Antifa: Archetype Fascists


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
For almost 150 years, the left has embraced violence, force, coercion, and intimidation as their primary vehicle for achieving their desired agenda. They have ramped up those tactics a thousand fold since President Trump started campaigning and subsequently was elected President of the United States.

We have seen them assault people, throw human waste on law enforcement, riot, burn property, destroy property, block traffic, and more. In every case, conservatives have displayed incredible self-control. Even when they were justified in resorting to self-defense, they often times haven't.

Why? Nobody can say for sure other than the individuals who allowed themselves to be victimized. I suspect they are so civilized and decent that they simply do not wish to resort to the low level of the left. But after over a year of this nonsense, we are starting to see more and more conservatives start to defend themselves.

What will be the result of it? Will we see fascists stop being so aggressive once they realize that they will battered and bruised or will this escalate the violence further? Only time will tell. I do find it interesting that every time one of these videos surface, the fascist who is inciting the violence ends up getting destroyed. Hopefully, the circulation of these videos will help de-escalate the violence as the fascists see how it will end for them.

For almost 150 years, the left has embraced violence, force, coercion, and intimidation as their primary vehicle for achieving their desired agenda. They have ramped up those tactics a thousand fold since President Trump started campaigning and subsequently was elected President of the United States.

We have seen them assault people, throw human waste on law enforcement, riot, burn property, destroy property, block traffic, and more. In every case, conservatives have displayed incredible self-control. Even when they were justified in resorting to self-defense, they often times haven't.

Why? Nobody can say for sure other than the individuals who allowed themselves to be victimized. I suspect they are so civilized and decent that they simply do not wish to resort to the low level of the left. But after over a year of this nonsense, we are starting to see more and more conservatives start to defend themselves.

What will be the result of it? Will we see fascists stop being so aggressive once they realize that they will battered and bruised or will this escalate the violence further? Only time will tell. I do find it interesting that every time one of these videos surface, the fascist who is inciting the violence ends up getting destroyed. Hopefully, the circulation of these videos will help de-escalate the violence as the fascists see how it will end for them.

^ :cuckoo:
OP - face the fact that patriotic Americans are not going to lay down for you fascists.

Its just not going to happen.
Antifa has way more in common with ISIS, than they know. Both of them have to hide their identities and are cowards if you get one of them alone.
OP - face the fact that patriotic Americans are not going to lay down for you fascists.

Its just not going to happen.

I disagree. Patriotic people are sitting back, thankful that they took advantage of the Obama-era gun and ammo confiscation scare. Sitting back watching and waiting to see how crazy the leftists really get.

Notice how the fascists cover the camera over and over and over? Only people engaging in criminal activity attempt to cover cameras. Also notice how this left-wing cross-dressing freak punches a black man for no reason? The left has been the party of racists since the beginning. Clearly nothing has changed with their ideology over the past 150 years.

More fascists assaulting people and carrying weapons. Kudos to the conservative here who defends himself...

I never took you for the Jerry Springer type. :dunno:

I'm not the Jerry Springer type. I am the "examine reality and deal with it" type though. This is reality. This is what the fascists are doing around our nation. This is what law abiding conservatives have to deal with on a daily basis.
Con schizophrenia.

Libruls are snowflakes, libruls are thugs.
They are snowflakes (they cry and need coloring books when they don't get their way) and they are thugs (they suddenly become "brave" when they are in a group of 30, carrying weapons, and covering their faces).
Con schizophrenia.

Libruls are snowflakes, libruls are thugs.

The conservative tough guy act would look less ridiculous if most conservatives weren't constantly shedding such copious snowflake tears.

Mmm, conservative tears. So tasty. Bitter, yet they possess a certain piquancy all their own.

Ann Coulter went snowflake queen of the bed wetters when she had to move to another seat on a plane.

Nobody wanted to sit next to a skeleton that talks.



Who's crying, you say...
Con schizophrenia.

Libruls are snowflakes, libruls are thugs.

The conservative tough guy act would look less ridiculous if most conservatives weren't constantly shedding such copious snowflake tears.

Mmm, conservative tears. So tasty. Bitter, yet they possess a certain piquancy all their own.

I don't know, is that your family album? You just run around to websites and post random photos of your family? What is that.



Who's crying, you say...
Con schizophrenia.

Libruls are snowflakes, libruls are thugs.

The conservative tough guy act would look less ridiculous if most conservatives weren't constantly shedding such copious snowflake tears.

Mmm, conservative tears. So tasty. Bitter, yet they possess a certain piquancy all their own.

I don't know, is that your family album? You just run around to websites and post random photos of your family? What is that.
That's is progressivism - a bunch of snowflakes who can't handle life.

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