Any fishkeepers here?


Active Member
Oct 10, 2018
By GOD Arcadia Fl!
I have a 29 gallon with all species caught from my local river. Sailfin mollies, plecos, mosquito fish (Gambusia) Bunch of baby channel cats, grass shrimp and a crawfish.
Aren't some of those against the law to keep?
Not that I am aware of. The Plecostomus are the "algae eaters" commonly sold in pet stores. They (like all exotics) are illegal to release (even into the same water body they were caught in).

When they outgrow the tank, they go to the compost pile.
Aren't some of those against the law to keep?
Not that I am aware of. The Plecostomus are the "algae eaters" commonly sold in pet stores. They (like all exotics) are illegal to release (even into the same water body they were caught in).

When they outgrow the tank, they go to the compost pile.

Yeah, I wasn't talking about the pleccos. You mentioned species you had caught in the local river or ponds, like craw dads and such, and were keeping them in a tank.

Not that I care, I don't keep 'em.

I have a friend that is an avid enthusiast. He sometimes keeps them, but once told me why those dumb laws exist. He will occasionally keep the crayfish around here as well for meals for the other fish, or himself.

When he is grabbing them, he's always looking over his shoulder for the po-po as he doesn't get a license to take them from the streams or the lakes.

Mostly he focuses on his lizard and other fish.

Anyway, these are the prohibited, and the ones that you can have with a license. . . if you care. I didn't see any of those, but I don't have scientific names memorized.

Prohibited Species List

Conditional Species List

Shit, if you hadn't told the board you lived in FL, I'd have thought you were him. Beside auto-repair, that's what he lives for, guns, pork, beer and animal keeping. :laugh:
They are barely edible. Tried them camping on the river, armored bastards. Brown/red mushy meat, good only for starving.

Tons of them here. Caught my aquarium specimens as fry with a dip net on some rocks. They grow quick, want 6 of them?
I have a 29 gallon with all species caught from my local river. Sailfin mollies, plecos, mosquito fish (Gambusia) Bunch of baby channel cats, grass shrimp and a crawfish.
I have a lot of property out in the country with 2 large ponds/small lakes on it. I keep my fish in those until I'm ready to eat them.
I have a 29 gallon with all species caught from my local river. Sailfin mollies, plecos, mosquito fish (Gambusia) Bunch of baby channel cats, grass shrimp and a crawfish.
I have a lot of property out in the country with 2 large ponds/small lakes on it. I keep my fish in those until I'm ready to eat them.
My friend has an above ground 12K gallon pool that is regularly green, trying to convince him to make $ and raise fish!
I'm not a fan of fish, but my brother is keen on fish farming. He has a small pond where he launches fry of different fish. There are some pretty beautiful fish. I love snorkelling, so if we go on vacation, I definitely take a snorkeling mask with me. I don't like small fish, so most of the aquariums aren't interesting to me, but I like to watch the fish around the reef. I read a lot of information about the best equipment on the Internet, on such portals as hikezone . I believe that a good and convenient equipment helps to see more and show how snorkelling is an exciting hobby.

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