Are America’s Greatest Threat, “White Supremacists” behind the spikes in crime in Liberal cities?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
This administration has made the proclamation; White Supremacist are America’s greatest threat....So how many people have been murdered this year by white supremacy? Are White Supremacist commiting the crime in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and Loon York?

It's the damn Amish I tell you!

That 18th century technology appearance is all a ruse.


Said before and I'll say it again - more folk will have been killed in the USA by toasters blowing up in people's faces in the morning than white supremacy, every year.

Do white supremacists exist? yes.
Do you need to be vigilant with them? yes.
Are they a widespread danger? no.
Are they a convenient excuse and straw man for the left, the black racists and all their apologists? yes.

White supremacists will amount to a few dozen thousand militant skinheads and redneck hillbillies splattered about the USA. Figures of ridicule. No more no less.

But the left, in order to make their excuses for black racists, BLM and ANTIFA will always just resort to their go-to position of white supremacy (along with non-existent systemic racism).

Unless folk start being honest then USA will never heal - but it's not in these people's interests to be honest because the wheels come off their lucrative and powerful racism industry. Can't have that.
This administration has made the proclamation; White Supremacist are America’s greatest threat....So how many people have been murdered this year by white supremacy? Are White Supremacist commiting the crime in Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago and Loon York?
Marxist Democrats, the Marxist media and the Marxist education system are the biggest threats to America today. It seems strange that Democrats are trying to make America Cuba at the same time that Cuba is revolting against the 60 year communist tyranny that destroyed their country.
I'm still waiting for Garland's proof that the urban lawlessness is by white supremacists?!
How are "white supremacists" the greatest threat to the US??????
Shouldn't he be prosecuting them for something then??

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