is the solution. And, 5 years of jail is fair, for not adhering to laws against free speech.


Don't hand me bullshit. As soon as Morsi became President he set about seizing power for himself and the Muslim Brotherhood only.

There wasn't a democratic bone in the man's body nor the MB's. This is on record.

He moved fast to become a dictator.

"As president, Morsi granted himself unlimited powers and the power to legislate without judicial oversight or review of his acts, stating that he would protect the nation from the Mubarak-era power structure, which he called "remnants of the old regime" (Arabic: فلول‎, ALA-LC: fulūl)

In late November, he issued an Islamist-backed draft constitution and called for a referendum, an act that his opponents called an "Islamist coup".

These issues, along with complaints of prosecutions of journalists and attacks on nonviolent demonstrators, brought hundreds of thousands of protesters to the streets in the 2012 Egyptian protests."

Mohamed Morsi - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
This is the straw that in many people's minds broke the proverbial camel's back though. Thank heavens the Egyptian people came to their senses and realized what a dangerous man Morsi was.

His heart so dark and evil that he could appoint a Governor who was responsible for a terror attack on innocent tourists.

The bastard who ordered the killing of innocents at Luxor Adel el - Kayat.

Morsi that son of a bitch was appointing him Governor.
It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.
You don't like elections do you?
The secular pro-democracy leaders helped overthrow the first democratically elected government in Egypt's history and welcomed the military coup and the return to military rule. Now the the military are going after them.

"Egyptian Court Sentences Activist to 5 Years in Prison"

"State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the United States was "deeply troubled by the new harsh sentences."

"These sentences and others under the (demonstrations) law have had a chilling effect on key freedoms of expression and assembly," she told reporters in Washington."

What did the State Department expect after the military coup?

But wait, weren't you, THE SCUMBAG, who claimed Assad protects Christians, and since he protects Christians, you don't care if he's killed over 200,000 of his own people in order to hold on to his illegitimate power? Yet here we have a great Egyptian leader who defends Christians from Islamist animals, and hasn't killed tens of thousands of his own people, you attack him.

Oh, I forgot, Assad is an enemy of the Jews, and you're just an imposter Muslim, posing as a Christian.
Last edited:
It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.
You don't like elections do you?

What part of after the elections Morsi moved to give himself dictatorial powers did you freaking miss?

This is documented Moonglow. Not bullshit. Not propaganda. The fucking asshole was making himself King.

He went for it right away. And Egyptians turned against him.

"Egyptian opposition groups are calling for mass protests amid mounting anger at President Mohamed Morsi's surprise decision to give himself, and the Islamist-dominated assembly writing Egypt's new constitution, extraordinary new powers."

Morsi power grab angers Egypt opposition groups World news The Guardian
It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.

But Haniya might have joined up with the Muslim Brotherhood here in the U.S. and that is why she is against General Al-Sisi. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case for many converts.

I am against military dictators in general. Your friends ISIS in Syria captured close to 100 Christians, mostly women and children, gloating about your heroes fighting against that evil secularist Assad?.

The Sissi dictatorship is backed by USrael, his role is to persecute the pro democracy militants whatever they are islamists or nationalists.

In Syria the regime formed ISIS to subvert the opposition.
According to the Guardian and Telegraph newspaper the government of Morsi was the only democratic government in the history of Egypt.

Mohammed Freeman is actually telling us that the "pro-Democracy" group, the Muslim Brotherhood under Morsi, actually cared about the Egyptian citizens like the Copts. I don't think actual pro-Democracy groups go around murdering people because of their religious beliefs.
Morsi government didn't ban Christmas tree nor burned churches nor expelled Christians like your zionazi state.
It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.

But Haniya might have joined up with the Muslim Brotherhood here in the U.S. and that is why she is against General Al-Sisi. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case for many converts.

I am against military dictators in general. Your friends ISIS in Syria captured close to 100 Christians, mostly women and children, gloating about your heroes fighting against that evil secularist Assad?.

The Sissi dictatorship is backed by USrael, his role is to persecute the pro democracy militants whatever they are islamists or nationalists.

In Syria the regime formed ISIS to subvert the opposition.
According to the Guardian and Telegraph newspaper the government of Morsi was the only democratic government in the history of Egypt.

Mohammed Freeman is actually telling us that the "pro-Democracy" group, the Muslim Brotherhood under Morsi, actually cared about the Egyptian citizens like the Copts. I don't think actual pro-Democracy groups go around murdering people because of their religious beliefs.
Morsi government didn't ban Christmas tree nor burned churches nor expelled Christians like your zionazi state.

Mohammad FREAKman, did you vomit garbage on the board again? Since when did Islamists treat Christians properly? The persecution of Christians in Morsi s Egypt is now serious. So will Obama use his billion dollar subsidy in their defence Don t hold your breath

Obama’s personal history may explain why

I open by drawing your attention to the shocking story (one among an increasing number of examples of the growing oppression of Coptic Christians under Egypt’s brand-new Islamist dictatorship) of Nadia Mohamed Ali, who was brought up as a Christian, and converted to Islam when she married a Muslim, 23 years ago. He later died, and his widow decided to return to her Christian faith, together with her children. She registered as such under the Mubarak regime, and applied for and received new identity cards containing this information, between 2004 and 2006. When her re-conversion to her old faith emerged under the Morsi regime, Nadia was sentenced to fifteen years in prison: so too were her seven children; even the clerks who processed the identity cards were imprisoned.

In the article where you may read about this (link above), Benjamin Weinthal draws attention to an interesting question, posed by one Jordan Sekulow, who runs something called the American Center for Law and Justice. “Now that Sharia law has become an integral part of Egypt’s new constitution, Christians in that country are at greater risk than ever,” comments Sekulow of the imprisonment of Nadia Mohamed Ali and her children. “This is another tragic case that underscores the growing problem of religious intolerance in the Muslim world. To impose a prison sentence for a family because of their Christian faith sadly reveals the true agenda of this new government: Egypt has no respect for international law or religious liberty.”

All, I fear, increasingly evident, as Morsi’s real agenda unfolds before the Western world’s horrified gaze, causing many to wonder if Egypt really wasn’t a lot better off under the tender mercies of Hosni Mubarak. Morsi has refused to take any action against the rising violence against the Copts (10 per cent, don’t forget, of Egypt’s population). In August, the Christian community in a place called Dahshour (some 100 families) was forced to flee after their Muslim neighbours violently attacked their homes and property. Morsi simply said, when asked, that their expulsion and the violence against them had been “blown out of proportion”. He has done nothing to contain the violence encouraged by radical Salafi preachers – who have of course formed an alliance with Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood – who called for Muslims to “shun” Christians during Christmas: not, we may be sure, a simple matter of ignoring them.
It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.

But Haniya might have joined up with the Muslim Brotherhood here in the U.S. and that is why she is against General Al-Sisi. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case for many converts.

I am against military dictators in general. Your friends ISIS in Syria captured close to 100 Christians, mostly women and children, gloating about your heroes fighting against that evil secularist Assad?.

The Sissi dictatorship is backed by USrael, his role is to persecute the pro democracy militants whatever they are islamists or nationalists.

In Syria the regime formed ISIS to subvert the opposition.
According to the Guardian and Telegraph newspaper the government of Morsi was the only democratic government in the history of Egypt.

Mohammed Freeman is actually telling us that the "pro-Democracy" group, the Muslim Brotherhood under Morsi, actually cared about the Egyptian citizens like the Copts. I don't think actual pro-Democracy groups go around murdering people because of their religious beliefs.
Morsi government didn't ban Christmas tree nor burned churches nor expelled Christians like your zionazi state.

Mohammed Freeman, why not visit Israel and see all the Christmas trees in the malls? It is Saudi Arabia where people can't even put a wreath on their door or buy Christmas cards. Muslims like Mohammed here are really a joke. While his own brethren are so busy killing Christians, he felt he had to drag in Israel. Why not check out, Mohammed, what happened to the Christian Copts under Morsi when they were leaving their church after Christmas services?
It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.

But Haniya might have joined up with the Muslim Brotherhood here in the U.S. and that is why she is against General Al-Sisi. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case for many converts.

I am against military dictators in general. Your friends ISIS in Syria captured close to 100 Christians, mostly women and children, gloating about your heroes fighting against that evil secularist Assad?.

The Sissi dictatorship is backed by USrael, his role is to persecute the pro democracy militants whatever they are islamists or nationalists.

In Syria the regime formed ISIS to subvert the opposition.
According to the Guardian and Telegraph newspaper the government of Morsi was the only democratic government in the history of Egypt.
al Sisi is no USreal, as you say, ally. The U.S. got upset when al Sisi came to power so they cut off the delivery of 4 F-16s. So al Sisi bought 24 Rafale fighter jets. al Sisi is also with working with Russia to trade oil off the U.S. dollar. Also much to the U.S.'s dislike I am sure, Egypt signed a $3 billion check to Russia for attack helicopters and MiG-29s and stuff.

al Sisi might be fighting ISIS and have a long history with the U.S. but he is no friend of Washington's.

France sells 24 Rafale fighter jets to Sisi dictatorship in Egypt - World Socialist Web Site
Losing Egypt Putin exploits Obama s slaps at US ally New York Post
The secular pro-democracy leaders helped overthrow the first democratically elected government in Egypt's history and welcomed the military coup and the return to military rule. Now the the military are going after them.

"Egyptian Court Sentences Activist to 5 Years in Prison"

"State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the United States was "deeply troubled by the new harsh sentences."

"These sentences and others under the (demonstrations) law have had a chilling effect on key freedoms of expression and assembly," she told reporters in Washington."

What did the State Department expect after the military coup?


But wait, weren't you, THE SCUMBAG, who claimed Assad protects Christians, and since he protects Christians, you don't care if he's killed over 200,000 of his own people in order to hold on to his illegitimate power? Yet here we have a great Egyptian leader who defends Christians from Islamist animals, and hasn't killed tens of thousands of his own people, you attack him.

Oh, I forgot, Assad is an enemy of the Jews, and you're just an imposter Muslim, posing as a Christian.

The Syrian Government is secular and defends minorities, including Christians. Christians are part of the Syrian armed forces, particularly in the officer corps, and Christian militias are allied with the Government. I don't know what the military dictator of Egypt has to do with Syria.

Yes, I attack military dictators especially after Egypt had their first democratic elections, because it means that Egypt will be under military dictatorship again for the long term.
The secular pro-democracy leaders helped overthrow the first democratically elected government in Egypt's history and welcomed the military coup and the return to military rule. Now the the military are going after them.

"Egyptian Court Sentences Activist to 5 Years in Prison"

"State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the United States was "deeply troubled by the new harsh sentences."

"These sentences and others under the (demonstrations) law have had a chilling effect on key freedoms of expression and assembly," she told reporters in Washington."

What did the State Department expect after the military coup?


But wait, weren't you, THE SCUMBAG, who claimed Assad protects Christians, and since he protects Christians, you don't care if he's killed over 200,000 of his own people in order to hold on to his illegitimate power? Yet here we have a great Egyptian leader who defends Christians from Islamist animals, and hasn't killed tens of thousands of his own people, you attack him.

Oh, I forgot, Assad is an enemy of the Jews, and you're just an imposter Muslim, posing as a Christian.

The Syrian Government is secular and defends minorities, including Christians. Christians are part of the Syrian armed forces, particularly in the officer corps, and Christian militias are allied with the Government. I don't know what the military dictator of Egypt has to do with Syria.

Yes, I attack military dictators especially after Egypt had their first democratic elections, because it means that Egypt will be under military dictatorship again for the long term.

And you think SYRIA isn't a military dictator? Ha ha ha. How did Assad become ruler? His father the Hafez Assad the butcher was ruler, and when he died his son took over, thats how. And Bashar has now murdered over 200,000 of his own people, exceeding the savagery his father committed, by far.

And Egypt has not done any of that.

But, we know that the only reason you hate Egypt is because they are against Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and at peace with Israel. So who cares if Syria's Bashar Assad is slaughtering 200,000 of his people? He's an enemy of Israel, and that's all that counts as far as you're concerned.

You are pure SCUM.
It was a retrial. He received a reduced sentence. From 15 years down to 5 years.

He should be a happy camper with the reduced sentence. This was no Arab Spring. That was all bullshit to hand Egypt over to the MB.

Now the AJ reporters are in deep shit because they had been stirring the pot for Qatar's leaders who backed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. AJ has just been a mouthpiece for Qatar for forever.

I realize that maniacs like John McCain attempted to convince the west that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization but only the dumbest fucks on the planet could buy into that pile of shit.


P.S. Your own link blows away your OP. You really should read what you link to.

Yes, democratic elections are a drag, so if they don't go your way staging coups and placing a military dictator in charge is the solution. And, 5 years of jail is fair, for not adhering to laws against free speech.


So when will your lovechilds the palestinians get a chance to hold one, mind you they could have always done the usual Islamic trick of just executing them without trial like the last "democratically elected " Egyptian government did

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