Article "Too Blessed to be Stressed" on Christianity causing instead of curing mental illness


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
The saddest part about this viewpoint is that the spiritual healing taught in Christianity has been used to CURE depression, suicidal obsession, schizophrenia, manic-depression, cycles of addiction and abuse etc.

So sad this is pushed as religion to make people crazy "by keeping or valuing a false state of denial or rejection" when it actually holds the cure to mental physical and social ills when shared in the spirit of forgiveness that brings healing and restores mind body and relationships.

Too Blessed To Be Stressed? How Christianity Is Harmful To Those With Mental Illness

This sounds like reacting to OTHER people's religion, and not about the spiritual healing process itself that Christian prayers and teachings facilitate. Spiritual healing, as taught and provided by Christians gifted in this knowledge of the healing power of forgiveness and how to share it with people of all faiths, is free natural and completely voluntary and consistent with science and medicine with NO ill effects, risks of harm, or unnatural requirements depriving or coercing anyone. I am guessing the author was put upon and put off by religion, which totally missed and defeats the real meaning message and process that Christianity offers which is healing to restore mind body spirit and relations to natural harmony as the default state we were designed to live in. for medical research in spiritual healing as natural and consistent with science see books and resources listed at freespiritualhealing
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Here's the script:

I think Christianity is best explained and taught by people who've actually applied it universally
to heal people's sickness and relationships, turning anger or division (even criminal addiction and abuse) into restoring harmony and peace and normal health and relationships.

I'd rather an accomplished musician teach me what it means to play piano or flute correctly as designed.

Not someone who blasts on a trumpet and bangs on the piano to prove that music is stupid and has nothing to offer.
What I look for are qualities. Does the person who practice the religion have positive in evidence, or are they using it to club others with negativity and judging?
With so many fake Christians who claim the title as an excuse for their hatred of anyone not exactly like them, it's easy to see the damage that is done by that style of "Christianity". Political hacks and TV preachers who preach hateful and political dogma instead of the loving and forgiving religion that Christianity really is have bastardized a truly great religion.
The saddest part about this viewpoint is that the spiritual healing taught in Christianity has been used to CURE depression, suicidal obsession, schizophrenia, manic-depression, cycles of addiction and abuse etc.

So sad this is pushed as religion to make people crazy "by keeping or valuing a false state of denial or rejection" when it actually holds the cure to mental physical and social ills when shared in the spirit of forgiveness that brings healing and restores mind body and relationships.

Too Blessed To Be Stressed? How Christianity Is Harmful To Those With Mental Illness

This sounds like reacting to OTHER people's religion, and not about the spiritual healing process itself that Christian prayers and teachings facilitate. Spiritual healing, as taught and provided by Christians gifted in this knowledge of the healing power of forgiveness and how to share it with people of all faiths, is free natural and completely voluntary and consistent with science and medicine with NO ill effects, risks of harm, or unnatural requirements depriving or coercing anyone. I am guessing the author was put upon and put off by religion, which totally missed and defeats the real meaning message and process that Christianity offers which is healing to restore mind body spirit and relations to natural harmony as the default state we were designed to live in. for medical research in spiritual healing as natural and consistent with science see books and resources listed at freespiritualhealing

Hi emily,

The first paragraph seems to suggest that Christians don't suffer from mental illness (because Christianity "cures" mental illness.) Was that what you are suggesting because I am confident that there are Christians with mental illness.

Actually Jesus & the Apostles had to call evil spirits out of people. It wasn't just that the people believed. They believed and Jesus & the Apostles called the unclean spirits out.

I don't click on all links.

Nice posting to you,
The saddest part about this viewpoint is that the spiritual healing taught in Christianity has been used to CURE depression, suicidal obsession, schizophrenia, manic-depression, cycles of addiction and abuse etc.

So sad this is pushed as religion to make people crazy "by keeping or valuing a false state of denial or rejection" when it actually holds the cure to mental physical and social ills when shared in the spirit of forgiveness that brings healing and restores mind body and relationships.

Too Blessed To Be Stressed? How Christianity Is Harmful To Those With Mental Illness

This sounds like reacting to OTHER people's religion, and not about the spiritual healing process itself that Christian prayers and teachings facilitate. Spiritual healing, as taught and provided by Christians gifted in this knowledge of the healing power of forgiveness and how to share it with people of all faiths, is free natural and completely voluntary and consistent with science and medicine with NO ill effects, risks of harm, or unnatural requirements depriving or coercing anyone. I am guessing the author was put upon and put off by religion, which totally missed and defeats the real meaning message and process that Christianity offers which is healing to restore mind body spirit and relations to natural harmony as the default state we were designed to live in. for medical research in spiritual healing as natural and consistent with science see books and resources listed at freespiritualhealing

Hi emily,

The first paragraph seems to suggest that Christians don't suffer from mental illness (because Christianity "cures" mental illness.) Was that what you are suggesting because I am confident that there are Christians with mental illness.

Actually Jesus & the Apostles had to call evil spirits out of people. It wasn't just that the people believed. They believed and Jesus & the Apostles called the unclean spirits out.

I don't click on all links.

Nice posting to you,

The saddest part about this viewpoint is that the spiritual healing taught in Christianity has been used to CURE depression, suicidal obsession, schizophrenia, manic-depression, cycles of addiction and abuse etc.

So sad this is pushed as religion to make people crazy "by keeping or valuing a false state of denial or rejection" when it actually holds the cure to mental physical and social ills when shared in the spirit of forgiveness that brings healing and restores mind body and relationships.

Too Blessed To Be Stressed? How Christianity Is Harmful To Those With Mental Illness

This sounds like reacting to OTHER people's religion, and not about the spiritual healing process itself that Christian prayers and teachings facilitate. Spiritual healing, as taught and provided by Christians gifted in this knowledge of the healing power of forgiveness and how to share it with people of all faiths, is free natural and completely voluntary and consistent with science and medicine with NO ill effects, risks of harm, or unnatural requirements depriving or coercing anyone. I am guessing the author was put upon and put off by religion, which totally missed and defeats the real meaning message and process that Christianity offers which is healing to restore mind body spirit and relations to natural harmony as the default state we were designed to live in. for medical research in spiritual healing as natural and consistent with science see books and resources listed at freespiritualhealing

Hi emily,

The first paragraph seems to suggest that Christians don't suffer from mental illness (because Christianity "cures" mental illness.) Was that what you are suggesting because I am confident that there are Christians with mental illness.

Actually Jesus & the Apostles had to call evil spirits out of people. It wasn't just that the people believed. They believed and Jesus & the Apostles called the unclean spirits out.

I don't click on all links.

Nice posting to you,

Hi John GiveMeATicketToWork : The most helpful explanation I have read and comprehensive overview of that issue
is covered in Francis MacNutt's book on HEALING. He lists twelve reasons why healing may not happen, where some issues can be resolved and some remain unknown.

It seems one of the higher purposes of all this is to let go and quit dictating or judging
WHICH case applies to which. some cases are a matter of finding the unresolved issue,
praying to heal or remove that, and voila the healing takes place and health and harmony are restored,
sometimes instantaneously or sometimes as part of a longer process that entails of lot of other steps along the way.

Some cases it is true that people haven't fully forgiven or let go or repented of something negative from the past,
and that's why negative issues or blockages continue and healing isn't complete yet. But that's no reason to judge someone,
which doesn't help solve the problem any faster. Usually it's the opposite, by letting go of judgment and forgiving all things
associated, this opens the channels to understanding and resolving the root of the problem.

I think what MacNutt addresses better than anything is why it is harmful to project conditions,
to judge the person saying their faith is not strong enough or they haven't repented and "that's why they aren't healed."

The issue of faith that is important is the faith to ask help with forgiveness and healing,
and that is always answered, even though the RESULTS may not be what we expect, that is no reason to judge someone since we don't control the outcome.
What we can control is that we did let go and did ask for help instead of not having faith or losing faith by giving up and "blaming someone or something"
instead of forgiving and letting go and trusting that's enough to allow the process to move forward regardless of the timing.

I think he does a good job of explaining that not all sickness is redemptive
where some people think they are "supposed to sacrifice" and suffer persecution and accept that is God's will,
or thinking it is selfish and manipulative or demonic to try to change things as if rejecting God's will.

Overall the point is that each case may be different.

Some people may go through a process that involves not finding a cure or help right away, or ever,
and this compels certain things to take place that are the higher purpose.

I find in most cases the point is to identify what is the unforgiven or unresolved conflict that is blocking healing, so by trial and error,
when the specific cause or memory is resolved then the blockage be removed and healing energy will be restored and flow through.
Other cases, it is just God's will why some ills are used for higher purposes and we may not understand at the time (for example, one of my friends who helps people with
spiritual healing prayed with an entire family, but the young girl with cancer still died; in the end, the family realized that her
sickness compelled them to come together, and pray for forgiveness and healing among them as a family, so because of
the little girl who died anyway the rest of the family found salvation and healing grace, so her situation was used as a catalyst for them.
when I see cases in the news of innocent bystanders killed by shooters or drunk drivers, etc. my understanding is that this compels
greater society to step in and try to do more to PREVENT those incidents; if people with problems only killed themselves, we'd call justice
done and wouldn't try to stop the abusive or addictive behavior, but if innocent people didn't deserve to die, then we feel compelled to change
things and intervene sooner so that one person's problem doesn't become someone else's problem if it isn't solved but left unchecked.)

Since we can't judge each and every case, of why what is happening or what isn't, it seems
clear to me the higher process is for us to let go of judgment and quit trying to outguess which and why.

When we forgive and accept unconditionally, then we can solve the issues we CAN do something about
even though we may never understand or control the other factors.
(like the Serenity prayer on learning the difference between what we can and cannot change, by first forgiving and letting go of preconceived notions and expectations)

At least we can handle the part that is within our control, such as asking for help with forgiveness and healing, even if we do not control the outcome. When we agree to recive "unconditionally' and quit trying to dictate conditions, you'd be amazed how much smoother the process goes. (like not fighting it, but going with the natural flow and trusting that life is heading for better things)

As long as we commit and ask for help to change ourselves to be more prepared to be more understanding and less fearful,
that's the most we can do, and God's will controls the rest. There are higher laws of cause and effect going on.

If you are interested, will try to find and/or post MacNutt's Twelve Reasons why healing may not take place.

I thought of suggesting a thirteenth reason, that as long as people and whole GROUPS are segregated from each other by class or labels,
if we block ourselves spiritually and mentally from being more fully integrated as one society collectively,
then this "weakens some of the circuitry" and connections, and the prayers and "flow of resources" can get deflected or blocked, the energy does not flow smoothly,
and so the information and physical resources aren't either.

Like bad circulation, there can be too much in some areas, and too little elsewhere.
As we become more unified and connected in our awareness in conscious agreement,
plans will be more united and enforcement/execution more effective.

I think he did list some reason like that, but I would be more specific and say that more directly.

I'm sorry if I didn't say or explain as well as he does in his book.
He basically says it is wrong to teach that "all sickness and suffering" is sinful
and a sign that people are flawed and haven't repented or they'd be healed.
He denounces the faith healing that imposes conditions on healing and faith and take it the opposite direction that defeats the purpose and process.
The real healing takes place by letting go and giving up imposing our own fear based conditions and dictates/demands on what we want to happen
trying to control it.

So while he explains some suffering is redemptive, in most cases the causes can be identified and healed,
he does not go around making judgments or conditions based on that.

Until we learn to let go of judgment, these conditions will continue to manifest to give us
opportunity to learn from experience. As we grow to understand the greater process,
the more we "let go" forgive and quit imposing these judgments and conditions trying to control things out of ffear, the more
problems we will open up our minds to solve and the less these conditions will occur.

That's how I see the bigger process that is going on.
The more we forgive, the less we project judgment fear and control,
the more healing blessings and insights into solutions we receive on a collective level beyond our individual will.
It takes letting go first, the hardest thing for humans to do, to forgive and quit trying to dictate and project what we think on everything around us.
Before we can see why things are really happening and what we can do to correct and improve in the future.
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Hi John GiveMeATicketToWork : The most helpful explanation I have read and comprehensive overview of that issue
is covered in Francis MacNutt's book on HEALING. He lists twelve reasons why healing may not happen, where some issues can be resolved and some remain unknown.

It seems one of the higher purposes of all this is to let go and quit dictating or judging
WHICH case applies to which. some cases are a matter of finding the unresolved issue,
praying to heal or remove that, and voila the healing takes place and health and harmony are restored,
sometimes instantaneously or sometimes as part of a longer process that entails of lot of other steps along the way.

Some cases it is true that people haven't fully forgiven or let go or repented of something negative from the past,
and that's why negative issues or blockages continue and healing isn't complete yet. But that's no reason to judge someone,
which doesn't help solve the problem any faster. Usually it's the opposite, by letting go of judgment and forgiving all things
associated, this opens the channels to understanding and resolving the root of the problem.

I think what MacNutt addresses better than anything is why it is harmful to project conditions,
to judge the person saying their faith is not strong enough or they haven't repented and "that's why they aren't healed."

The issue of faith that is important is the faith to ask help with forgiveness and healing,
and that is always answered, even though the RESULTS may not be what we expect, that is no reason to judge someone since we don't control the outcome.
What we can control is that we did let go and did ask for help instead of not having faith or losing faith by giving up and "blaming someone or something"
instead of forgiving and letting go and trusting that's enough to allow the process to move forward regardless of the timing.

I think he does a good job of explaining that not all sickness is redemptive
where some people think they are "supposed to sacrifice" and suffer persecution and accept that is God's will,
or thinking it is selfish and manipulative or demonic to try to change things as if rejecting God's will.

Overall the point is that each case may be different.

Some people may go through a process that involves not finding a cure or help right away, or ever,
and this compels certain things to take place that are the higher purpose.

I find in most cases the point is to identify what is the unforgiven or unresolved conflict that is blocking healing, so by trial and error,
when the specific cause or memory is resolved then the blockage be removed and healing energy will be restored and flow through.
Other cases, it is just God's will why some ills are used for higher purposes and we may not understand at the time (for example, one of my friends who helps people with
spiritual healing prayed with an entire family, but the young girl with cancer still died; in the end, the family realized that her
sickness compelled them to come together, and pray for forgiveness and healing among them as a family, so because of
the little girl who died anyway the rest of the family found salvation and healing grace, so her situation was used as a catalyst for them.
when I see cases in the news of innocent bystanders killed by shooters or drunk drivers, etc. my understanding is that this compels
greater society to step in and try to do more to PREVENT those incidents; if people with problems only killed themselves, we'd call justice
done and wouldn't try to stop the abusive or addictive behavior, but if innocent people didn't deserve to die, then we feel compelled to change
things and intervene sooner so that one person's problem doesn't become someone else's problem if it isn't solved but left unchecked.)

Since we can't judge each and every case, of why what is happening or what isn't, it seems
clear to me the higher process is for us to let go of judgment and quit trying to outguess which and why.

When we forgive and accept unconditionally, then we can solve the issues we CAN do something about
even though we may never understand or control the other factors.
(like the Serenity prayer on learning the difference between what we can and cannot change, by first forgiving and letting go of preconceived notions and expectations)

At least we can handle the part that is within our control, such as asking for help with forgiveness and healing, even if we do not control the outcome. When we agree to recive "unconditionally' and quit trying to dictate conditions, you'd be amazed how much smoother the process goes. (like not fighting it, but going with the natural flow and trusting that life is heading for better things)

As long as we commit and ask for help to change ourselves to be more prepared to be more understanding and less fearful,
that's the most we can do, and God's will controls the rest. There are higher laws of cause and effect going on.

If you are interested, will try to find and/or post MacNutt's Twelve Reasons why healing may not take place.

I thought of suggesting a thirteenth reason, that as long as people and whole GROUPS are segregated from each other by class or labels,
if we block ourselves spiritually and mentally from being more fully integrated as one society collectively,
then this "weakens some of the circuitry" and connections, and the prayers and "flow of resources" can get deflected or blocked, the energy does not flow smoothly,
and so the information and physical resources aren't either.

Like bad circulation, there can be too much in some areas, and too little elsewhere.
As we become more unified and connected in our awareness in conscious agreement,
plans will be more united and enforcement/execution more effective.

I think he did list some reason like that, but I would be more specific and say that more directly.

I'm sorry if I didn't say or explain as well as he does in his book.
He basically says it is wrong to teach that "all sickness and suffering" is sinful
and a sign that people are flawed and haven't repented or they'd be healed.
He denounces the faith healing that imposes conditions on healing and faith and take it the opposite direction that defeats the purpose and process.
The real healing takes place by letting go and giving up imposing our own fear based conditions and dictates/demands on what we want to happen
trying to control it.

So while he explains some suffering is redemptive, in most cases the causes can be identified and healed,
he does not go around making judgments or conditions based on that.

Until we learn to let go of judgment, these conditions will continue to manifest to give us
opportunity to learn from experience. As we grow to understand the greater process,
the more we "let go" forgive and quit imposing these judgments and conditions trying to control things out of ffear, the more
problems we will open up our minds to solve and the less these conditions will occur.

That's how I see the bigger process that is going on.
The more we forgive, the less we project judgment fear and control,
the more healing blessings and insights into solutions we receive on a collective level beyond our individual will.
It takes letting go first, the hardest thing for humans to do, to forgive and quit trying to dictate and project what we think on everything around us.
Before we can see why things are really happening and what we can do to correct and improve in the future.

Hi emily,

As you know race is or was a central issue in Judeo-Christianity with the Apostle Paul saying that the Gentiles are like a wild tree and that the Jews were not, and the Book of Revelation("s") saying that the 144,000 chosen were all from the tribes of Israel.

Can I ask your views on race, as they relate to your views about Christianity.

P.S.: I didn't read all of your above post.
Reading this board, its very obvious that "christians" are an unhappy lot. They're here preaching and screeching, copy/pasting, all of them saying they're the better christian and their god is the only god. Then, as Bulldog said, they use their belief as a club to keep others down.

Why do so many of them treat their religion like its a big pissing contest? Its always the same thing: "my god can beat up your god". Why don't they get any peace, serenity, security from all their mumbo jumbo?

And why do they hate everyone, including real Christians, who believe in and do good works that actually make the world a better place?
Reading this board, its very obvious that "christians" are an unhappy lot. They're here preaching and screeching, copy/pasting, all of them saying they're the better christian and their god is the only god. Then, as Bulldog said, they use their belief as a club to keep others down.

Why do so many of them treat their religion like its a big pissing contest? Its always the same thing: "my god can beat up your god". Why don't they get any peace, serenity, security from all their mumbo jumbo?

And why do they hate everyone, including real Christians, who believe in and do good works that actually make the world a better place?
Some Christians are happy and relatively easy going. I could point out a couple.
If Jesus saw what his followers were doing these days he'd crack up for sure.
The saddest part about this viewpoint is that the spiritual healing taught in Christianity has been used to CURE depression, suicidal obsession, schizophrenia, manic-depression, cycles of addiction and abuse etc.

So sad this is pushed as religion to make people crazy "by keeping or valuing a false state of denial or rejection" when it actually holds the cure to mental physical and social ills when shared in the spirit of forgiveness that brings healing and restores mind body and relationships.

Too Blessed To Be Stressed? How Christianity Is Harmful To Those With Mental Illness

This sounds like reacting to OTHER people's religion, and not about the spiritual healing process itself that Christian prayers and teachings facilitate. Spiritual healing, as taught and provided by Christians gifted in this knowledge of the healing power of forgiveness and how to share it with people of all faiths, is free natural and completely voluntary and consistent with science and medicine with NO ill effects, risks of harm, or unnatural requirements depriving or coercing anyone. I am guessing the author was put upon and put off by religion, which totally missed and defeats the real meaning message and process that Christianity offers which is healing to restore mind body spirit and relations to natural harmony as the default state we were designed to live in. for medical research in spiritual healing as natural and consistent with science see books and resources listed at freespiritualhealing
It really depends on the depth of your obsession..
They did not at the time think it was necessary to print in the forward a notice that all characters are fictional?
Paul the founder of christianity may have been mentally ill according to his story

The bright light sounds are for sure hallucinatory , possibly due to something like an ischemic stroke, or stress-related hallucination. This is his one big moment, not one of a long series, so if he wasn't mentally ill, but he could have been in a temporarily mentally ill state. The others "hearing the sound" doesn't necessarily confirm the experience, especially since they didn't see anyone, and presumably didn't see the bright light. One, he was a leader and who is going to say "No, boss, I didn't hear nuthin?" But also, it's possible for the person hearing the voice to believe others also heard it. And since his companions weren't the ones writing about this story, is it likely (assuming they were real persons of course) that they were the ones telling the story to whoever did write Acts? No, it's much more likely, that if Paul existed, and if he'd heard these things, and if he told others about them, that only his version of events was written down.

So... did Paul really hear Jesus talking to him on the Road to Damascus? Since he'd never actually met Jesus before the crucifixion, how would he know? He had only the voice's word for it, and disembodied voices just can't be trusted. So my verdict on Paul: hallucinations or possible a stroke
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Paul the founder of christianity may have been mentally ill according to his story

The bright light sounds are for sure hallucinatory , possibly due to something like an ischemic stroke, or stress-related hallucination. This is his one big moment, not one of a long series, so if he wasn't mentally ill, but he could have been in a temporarily mentally ill state. The others "hearing the sound" doesn't necessarily confirm the experience, especially since they didn't see anyone, and presumably didn't hear the bright light. One, he was a leader and who is going to say "No, boss, I didn't hear nuthin?" But also, it's possible for the person hearing the voice to believe others also heard it. And since his companions weren't the ones writing about this story, is it likely (assuming they were real persons of course) that they were the ones telling the story to whoever did write Acts? No, it's much more likely, that if Paul existed, and if he'd heard these things, and if he told others about them, that only his version of events was written down.

So... did Paul really hear Jesus talking to him on the Road to Damascus? Since he'd never actually met Jesus before the crucifixion, how would he know? He had only the voice's word for it, and disembodied voices just can't be trusted. So my verdict on Paul: hallucinations or possible a stroke
There was a favorite tree bark grog known to cause an acid high...

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