Anxious Day In NY


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Seems there is still some work to be done regarding crisis?,8816,1575169,00.html
Monday, Jan. 08, 2007
New York's Gas Crisis Passes
By Nathan Thornburgh/New York

Two of Manhattan’s less celebrated hallmarks — its foul odors and its anxious populace — collided on Monday as a strong gas-like smell spread fear, and a lingering hint of bad cabbage, across much of Manhattan and neighboring New Jersey.

In the two hours between the onset of the smell and later reassurances from the city and the Department of Homeland Security that it was neither harmful nor terror-related, the episode brought fresh anxieties to the region. Some office buildings, schools and stores were evacuated, though briefly. The PATH train between New Jersey and New York stopped service for a short time on several lines. By mid-morning, all services had been restored.

Phil Campbell, 34, works on the 31st floor of a Rockefeller Center building in midtown Manhattan and says that the smell set in just before 9 a.m. “Pretty soon, people were getting headaches and starting to feel faint,” he says. “I was getting nauseous myself.” ...
It turned out, Alec Baldwin was in town to film an episode of 30 Rock and had red cabbage for lunch. It was the most intelligent thing anyone had ever heard him say.
It turned out, Alec Baldwin was in town to film an episode of 30 Rock and had red cabbage for lunch. It was the most intelligent thing anyone had ever heard him say.

LOL! In all seriousness, last I heard they hadn't located the cause of this leak, though the gas company says it's not on their end. What if it was some other substance? Not good...
maybe it was just smelling from their football preformance this past weekend:)

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