Are teachers' unions really that dumb?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Teacher unions continue to resist the reopening of schools because there is no incentive to hasten the return to in-person instruction.
These leaders are evidently not very smart because their opposition to opening schools is a way to destroy their organizations and they don't understand that! So these people are leading the people that teach our kids? Really?
The reality is that if at home learning persists... it requires FEWER teachers! And favorite teachers will be more popular and can get more money as an "education" star! While I'm all in favor of the teachers unions losing their influence AND obviously membership revenue...not at the expense of in-school learning! At home learning quality is not as good as in person in class-room, etc....
Teacher unions continue to resist the reopening of schools because there is no incentive to hasten the return to in-person instruction.
These leaders are evidently not very smart because their opposition to opening schools is a way to destroy their organizations and they don't understand that! So these people are leading the people that teach our kids? Really?
The reality is that if at home learning persists... it requires FEWER teachers! And favorite teachers will be more popular and can get more money as an "education" star! While I'm all in favor of the teachers unions losing their influence AND obviously membership revenue...not at the expense of in-school learning! At home learning quality is not as good as in person in class-room, etc....
Yes they are, borderline retard. That's what skewls need.
I would have loved to do school online. Hell, my first kid did it in the 1990's when he was homeschooled and he turned out just fine..
Get rid of teacher's unions. If they don't teach in-person, replace them with teachers from private or charter or parochial schools
The teachers unions know they have the democratic party behind them cuz they donate huge amounts of money to get them re-elected. I believe most of the individual teachers care about their students, but the union bosses don't and the democratic party doesn't either. It's corrupt as hell but nobody seems to care.

Are teachers' unions really that dumb?​

They are leftists, they're window licking jabbering retards....

The reason why we have to put safety warnings on everything that shouldn't be eaten is because of these sniveling oxygen thieves.

If they were just "dumb" they would not be so insufferable and hell bent on reducing the quality of life for everyone else in the country.

I would have loved to do school online. Hell, my first kid did it in the 1990's when he was homeschooled and he turned out just fine..
Well you evidently were a stay at home mom which is great! And I don't disagree with you that some kids do great because they have great parents evidently! The point though is why are teachers unions so against kids going back to school?
In the 21 months I've kept Covid records, in the USA a total of
As of July 22, about 4.13 million children have tested positive for COVID-19 since the onset of the pandemic.
Children were 0.00%-0.26% of all COVID-19 deaths, and 8 states reported zero child deaths
1,631 deaths of children since 2/7/20 in the USA.
In 2016, there were 20,360 deaths among children and adolescents in the United States.
SO why are the teachers' unions so ignorant of the science? Kids don't die from Covid. So teachers wear masks get vaccinated wash hands.. 6 ft social distance all valid but to tell kids where less than 2,000 of the 74 million kids 0-18 years have their lives totally disrupted... well as a great parent, would you think it is worth this?

"From a purely medical perspective, early evidence suggests that children are not the most affected by COVID‑19. When exposed to the coronavirus, children can become infected and develop symptoms of COVID‑19, but these symptoms usually are mild in nature (Box 1).
Nevertheless, children do not stand on equal footing when it comes to coping with the economic and social effects of COVID‑19. Among the factors are the growing inequality in parents’ resources and the quality of children’s home environments, which creates a persistent gap in opportunities between advantaged and disadvantaged children (OECD, 2019[2])."

Finally again reminder of the thread topic... stupidity of teachers' unions!
Well you evidently were a stay at home mom which is great! And I don't disagree with you that some kids do great because they have great parents evidently! The point though is why are teachers unions so against kids going back to school?
In the 21 months I've kept Covid records, in the USA a total of
As of July 22, about 4.13 million children have tested positive for COVID-19 since the onset of the pandemic.
Children were 0.00%-0.26% of all COVID-19 deaths, and 8 states reported zero child deaths
1,631 deaths of children since 2/7/20 in the USA.
In 2016, there were 20,360 deaths among children and adolescents in the United States.
SO why are the teachers' unions so ignorant of the science? Kids don't die from Covid. So teachers wear masks get vaccinated wash hands.. 6 ft social distance all valid but to tell kids where less than 2,000 of the 74 million kids 0-18 years have their lives totally disrupted... well as a great parent, would you think it is worth this?

"From a purely medical perspective, early evidence suggests that children are not the most affected by COVID‑19. When exposed to the coronavirus, children can become infected and develop symptoms of COVID‑19, but these symptoms usually are mild in nature (Box 1).
Nevertheless, children do not stand on equal footing when it comes to coping with the economic and social effects of COVID‑19. Among the factors are the growing inequality in parents’ resources and the quality of children’s home environments, which creates a persistent gap in opportunities between advantaged and disadvantaged children (OECD, 2019[2])."

Finally again reminder of the thread topic... stupidity of teachers' unions!
The first mistake we make is thinking teacher unions give a fuck about kids. They don’t. They care about boosting salaries and benefits because that adds to their dues collections.
There's a significant number of "teachers" that are illiterate... or dumb as fuck. There's got to be a better way of educating our kids.

The kids are better off out in the woods watching flies fuck.
There's a significant number of "teachers" that are illiterate... or dumb as fuck. There's got to be a better way of educating our kids.

The kids are better off out in the woods watching flies fuck.
Nobody will discuss it honestly but yes and a lot of it is affirmative action (state required racism).
The first mistake we make is thinking teacher unions give a fuck about kids. They don’t. They care about boosting salaries and benefits because that adds to their dues collections.
I don't believe they even give 3 shades of shit about "boosting salaries and benefits". Their objective is POWER.
Teachers unions support CRT...
As the debate over critical race theory and schools reaches a fever pitch,
the two national teachers' unions are entering the fray, vowing to defend their members against any backlash over how they teach about the nation's complicated history with race and racism.
Teacher unions continue to resist the reopening of schools because there is no incentive to hasten the return to in-person instruction.
These leaders are evidently not very smart because their opposition to opening schools is a way to destroy their organizations and they don't understand that! So these people are leading the people that teach our kids? Really?
The reality is that if at home learning persists... it requires FEWER teachers! And favorite teachers will be more popular and can get more money as an "education" star! While I'm all in favor of the teachers unions losing their influence AND obviously membership revenue...not at the expense of in-school learning! At home learning quality is not as good as in person in class-room, etc....
Well, they are going to reap what they've sown.

Soros paid the teachers to stay at home so that he can stab them in their backs. That his plan is to replace them with robots that cannot catch COVID or spread it.
They shouldn't ever make a deal with the devil.

Well I guess it will be cheaper to go robotic. And well at least they cannot molest children.

Teacher unions continue to resist the reopening of schools because there is no incentive to hasten the return to in-person instruction.
These leaders are evidently not very smart because their opposition to opening schools is a way to destroy their organizations and they don't understand that! So these people are leading the people that teach our kids? Really?
The reality is that if at home learning persists... it requires FEWER teachers! And favorite teachers will be more popular and can get more money as an "education" star! While I'm all in favor of the teachers unions losing their influence AND obviously membership revenue...not at the expense of in-school learning! At home learning quality is not as good as in person in class-room, etc....
Actually, here is the truth.

It is tied into the globalists.

How Education International is Pushing Teachers’ Unions into the 4th Industrial Revolution​


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