Are Dems Imposing ‘Purity Test?’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
LAUGHABLE NY Times Story on Cuomo: Are Dems Imposing ‘Purity Test?’
LAUGHABLE NY Times Story on Cuomo: Are Dems Imposing 'Purity Test?' - Patriot Daily Press
15 Mar 2021

New York Times’ political reporter Lisa Lerer shared the lead story slot in Saturday’s edition with her take on the Democratic Party’s Andrew Cuomo problem, as allegations made against New York’s Democratic governor deepen in seriousness: “Party Struggles With #MeToo Moment.
Lerer brings up in passing some glaring Democratic inconsistencies, but her overall tone proposes that the party’s moral standards are just too high to compete with those sleazy Republicans, a fairy story about Democrats they love to tell themselves (with lots of help from the Times).
And a few prominent names were conveniently missing from the narrative: former Democratic President Bill Clinton, who was defended by Democrats and the media over several credible allegations of sexual harassment and assault, and Brett Kavanaugh, now Justice Kavanaugh, who was attacked by liberals and the Times in a series of smear stories.
"Democrats are now confronting a highly fluid, still-developing situation in New York, with many voters appearing to share Ms. Miner’s caution about swiftly expelling the governor. The gravity of the allegations increased this week when The Times Union of Albany reported a new accusation against Mr. Cuomo: that when he was alone with a female aide in the Executive Mansion last year, he closed a door, reached under her blouse and began groping her. He has denied that he touched anyone inappropriately.​
Public opinion could now shift rapidly against Mr. Cuomo, but it is also clear that after a decade with him as governor, many Democrats have found that sitting in judgment of him — and demanding a penalty like resignation — isn’t so simple.​
After Democrats cast their support for equality in moral terms during the Trump administration, conservative news outlets have eagerly tagged the party with charges of hypocrisy for failing to uniformly demand an immediate resignation. That has revived worries from some Democrats that their party is imposing a politically damaging purity test.
Lerer failed to hit the Democrats on their gross hypocrisy in defending Gov. Cuomo (and Sen. Franken, belatedly) from multiple sexual harassment allegations far better documented than the vague ancient stories told by Kavanaugh’s main accuser, not to mention the crazed tales spread by his other accusers. Lerer was also skeptical of Biden’s sexual assault accuser Tara Reade during the presidential campaign, and Reade’s story receives only a single dismissive mention here.

Oddly Democrats have always demanded loyalty and oaths thereof to the Democrat Party over America and it's Constitution. Obviously we have seen that when they refuse to take the oath of allegiance and kneel when the national anthem is played.
Now suddenly they clutch their pearls when their Governor of New York begins demanding loyalty oaths directly to him... It's hypocrisy of the highest order... If we all remember 5 years ago when they accused Trump of what Obama and his fellow Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat travelers demand of their followers.

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