Are Trump Dumpers Connected To Illegal Immigration ???


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
We've been hearing a lot lately about the businesses that are sitting up on their high horses, and acting like they have some greater moral standing than Donald Trump, and are disassociating themselves from him. OK. Here's the question. Are these Trump dumpers connected To illegal immigration ? Are they vested interests, somehow benefitting from the influx of illegal aliens ?

As every one of these pious pouters mouths off, the Dept of Homeland Security (and/or private investigators) should investigate them, for illegal connections to illegal immigration. What makes them oh so interested in Trump's expose' of the reality of illegal immigration ?

Well just to help out the DHS et al concerned parties, here's a List of typical VESTED INTERESTS who gain somehow from illegal alien presence in the United States >>

1. Spanish media needing Spanish-only speakers (ex. Univision, which Jorge Ramos, a top Trump critic, is a news anchor for).

2. Businesses wanting cheap labor to boost their profits.

3. Churches wanting parishoners to fill their empty pews.

4. Unions wanting members to replace their declining memberships.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations wanting immigrants to multiply their race, for racist reasons (ex. La Raza- "the race")

6. Democrats seek VOTES (and get them).

7. Terrorists come in to enact terrorism (ex. the 9-11 hijackers came in on visas)

8. Anchor baby parents who become LEGALLY entitled to welfare benefits by having the pregnant woman give birth on the American side of the border. And then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits (more immigrants are receiving welfare benefits than native-born Americans).

9. Mexico - remittances$$$ from the USA are their second largest source of income (second only to their oil exports) Mexico also benefits immensely by dumping their poor people on the US, as we then stupidly pay their poverty bill for them. Other countries also benefit from remittances and poverty dumping.

10. Mexico's reconquista of the American southwest. I take the Mexican govt at it's word when it says that is exactly its plan.
Trump: Making 'America Great Again' Is 'More Important to Me Than My Company'

Fox News ^ | July 7 2015

Donald Trump went "On The Record" tonight, where he reacted to ESPN and NASCAR cutting ties with him over his controversial remarks. "It's unbelievable," Trump told Greta Van Susteren. "One was a banquet and one was a golf outing ... The whole thing is crazy." Trump remarked that "they'll both be back next year as soon as things blow over." "Why are they coming at me? Because I'm against illegal immigration," Trump stated. "I speak up for the country ... I'm totally opposed to it ... Frankly, people have given me great credit for talking about it. I brought a...
11, One of Hillary Clinton's FORMER jobs was an attorney for Don Tyson of Tyson foods. She defended him in a law suit where he was accused of and found guilty of hiring and mistreating ILLEGALS.

She has a long standing and vested interest protecting Illegals for Tyson industry.
"Are Trump Dumpers Connected To Illegal Immigration ???"

No, they're connected to facts and the truth.

It's a fact that Trump is a racist and bigot, it's the truth that the ignorance and hate he seeks to propagate is a lie.
"Are Trump Dumpers Connected To Illegal Immigration ???"

No, they're connected to facts and the truth.

It's a fact that Trump is a racist and bigot, it's the truth that the ignorance and hate he seeks to propagate is a lie.
Trump used the word ILLEGALS and that IS what they are by LAW.
Democrats used the word Mexican. That makes Democrats the bigots.
But it is not a lie, Clayton. We have immigration laws for a reason. Wanting to continue to enforce them has nothing to do with racism.
If it were Canadians flooding our borders and competing for our jobs, being given tax breaks on taxes they never even paid, and becoming a voting block for anyone willing to allow the process, Trump would still feel the way he does, because he is America first, not everyone but America first.

So, do you think that a man who committed 7 felonies, was deported 5 times, who was hiding in plain site because he has sanctuary, then murders someone, is Mexico's finest? If not, then Trump was right.
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"Are Trump Dumpers Connected To Illegal Immigration ???"

No, they're connected to facts and the truth.

It's a fact that Trump is a racist and bigot, it's the truth that the ignorance and hate he seeks to propagate is a lie.
HA HA HA. You are precious to this forum to always give us some good laughs. :laugh:

EARTH TO CCJ: Univision is a Spanish TV station. They depend upon a Spanish-only population to broadcast to American Hispanics (like myself) who may speak Spanish, as I do, but we also speak perfect English. As such, we don't watch Univision, because it's programming is a joke, inferior to English language shows. They can get away with that, because the Spanish-only viewers have no choice.

So why would Univision NEED illegal aliens then ? Well, there is virtually no legal immigration taking place from Mexico (something about quota laws). The only immigration to the US of Spanish-only speakers is from Mexico, and these people learn English within 2 years, and they then gravitate away from Univision, to the better (English) channels. Thus, Univision depends upon illegal immigration from Mexico, to sustain itself. It HAS TO HAVE illegals coming across the border.

As for the other dumpers ? Let's take PGA for an example. Hey PGA! How many illegals do you have cutting your gold course grasses, and pruning your bushes ? They might fit # 2 of the list above (2. Businesses wanting cheap labor to boost their profits). :biggrin:

PS - hate card went out 21 years ago with the OJ Simpson trial. Didn't get the memo ?
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