Are Your Children safe on the School Bus


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
[ame=]YouTube - 7 year old girl raped on school bus by teenager[/ame]

Ohio Judges say keeping school children from getting raped on the bus is not the schools responsibilty,
Sounds pretty horrible.

Odd that we're not hearing the other side of the story though.

On it's face, that is to say as presented, this story really doesn't make any sense.

A kid is raped and the courts say it's no big deal?

I think we're not hearing the real story, here.
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Horrible but I agree we aren't getting the whole story. The shame here is that the "rapist" most likely won't be kicked out of school or off the bus. We had a situation where a bus driver was assaulted while driving - the kid's punishment? 10 day suspension with private tutor and his own private bus for the remainder of the year. True story. Thank the lawyers.
Bulllshit on the school, they are most certainly responsible. wtf -- why was that 7 year old placed on a van full of teenagers in the first place?
Bulllshit on the school, they are most certainly responsible. wtf -- why was that 7 year old placed on a van full of teenagers in the first place?


The school district hired the school bus company, did it not?

The school bus transportation company ought to be most on the hook, but certainly the school district should be a co-party in the lawsuit.
If these schools can have a zero tolerance policy for guns on school property - and can arrest and haul out 6 year olds in handcuffs for having a 2-inch GI Joe character with a 1/4" gun on school property - they can damned well protect children on the school buses. They might be "off school property" on a school bus, but the counties or cities in most cases own the school buses and should be held liable for student misconduct.

Unfortunately, in a world turned upside down, part of the problem is that people have been slowly sucked into believing that the more raunchy the behavior, the more acceptable the act. I think maybe we need to stop coddling the perpetrators and care more for victims.
Bulllshit on the school, they are most certainly responsible. wtf -- why was that 7 year old placed on a van full of teenagers in the first place?


The school district hired the school bus company, did it not?

The school bus transportation company ought to be most on the hook, but certainly the school district should be a co-party in the lawsuit.

My son (special needs) does a work-study 2 days a week and is transported to the job via Transnet. The school contracts with them. If I have a problem with anything I have to contact the school vs. Transnet directly. The school is responsible.

Not blaming the mother but . . . .why didn't she object to her kid being put on a van with emotionally disturbed teenagers . . .teenager boys to boot? I make sure I know who else is in the van and if not appropriate I holler and get it changed.

That poor little girl . . . .
Looks like the schools got the judges in their pockets.
If this was going on for 1.5 years and the driver did nothing, I'd say the school is responsible. But there is something seriously missing here. If it was bs (which it may well be) then they are not. According to the comments on the article, there was no evidence except a "confession" by an emotionally disturbed boy. Has he been convicted?
Schools can't be responsible for the actions of every single child, its just impossible. I'm pretty sure that if the bus driver was aware of a rape occurring he would of stopped it. The rapist is the one responsible.
last time something happen in my school bus i believe i was in middle shcool nothing bad like this but.

the driver gave plenty of kids whip lashes and they ask us questions and it was pretty much normal ride for me.

that sickings me i don't blame the school fully but i blame teh driver fully you need to know what rape looks like? really?

i am sorry but something in here is disturbing especially the Ohio courts are making me more sick.

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