Anyone Catch Laura Ingraham Smacking Around Charley Rangel Last Night ?


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
In case you missed it

[ame=]Laura Ingraham vs. Charlie Rangel - smack down debate - The Factor - 8-18-11 - YouTube[/ame]
What a rude Bitch! Typical Fox "News" debate style, interrupt, divert and cut off. She is delusional.

Wow. Bigot much?

You applaud the way Rangel dodged every straight question, made a sexual comment on the air and blamed Bush for Obama's failures?

He's as braindead as you are.
What a rude Bitch! Typical Fox "News" debate style, interrupt, divert and cut off. She is delusional.

Wow. Bigot much?

You applaud the way Rangel dodged every straight question, made a sexual comment on the air and blamed Bush for Obama's failures?

He's as braindead as you are.

You mean when she interrupted and diverted. Reaganomics is destroying any chance of improving poverty. And Obama can't change that.
Laura kept changing the question, which was a tactical move, but not really a search for a complete answer. Charley is a Democratic leader with a near criminal past. Pretty worthless exchange, except for Rangel's comments about Congress and Obama failing the public. No news here.
Yep, Saw it. She was attempting to get him to answer a simple question without all the demogging, sound bites and rhetoric, blaming Bush and the republicans, and ripping apart the language West used. She is tough and O'Reily would expect nothing less from someone sitting in for him.

Folks oughta know by now they cannot come on that show and expect to spin the same political BS and get away with it there. His 'pretty girl' remark pretty much done him in from that point on as I'm certain he would not have commented on the how handsome a male sitting in for Bill was. Rangel and others like him represent the well established attitude in Washington by the privileged and pampered who haven't a clue.
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Yep, Saw it. She was attempting to get him to answer a simple question without all the demogging, sound bites and rhetoric, blaming Bush and the republicans, and ripping apart the language West used. She is tough and O'Reily would expect nothing less from someone sitting in for him.

Folks oughta know by now they cannot come on that show and expect to spin the same political BS and get away with it there. His 'pretty girl' remark pretty much done him in from that point on as I'm certain he would not have commented on the how handsome a male sitting in for Bill was. Rangel and others like him represent the well established attitude in Washington by the privileged and pampered who haven't a clue.

That's the essence of the No Spin Zone, which is just a polite euphemism for No Bullshit Zone and guests know it's coming if they try that stuff as the show's bookers have to go out of their way to explain how it works, i.e. start to spin and Bill's gonna jump all over you...and ditto for fill-in hosts. Even when someone makes a return appearance they still get lectured on the rules until they've been on enough times that there's no doubt they know the routine.

And especially with O'Reilly himself it makes no difference which party or political ideology someone favors. He'll hammer Republicans/conservatives the same as Democrats/liberals and others.
Saw it. Liked it. Laura's a tough cookie to mess with as many libs have found over the years.

Agreed! I had great respect for her handling of that exchange so perfectly. I'll bet Bill did, too. Laura, finally got Charlie to answer the question...:clap2:

Having said that I have to add that it is hard for me to get through an hour of Laura's annoying voice and "over talking" to make her points, even though I agree with them

I feel the same way about Ann Coulter. I agree with her observations but don't often hang with her anymore, and put her on mute. I will listen to Michelle Malkin because she makes her points fast and to me they are "spot on." I like her style.....
Saw it. Liked it. Laura's a tough cookie to mess with as many libs have found over the years.

Agreed! I had great respect for her handling of that exchange so perfectly. I'll bet Bill did, too. Laura, finally got Charlie to answer the question...:clap2:

Having said that I have to add that it is hard for me to get through an hour of Laura's annoying voice and "over talking" to make her points, even though I agree with them

I feel the same way about Ann Coulter. I agree with her observations but don't often hang with her anymore, and put her on mute. I will listen to Michelle Malkin because she makes her points fast and to me they are "spot on." I like her style.....

you listen to Miuchelle Makin? That explains your answer.
What a rude Bitch! Typical Fox "News" debate style, interrupt, divert and cut off. She is delusional.

Wow. Bigot much?

You applaud the way Rangel dodged every straight question, made a sexual comment on the air and blamed Bush for Obama's failures?

He's as braindead as you are.

You mean when she interrupted and diverted. Reaganomics is destroying any chance of improving poverty. And Obama can't change that.
Then the incompetent fool needs to get the hell out of the Oval Office.
Saw it. Liked it. Laura's a tough cookie to mess with as many libs have found over the years.

Agreed! I had great respect for her handling of that exchange so perfectly. I'll bet Bill did, too. Laura, finally got Charlie to answer the question...:clap2:

Having said that I have to add that it is hard for me to get through an hour of Laura's annoying voice and "over talking" to make her points, even though I agree with them

I feel the same way about Ann Coulter. I agree with her observations but don't often hang with her anymore, and put her on mute. I will listen to Michelle Malkin because she makes her points fast and to me they are "spot on." I like her style.....

you listen to Miuchelle Makin? That explains your answer.
Folks be gentle, English is a second language with this one. :lol:
Agreed! I had great respect for her handling of that exchange so perfectly. I'll bet Bill did, too. Laura, finally got Charlie to answer the question...:clap2:

Having said that I have to add that it is hard for me to get through an hour of Laura's annoying voice and "over talking" to make her points, even though I agree with them

I feel the same way about Ann Coulter. I agree with her observations but don't often hang with her anymore, and put her on mute. I will listen to Michelle Malkin because she makes her points fast and to me they are "spot on." I like her style.....

you listen to Miuchelle Makin? That explains your answer.
Folks be gentle, English is a second language with this one. :lol:

ok typo police
Saw it. Liked it. Laura's a tough cookie to mess with as many libs have found over the years.

Having said that I have to add that it is hard for me to get through an hour of Laura's annoying voice and "over talking" to make her points, even though I agree with them

I feel the same way about Ann Coulter. I agree with her observations but don't often hang with her anymore, and put her on mute. I will listen to Michelle Malkin because she makes her points fast and to me they are "spot on." I like her style.....

That bothered me too about not only her, but Bill O. as well and I think I've even posted about it here, but now, I've come to think that is the style they've adapted to keep folks on track on and off the rhetoric trail. I've seen both women in other venues and that has not been their style there. Michelle I'm not as familiar with.
What a rude Bitch! Typical Fox "News" debate style, interrupt, divert and cut off. She is delusional.

Wow. Bigot much?

You applaud the way Rangel dodged every straight question, made a sexual comment on the air and blamed Bush for Obama's failures?

He's as braindead as you are.

You mean when she interrupted and diverted. Reaganomics is destroying any chance of improving poverty. And Obama can't change that.

Gee, you finally admitted it! Obama can't get the job done. Laura finally got Charlie Rangel to admit it as well (or as close as you CAN get a liberal ideologue to admit anything negative about B.O.) and if you caught the Maxine Water's rant...she doesn't think he's getting it done either. And just so you don't "improve" poverty. You can, however give people the opportunity to get out of poverty. That's generally done with a job...something that people like you don't seem to grasp. You're all about handouts instead of hand ups.
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What a rude Bitch! Typical Fox "News" debate style, interrupt, divert and cut off. She is delusional.

Wow. Bigot much?

You applaud the way Rangel dodged every straight question, made a sexual comment on the air and blamed Bush for Obama's failures?

He's as braindead as you are.

You mean when she interrupted and diverted. Reaganomics is destroying any chance of improving poverty. And Obama can't change that.

Give us a rest with the excuses already. Rangel was doing the ol' soft shoe, in order to avoid answering questions. Questions about Obama's performance regarding our debt and job creation. He did not want to answer questions about that- cutting him off when he kept attempting to take the conversation down a different path was her job! He even tried the schmooze crap by telling her she was an "attractive secret weapon of Bill O'Reilly's" and by doing so insinuating that's all she had going for her.

One thing Rangel proved last night is that no one can defend Obama's record of "job creation" or for that matter any success. The best they can do is divert and point fingers.
Wow. Bigot much?

You applaud the way Rangel dodged every straight question, made a sexual comment on the air and blamed Bush for Obama's failures?

He's as braindead as you are.

You mean when she interrupted and diverted. Reaganomics is destroying any chance of improving poverty. And Obama can't change that.

Give us a rest with the excuses already. Rangel was doing the ol' soft shoe, in order to avoid answering questions. Questions about Obama's performance regarding our debt and job creation. He did not want to answer questions about that- cutting him off when he kept attempting to take the conversation down a different path was her job! He even tried the schmooze crap by telling her she was an "attractive secret weapon of Bill O'Reilly's" and by doing so insinuating that's all she had going for her.

One thing Rangel proved last night is that no one can defend Obama's record of "job creation" or for that matter any success. The best they can do is divert and point fingers.

I think the funniest part of that interview was at the end when Laura gave Charlie the dig about why he didn't let Obama vacation at the Dominican Republic condo he failed to pay taxes on. Right about then Rangel looked like he was sucking on a lemon. As soon as she brought the condo up he gave up and answered her question about the job that Obama was doing. Anything to keep that topic from coming up...right Charlie? Gotta love it!!!
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I'm a conservative kinda guy myself, but I get tired of the constant interupting of the lib/dem guests on the various FoxNews programs. C'mon, you know what you're going to get from them, don't be telling me you're fair and balanced if you don't give them equal uninterupted time. The truth is you're going to get spin from both sides, the constant overtalking is a real turnoff. It's one thing if they go off on some tangent or won't stop yacking, but it's another to interupt after less than 5 freakin' seconds like Ingraham was doing.

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