Apparently Eric Coomer left his FTP server unsecure


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Well .... in his pictures we've seen. He looks sorta dumb
Someone needs to send Adam Schiffe a copy

The team and I found a publicly assesable FTP server that belonged to Eric Coomer. It had his alt-right hitlist as well as about 10,000 files at least.

We spent 24hrs at least saving everything. That stuff included emails, prior software source code

Joseph A. Camp
Joseph A. Camp (@JoeyCamp2020) November 27, 2020
You saying it doesn't mean anything. Need the proof.
Well .... in his pictures we've seen. He looks sorta dumb
Someone needs to send Adam Schiffe a copy

The team and I found a publicly assesable FTP server that belonged to Eric Coomer. It had his alt-right hitlist as well as about 10,000 files at least.

We spent 24hrs at least saving everything. That stuff included emails, prior software source code

Joseph A. Camp
Joseph A. Camp (@JoeyCamp2020) November 27, 2020
Get the popcorn, Corn Pop!
Wow! Is this for real?

This is HUGE!
Pennsylvania Judge Patricia A. McCullough filed a Memorandum of Opinion on Friday stating the Pennsylvania preliminary ELECTION CERTIFICATION injunction was PROPERLY ISSUED and should be upheld.
McCullough added this, “Additionally, petitioners appear to have established a likelihood to succeed.”
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Pennsylvania trial court rules the 2020 election was likely unconstitutional in Pennsylvania, and that gives state legislators power to choose electors.
— Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) November 28, 2020
TRENDING: BREAKING HUGE: Pennsylvania Judge Files Memorandum Stating 2020 PA Election Likely Unconstitutional - Trump Case "Likelihood to Succeed" - Gives State Legislators Power to Choose Electors!
BREAKING REPORT: Judge Patricia A. McCullough rules that PA preliminary ELECTION CERTIFICATION injunction was PROPERLY ISSUED and should be upheld..
“Additionally, Petitioners appear to have established a
likelihood to succeed.”
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) November 28, 2020

Robert Barnes of Barnes Law was first to break the news with a link to the opinion of Judge Patricia McCullough via Mark Levin. Now, in another surprising move, the PA Trial Court has ruled the 2020 election was likely unconstitutional in PA and that gives the state legislators the power to choose electors.
Well .... in his pictures we've seen. He looks sorta dumb
Someone needs to send Adam Schiffe a copy

The team and I found a publicly assesable FTP server that belonged to Eric Coomer. It had his alt-right hitlist as well as about 10,000 files at least.

We spent 24hrs at least saving everything. That stuff included emails, prior software source code

Joseph A. Camp
Joseph A. Camp (@JoeyCamp2020) November 27, 2020

Did you mean Adam Schiff?
Well .... in his pictures we've seen. He looks sorta dumb
Someone needs to send Adam Schiffe a copy

The team and I found a publicly assesable FTP server that belonged to Eric Coomer. It had his alt-right hitlist as well as about 10,000 files at least.

We spent 24hrs at least saving everything. That stuff included emails, prior software source code

Joseph A. Camp
Joseph A. Camp (@JoeyCamp2020) November 27, 2020

WTF with the Left their insatiable need for violence and and vengeance? Lists???? And you self-hating Jewish atheists constantly remind US of the horrors of Hitler and his “lists”? Then, all of the beatnick liberals from the 50s and 60s crying about beige put on lists by the government???

What the Fuck is it with the Left??? Winning an election is not enough????

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