Arab Spring


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2020
It devastated Syria and Libya. Led to regime changes in Egypt and Tunisia. its effects will be felt for long time. Egyptian scholar talks about what was behind it. Syrian and Bahraini journalists talk of its effects today
It devastated Syria and Libya. Led to regime changes in Egypt and Tunisia. its effects will be felt for long time. Egyptian scholar talks about what was behind it. Syrian and Bahraini journalists talk of its effects today

"Arab Spring" was simply the early name for ISIS before Obama elevated them to worldwide status.
Arab Spring was a name the media invented to describe their globalist agenda of dismantling the Middle East on the behalf of Israel. ... :cool:

When Arabs kill each other that is Israels fault? When Arabs revolt against Arab dictators that is Israels fault? Do you ever take any responsibility for yourselves?
I used al Jazeera that is Arab source so no one can say I am not being fair here.
Anytime there is conflict, chaos, or war in the middle east.
Just scratch the surface a little, and you'll find a zionist jew organizing and funding the event at the behest of Israel. ... :cool:
Did Mossad convince a Tunisian fruit vendor to set himself on fire and know somehow this would cause a revolt that would spread through the Arab world? That does not make sense.
Arab Spring was a name the media invented to describe their globalist agenda of dismantling the Middle East on the behalf of Israel. ... :cool:

Arab Spring was a globalist agenda to Democratize the Middle East.. Cant tell the diff between the Intl sponsors of this farce -- but certainly the SAME neocons who thought liberty and freedom was gonna break out in Iraq if they just hung Saddam were behind it.. As was Obama.

YOU got to recognize there is a desire to balance the ultra religious and their THEOCRATIC laws and govt in the Arab countries. The crowds of demonstrators were LARGELY grass roots. Not paid by the CIA or Mossad.. Israel couldn't less about theocracies. They deal with the reality that Arab nations NEED strong SOB leaders to keep the internal bloodshed down..

And the absence of Arab "freedom and liberty" in their neighbors affairs is really no concern whatsoever to them..
Do you ever take any responsibility for yourselves?
I'm not an arab. ... :cool:
Of course you aren't. That's why creating a fight that calls for the deaths of Sunni, Shia and Jew... are a preferable means to an end to converts ... than peace.

No skin in the game... so let's create an Arab 'spring' that brought hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of souls to ha-Satan.

Did I say converts? I meant ...'Socialists'... infiltrating.
The 'Arab Spring' went the way of those umpteen Mexican 'revolutions' of the 19th century went, some 35 of them from 1821 to 1850 alone: Nowhere. How many times did Santa Anna become El Prez, and then quit?
Did Mossad convince a Tunisian fruit vendor to set himself on fire and know somehow this would cause a revolt that would spread through the Arab world? That does not make sense.
The Moussad? You mean there was no overbearing government? There was no capricious use of permits and shutdowns? The vendor did not have his equipment and inventory seized? None of that happened? It was ALL Moussad?

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