*Are Liberals Ready To Riot Now?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. I think they may be ready.
2. If we give them what they want, will they go away, or will they hang around like begging monkeys?
3. I think that these liberals have lost their minds.
4. I knew it would come to this some day, its finally happened.
5. The liberals are melting down in mass.
6. Its a sad thing to witness, but there is no other explanation.
7. They are preparing to revolt when Obama gets kicked out.
8. And Obama is fueling the fire, he is going to see this blow up in his face.
9. He will be blamed.
10. Media will bury him, if this gets out of hand.
11. Cain has recently walked into this firestorm.
12. LINK:Herman Cain steps up attacks on Occupy Wall Street protests - latimes.com

"Republican presidential contender Herman Cain amplified his criticism Sunday of the growing Occupy Wall Street movement, calling the protesters “jealous’ Americans who "play the victim card” and want to “take somebody else’s” Cadillac.

Cain’s remarks, on CBS’ "Face the Nation," came amidst an escalating war of words between Republicans and Democrats over the merits of the movement, which has spread from New York to other cities across the nation, including Washington and Los Angeles.

GOP politicians in recent days have stepped up their criticism of the protesters, with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) calling them "mobs" who have pitted “Americans against Americans.”

But Cain, surging in popularity among many conservatives, seems to have had among the most virulent responses to the protests."

They're pussys they wont do shit....

Let em try they will be in deep shit...
Sorry bout that,

1. I think they may be ready.
2. If we give them what they want, will they go away, or will they hang around like begging monkeys?
3. I think that these liberals have lost their minds.
4. I knew it would come to this some day, its finally happened.
5. The liberals are melting down in mass.
6. Its a sad thing to witness, but there is no other explanation.
7. They are preparing to revolt when Obama gets kicked out.
8. And Obama is fueling the fire, he is going to see this blow up in his face.
9. He will be blamed.
10. Media will bury him, if this gets out of hand.
11. Cain has recently walked into this firestorm.
12. LINK:Herman Cain steps up attacks on Occupy Wall Street protests - latimes.com

"Republican presidential contender Herman Cain amplified his criticism Sunday of the growing Occupy Wall Street movement, calling the protesters “jealous’ Americans who "play the victim card” and want to “take somebody else’s” Cadillac.

Cain’s remarks, on CBS’ "Face the Nation," came amidst an escalating war of words between Republicans and Democrats over the merits of the movement, which has spread from New York to other cities across the nation, including Washington and Los Angeles.

GOP politicians in recent days have stepped up their criticism of the protesters, with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) calling them "mobs" who have pitted “Americans against Americans.”

But Cain, surging in popularity among many conservatives, seems to have had among the most virulent responses to the protests."


What we are witnessing with these protests is a designed precursor for things to come during the election. We are witnessing a test financed by the left. Civil uprisings disrupting the masses by these people so Obama can initiate martial law and possibly suspend the elections so he can remain POTUS. Expect more of these upcoming class warfare protests to be on a much larger scale.
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Liberals argue for things that aren't theirs.
Conservatives argue to keep what is theirs.

You're not rich. What is it you think you are "keeping"?

Republican Middle Class to their corporate masters, "Please sir, can I have some more of that shit pie?"

The wealthy, "Of course, here".


Republican Middle Class to their corporate masters, "Thank you sir, can I have some more?"
Sorry bout that,

1. I think they may be ready.
2. If we give them what they want, will they go away, or will they hang around like begging monkeys?
3. I think that these liberals have lost their minds.
4. I knew it would come to this some day, its finally happened.
5. The liberals are melting down in mass.
6. Its a sad thing to witness, but there is no other explanation.
7. They are preparing to revolt when Obama gets kicked out.
8. And Obama is fueling the fire, he is going to see this blow up in his face.
9. He will be blamed.
10. Media will bury him, if this gets out of hand.
11. Cain has recently walked into this firestorm.
12. LINK:Herman Cain steps up attacks on Occupy Wall Street protests - latimes.com

"Republican presidential contender Herman Cain amplified his criticism Sunday of the growing Occupy Wall Street movement, calling the protesters “jealous’ Americans who "play the victim card” and want to “take somebody else’s” Cadillac.

Cain’s remarks, on CBS’ "Face the Nation," came amidst an escalating war of words between Republicans and Democrats over the merits of the movement, which has spread from New York to other cities across the nation, including Washington and Los Angeles.

GOP politicians in recent days have stepped up their criticism of the protesters, with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) calling them "mobs" who have pitted “Americans against Americans.”

But Cain, surging in popularity among many conservatives, seems to have had among the most virulent responses to the protests."


What we are witnessing with these protests is a designed precursor for things to come during the election. We are witnessing a test financed by the left. Civil uprisings disrupting the masses by these people so Obama can initiate marshal law and possibly suspend the elections so he can remain POTUS. Expect more of these upcoming class warfare protests to be on a much larger scale.

What Obama wants is Martial Law...
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Nicky, old boy, what assholes like you want is some excuse to be violent.

No, this old Liberal ain't gonna riot. But I will protest the economic domination of this nation by the aristocracy of the wealthy. And use my voice and vote to try undo the damage that people like you are doing to my nation. Yes, my Nation. The dd214 with my name on it says I earned the right to say that. The 50 years of work in this nation says that also. And any conservative that has the same bona fides can claim the same. For I am not like you idiots, I will not denigrate the ciitzenship of any American that has served and worked for the benefit of this nation.
Oh yes this is ALL very well scripted. It is right out of the Van Jones playbook !!
Liberals argue for things that aren't theirs.
Conservatives argue to keep what is theirs.

You're not rich. What is it you think you are "keeping"?

Republican Middle Class to their corporate masters, "Please sir, can I have some more of that shit pie?"

The wealthy, "Of course, here".


Republican Middle Class to their corporate masters, "Thank you sir, can I have some more?"

I'm wealthy beyond my dreams, but money has nothing to do with my wealth. Wealth is when you have jack shit with respect to monetary assets, yet you realize true worth in life.

Rich? That's relative isn't it? Compared to many, yes I'm rich. Compared to many others, no.
I'm a corporate master. I am the man. My corporation makes lots of money- more so for others than for myself. Why's that? Because I spend shitloads of money to make money.

You see, the money I must spend in order to generate revenues is considerable. In ordinary circumstances, the amount of money spent in such activity is deducted from my gross revenues as the cost of generating those revenues. Therefor, I'm not taxed on the dollar amount of those expenditures. You with me so far?

What I, corporate master, wish to keep is my ability to continue to reduce my taxable revenues by the amount of money I spend in generatiing those revenues. THIS is what liberals desire to TAKE from me. Why? Because it will result in higher taxes for my corporation, and it will increase revenues to the U.S. Treasury.

The result would be less revenue to my evil corporation which would reduce my ability to spend the money I must spend. I would produce less product, cut back on development and expansion, and lay off employees.

Now it's your turn, rdean. You tell me what is it of MINE that you want to keep?
And why?
Sorry bout that,

1. But Old Rocks, you will be to blame too.
2. This liberal stance will blow up in your face too.
3. Capitalism is why America is *GREAT*!
4. I am sorry for you, you have turned into a commie bastard then.
5. All corporations are here because they grew from a small idea and became something, with lots of work, and risk.
6. The cronies like the GE liberal who doubles as the economic czar, should just kill your soul, but your *good* with that, why is that?
7. GE pays no taxes, and is one of the riches corporations in this nation.
8. And yet the liberals give them a pass.
9. Whats that word, starts with an H or something???
10. Face it you're melting down.

You know the saying "time is money" right? Well anyone who spends 30 days on the streets of NY accomplishing nothing but providing a vid clip for the evening news is wasting their time.

When you talk about greed -- most people think of money. But MOST EVERYONE is greedy with their time. Time with family, time on the golf course, time to BS on USMB.. ect.. It's OK to be GREEDY with your time isn't it?

However, MOST people spend MOST of their time serving others. That's what a job is.. So --- now tell me how greedy the little bastards with those signs really are. Burning time or burning money -- same thing. AT LEAST you'd expect some tangible product to result from 30 days of protest. I don't see a product of all those hours..

What the hell is it?
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Sorry bout that,

1. I think they may be ready.
2. If we give them what they want, will they go away, or will they hang around like begging monkeys?
3. I think that these liberals have lost their minds.
4. I knew it would come to this some day, its finally happened.
5. The liberals are melting down in mass.
6. Its a sad thing to witness, but there is no other explanation.
7. They are preparing to revolt when Obama gets kicked out.
8. And Obama is fueling the fire, he is going to see this blow up in his face.
9. He will be blamed.
10. Media will bury him, if this gets out of hand.
11. Cain has recently walked into this firestorm.
12. LINK:Herman Cain steps up attacks on Occupy Wall Street protests - latimes.com

"Republican presidential contender Herman Cain amplified his criticism Sunday of the growing Occupy Wall Street movement, calling the protesters “jealous’ Americans who "play the victim card” and want to “take somebody else’s” Cadillac.

Cain’s remarks, on CBS’ "Face the Nation," came amidst an escalating war of words between Republicans and Democrats over the merits of the movement, which has spread from New York to other cities across the nation, including Washington and Los Angeles.

GOP politicians in recent days have stepped up their criticism of the protesters, with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) calling them "mobs" who have pitted “Americans against Americans.”

But Cain, surging in popularity among many conservatives, seems to have had among the most virulent responses to the protests."


What we are witnessing with these protests is a designed precursor for things to come during the election. We are witnessing a test financed by the left. Civil uprisings disrupting the masses by these people so Obama can initiate martial law and possibly suspend the elections so he can remain POTUS. Expect more of these upcoming class warfare protests to be on a much larger scale.

I expect one of those things the left loves to do so much. They will force there way into power through violence and once into power will start silencing and killing everyone they disagree with.
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No. Liberals won't riot. They will go and vote just like everyone else. They may have different ideas than some and support different candidates, but they love this country as much as the next guy.

Conservatives won't riot, Inxependents won't riot. Tea Partiers won't riot. Some may demonstrate and lugheads who aren't dry behind the ears who don't know anything about life let alone starting a career and keeping a home may be be making noises, chanting rituals and acting like baboons, but we had them in the 60's too. Now they are retiring from corporations. Hoping their pensions don't fall prey to the market.

But we all love this country and will not destroy it. It is still the best the country on this globe.
I know a lot of folks are HOPING for a riot..

Fars News Agency :: Senior Commander: Wall Street Protests Promise American Spring

Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces for Culture and Defense Publicity General Seyed Massoud Jazzayeri said that "Wall Street protests will no doubt end in the downfall of the western capitalist system".

He said Obama's change motto has now come to a dead-end and the American people are now aware of the realities of their country and have realized that Obama is actually continuing the same economic policies of the country's former President, George Bush.

Jazzayeri said that the American people are now demanding a return of the US troops from abroad in a bid to help resolve the problems of the US itself.

"But, those to be blamed for this bitter and undesirable condition are not just the economic agencies and corporations in the Wall Street, because the politicians, from both the Republican and the Democrat parties, who have opened their way to the White House through lies and deceit, have adopted and practiced the present policy," the senior commander stated.

He's got "the downfall of the western capitalistic system part". Expect new sleeping bags from Tehran sometime soon...
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Sorry bout that,

1. I think they may be ready.
2. If we give them what they want, will they go away, or will they hang around like begging monkeys?
3. I think that these liberals have lost their minds.
4. I knew it would come to this some day, its finally happened.
5. The liberals are melting down in mass.
6. Its a sad thing to witness, but there is no other explanation.
7. They are preparing to revolt when Obama gets kicked out.
8. And Obama is fueling the fire, he is going to see this blow up in his face.
9. He will be blamed.
10. Media will bury him, if this gets out of hand.
11. Cain has recently walked into this firestorm.
12. LINK:Herman Cain steps up attacks on Occupy Wall Street protests - latimes.com

"Republican presidential contender Herman Cain amplified his criticism Sunday of the growing Occupy Wall Street movement, calling the protesters “jealous’ Americans who "play the victim card” and want to “take somebody else’s” Cadillac.

Cain’s remarks, on CBS’ "Face the Nation," came amidst an escalating war of words between Republicans and Democrats over the merits of the movement, which has spread from New York to other cities across the nation, including Washington and Los Angeles.

GOP politicians in recent days have stepped up their criticism of the protesters, with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) calling them "mobs" who have pitted “Americans against Americans.”

But Cain, surging in popularity among many conservatives, seems to have had among the most virulent responses to the protests."


A better question is this. Where are all the Liberals who freak out when a right winger talks about the Public Rising up and taking action. I guess they think violence, or the Implied threat of it by Mobs, is ok as long as it's coming from their side.

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