Army noticed women are different.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
In the 1990’s Canada noticed the same thing. And promptly went full stupid. They set aside millions of dollars to develop the Combat Bra for female soldiers. I wish I was making that up.

Now the Army (American) has developed Body Armor designed just for a woman. This Armor is supposedly lighter and just as good as the armor men get.

A while back I discovered some skit comedy vids on YouTube and Facebook. They covered this exact thing in Role Playing Games.

I wonder if this is what inspired the Army?
I'm pretty sure The Army noticed a long time ago.

I’ve located some early test video. As you can see the Armor is exceptionally good.

This is progress. Different body, different armor.

But the women still have to wear the crouch protector when they play baseball in the army.

In contrast, the Amazons of ancient Scythia went to war completely naked. This always mesmerized their enemies long enough that they could cut them all down, down to the last one standing.

So how about making all those armors see through?

Does Under Armor sell them?
And when are they going to let them grow long hair? Really hair shortening gives no strategic advantage at any battle field. Rambo had longer hair than what girl soldiers are allowed today.

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