Anyone here a regular viewer of "Fox & Friends"?

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
I went to work-out in the gym this morning and someone had that tripe on one of the T.V.'s

Why do you feel the need to push this tripe on us here is the bigger question.

go to a different GYM if you can't stand what's on THEIR T.V.s

good grief..:eusa_whistle:
Why do you feel the need to push this tripe on us here is the bigger question.

go to a different GYM if you can't stand what's on THEIR T.V.s

good grief..:eusa_whistle:

Latest ratings. Wonder which of these the asswipe prefers?

FNC FOX & Friends 985 343 631
CNN American Morning 219 86 105
MSNBC Morning Joe 423 154 248
CNBC Squawk Box 216 73 131
HLN Morning Express w/ Meade 244 131 171
Its the only gym my Libral, gated-community has steffie :p

Well you could be an ass and go DEMAND they change the channel because Fox and Friends offends your sensitive sensibilities..

my gawd, you people are so shallow AND PETTY
Why do you feel the need to push this tripe on us here is the bigger question.

go to a different GYM if you can't stand what's on THEIR T.V.s

good grief..:eusa_whistle:

Latest ratings. Wonder which of these the asswipe prefers?

FNC FOX & Friends 985 343 631
CNN American Morning 219 86 105
MSNBC Morning Joe 423 154 248
CNBC Squawk Box 216 73 131
HLN Morning Express w/ Meade 244 131 171
Robin Meade is hawt :drool: I like her show :)
Its the only gym my Libral, gated-community has steffie :p

Well you could be an ass and go DEMAND they change the channel because Fox and Friends offends your sensitive sensibilities..

my gawd, you people are so shallow AND PETTY

What made it worse was it was a woman watching it and we both know that one woman= 1/2 a man ;)
Why do you feel the need to push this tripe on us here is the bigger question.

go to a different GYM if you can't stand what's on THEIR T.V.s

good grief..:eusa_whistle:

Latest ratings. Wonder which of these the asswipe prefers?

FNC FOX & Friends 985 343 631
CNN American Morning 219 86 105
MSNBC Morning Joe 423 154 248
CNBC Squawk Box 216 73 131
HLN Morning Express w/ Meade 244 131 171
Robin Meade is hawt :drool: I like her show :)
Its the only gym my Libral, gated-community has steffie :p

Well you could be an ass and go DEMAND they change the channel because Fox and Friends offends your sensitive sensibilities..

my gawd, you people are so shallow AND PETTY

What made it worse was it was a woman watching it and we both know that one woman= 1/2 a man ;)

Who the hell is Robin Mead? Oh I see - DEAD FUCKING LAST in the ratings.
Who the hell is Robin Mead? Oh I see - DEAD FUCKING LAST in the ratings.

She just gives me the news and she has a rack that is unequaled :) You do realize what drives ratings right? Controversy, real or imagined. I just want the news and Robin Meade does that quite well.
No, don't watch any morning TV. But Fox would be the place I would go, if I changed my mind. After watching Fox for a long while, I perceive their anchors as having more integrity than their lowly ranked competitors. The shows I watch have many liberals on as guests as well as conservatives. I like that.
The only Fox anchor who I've seen exhibit integrity was Shep Smith inre: the public option

[ame=]Fox's Shep Smith Argues In Favor Of Public Option - YouTube[/ame]​
I went to work-out in the gym this morning and someone had that tripe on one of the T.V.'s

One of the TV's? That indicates you had other choices, but you prefer to be offended by a station that doesn't drink your favorite flavor Kool Aid.
Then you post a .gif of a man puking. I really had no choice in viewing that, did I?

That was my thought, too.

Typical Liberal. He wants All of the TV's to be tuned to the programming that he wants because he wants to see what he wants to see and needs to dictate what everyone else is seeing also.

It's not enough to have FREEDOM of choice, he needs CONTROL of choice also.

It's the Liberal thing to do.
Who the hell is Robin Mead? Oh I see - DEAD FUCKING LAST in the ratings.

She just gives me the news and she has a rack that is unequaled :) You do realize what drives ratings right? Controversy, real or imagined. I just want the news and Robin Meade does that quite well.

Well, if Robin Meade's "rack" drives the ratings, she must have some pretty small tits
Why do you feel the need to push this tripe on us here is the bigger question.

go to a different GYM if you can't stand what's on THEIR T.V.s

good grief..:eusa_whistle:

Latest ratings. Wonder which of these the asswipe prefers?

FNC FOX & Friends 985 343 631
CNN American Morning 219 86 105
MSNBC Morning Joe 423 154 248
CNBC Squawk Box 216 73 131
HLN Morning Express w/ Meade 244 131 171

LOL, ratings do not equal substance. Having watched "Fox & Friends" briefly several times I understand why someone like you would watch that scripted tripe. In fact, "Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends have more substance.
LOL, ratings do not equal substance. Having watched "Fox & Friends" briefly several times I understand why someone like you would watch that scripted tripe. In fact, "Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends have more substance.

You are a gentleman & a scholar :)
A sand filled twat online about it instead of doing something about it at the gym among those who had it on cerainly speaks volumes.
A sand filled twat online about it instead of doing something about it at the gym among those who had it on cerainly speaks volumes.

He was apparently free to watch a different program on a different TV, yet chose to complain about the choice of others. He's pro choice only in issues he supports.

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