Are you for the government regulating prices, wages and profits


Confront reality
Oct 25, 2016
Ok, show of hands here, who is for the government regulating prices, wages and profits? Don't be shy, speak right up. Beliefs not worth stating out loud in public are beliefs not worth having.
Ok, show of hands here, who is for the government regulating prices, wages and profits? Don't be shy, speak right up. Beliefs not worth stating out loud in public are beliefs not worth having.
Not me. That would be communism. Only an idiot would want the government to regulate prices, wages and profits.
Ok, show of hands here, who is for the government regulating prices, wages and profits? Don't be shy, speak right up. Beliefs not worth stating out loud in public are beliefs not worth having.
Wages yes because companies can't and won't do it themselves. Unfettered capitalism is just as bad as communism is.
Ok, show of hands here, who is for the government regulating prices, wages and profits? Don't be shy, speak right up. Beliefs not worth stating out loud in public are beliefs not worth having.
Wages yes because companies can't and won't do it themselves. Unfettered capitalism is just as bad as communism is.
No. It isn't, but I am marking you down as a communist wanna be.
And by that you mean collusion or free market principles which states that the wage will rise to what the market will bear and the talent deserves.

Not always.

Markets often collectively suppress wages.
Ok, show of hands here, who is for the government regulating prices, wages and profits? Don't be shy, speak right up. Beliefs not worth stating out loud in public are beliefs not worth having.
Wages yes because companies can't and won't do it themselves. Unfettered capitalism is just as bad as communism is.
He's trying to crash the Trump train!:mad:
Ok, show of hands here, who is for the government regulating prices, wages and profits? Don't be shy, speak right up. Beliefs not worth stating out loud in public are beliefs not worth having.
Wages yes because companies can't and won't do it themselves. Unfettered capitalism is just as bad as communism is.
No. It isn't, but I am marking you down as a communist wanna be.
I don't give a shit cupcake. Libertardians such as yourself have no place in civilized society. Somalia sounds right up your ally though. PEACE!
Yes. I support fair trade.

What do you think a tariff is?
That's a hoot. It is not price setting that's for sure. So what about the other two?
It's regulation. All three are regulated in Australia. Sometimes too much, sometimes not enough. It's not communism at all and it was done before Marx ever shat.
Well... technically it is a tariff on an import, right? Domestic products wouldn't be affected, right?
Ok, show of hands here, who is for the government regulating prices, wages and profits? Don't be shy, speak right up. Beliefs not worth stating out loud in public are beliefs not worth having.
Wages yes because companies can't and won't do it themselves. Unfettered capitalism is just as bad as communism is.
He's trying to crash the Trump train!:mad:
I know. Its no surprise he is probably a paid troll in the Cruz/Tea Party/Libertardian fashion....scum that should be erased from history right along with the neo cons,democrats and establishment republicans.

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