April Fools on Glenn Beck Fans


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
The Glenn Beck parking lot debacle - The Week

According to local news reports, dozens of people who drove to see Fox News host Glenn Beck speak at the University of Central Florida over the weekend and parked in a lot designated by large signs as "event parking" had their cars towed. At least 53 speech attendees paid $125 each to a local towing company to retrieve their vehicles. The lot in question belongs to the Kappa Sigma fraternity, leading the Cato Uticensis at the American Conservative Values blog to wonder if "liberal college students played a prank" on the Beck fans

Oh those raskally college kids.....always good for a prank
Oh yeah ... this is fucking hilarious. What if YOU were one of the ones who had to pay $125.00 to get your car back? Hmmmm? An enticement to a set-up in which people were screwed out of their money and the inconvience of having their car towed is just wrong. But you liberals think it was a great prank. I'm glad I don't think like you.
Oh yeah ... this is fucking hilarious. What if YOU were one of the ones who had to pay $125.00 to get your car back? Hmmmm? An enticement to a set-up in which people were screwed out of their money and the inconvience of having their car towed is just wrong. But you liberals think it was a great prank. I'm glad I don't think like you.

Hey kid!

Get off my lawn!

Its only funny until someone loses an eye
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Oh yeah ... this is fucking hilarious. What if YOU were one of the ones who had to pay $125.00 to get your car back? Hmmmm? An enticement to a set-up in which people were screwed out of their money and the inconvience of having their car towed is just wrong. But you liberals think it was a great prank. I'm glad I don't think like you.

Hey kid!

Get off my lawn!

Hey old man ... make me!
Oh yeah ... this is fucking hilarious. What if YOU were one of the ones who had to pay $125.00 to get your car back? Hmmmm? An enticement to a set-up in which people were screwed out of their money and the inconvience of having their car towed is just wrong. But you liberals think it was a great prank. I'm glad I don't think like you.

They aren't liberals, masq. They're lefties.... there is a difference. Let us rise above their stupidity and recognize that the scum are the lefties, not the liberals, or the true democrats. Their party has been infected by the leftie virus. The cure for this disease is the right vote.
Oh yeah ... this is fucking hilarious. What if YOU were one of the ones who had to pay $125.00 to get your car back? Hmmmm? An enticement to a set-up in which people were screwed out of their money and the inconvience of having their car towed is just wrong. But you liberals think it was a great prank. I'm glad I don't think like you.

Hey kid!

Get off my lawn!

Its only funny until someone loses an eye

It's only funny until some wingnut sheds a tear.
I will respond like the right here does to such news: this has to be a republican tryng to make the dems look bad.

It was a shitty move no matter who did it.

That does not make Beck any saner.
I will respond like the right here does to such news: this has to be a republican tryng to make the dems look bad.

It was a shitty move no matter who did it.

That does not make Beck any saner.

And that is why you are the board joke. With absolutely no evidence other than you are incapable of thinking that anyone "on your side" might do something underhand, you decide that it was "the right".

Truly, every time I think you cannot possibly be any more stupid, you surprise me. You're nothing short of ridiculous.

The Glenn Beck parking lot debacle - The Week

According to local news reports, dozens of people who drove to see Fox News host Glenn Beck speak at the University of Central Florida over the weekend and parked in a lot designated by large signs as "event parking" had their cars towed. At least 53 speech attendees paid $125 each to a local towing company to retrieve their vehicles. The lot in question belongs to the Kappa Sigma fraternity, leading the Cato Uticensis at the American Conservative Values blog to wonder if "liberal college students played a prank" on the Beck fans

Oh those raskally college kids.....always good for a prank

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Hilarious! That sounds like something I would've done in College. I spent a lot of time at the Kappa Sigma fraternity when I was in college. They know how to party.

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