Anthraxada: Evolution of Catholicism


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Sep 22, 2013
Media makes me wonder if social discourse has become more...artistic.

This yarn was inspired by Priest.



"As Catholicism 'evolved' into a more urban contemplation, the Devil contemplated how art and characterizations of Christian mythology in Catholicism-oriented art catered to a more 'progressive' audience. Classical Catholics preferred more authentic old-world portraits of the Manger and Calvary, while Neo-Catholics were interested in movies. This evolution was referred to by the Devil as 'Anthraxada' (a term signifying a great proliferation in radical ideas)."


"Americans of the new millennium enjoyed religion-dissection movies catering to pro-Catholic and more liberal audiences such as The Devil's Advocate (Al Pacino), Bedazzled (Elizabeth Hurley), Shortcut to Happiness (Alec Baldwin), and The Ninth Gate (Johnny Depp). These movies presented the Devil as a 'legal antagonist' of the established liberal/Catholic notions of pluralism-based social disclosures and free-speech. Catholics of the modern world were therefore more 'controversy-pensive'."


"America was host to a new breed of populism politics and pluralism. When capitalism-baron Donald Trump was elected as U.S. President, becoming the second celebrity-president (incidentally a Republican) after Ronald Reagan, young voters across the nation were more sensitive to the reality that democracy in America was much more interactive and commerce-based (e.g., Wall Street, eBay, WikiLeaks, etc.). Media was enabling Facebook-users to upload personal photos of multicultural weddings onto the public electronic bulletin-board (the Internet) and this was making for more religious-tolerance controversy intrigue."


"American animators and kids' programs developers were orienting their storytelling to address therefore more modernism-relevant issues such as sociocultural assimilation (e.g., robots enduring bigotry from humans), religious dogma (e.g., angels and fairies guiding warriors and travellers), immigration/traffic (e.g., multicultural weddings), and commerce/trade (e.g., international toy-store franchises). The avatars/characters presented in these new age kids' shows/movies represented a modern pluralism, so the Devil conjectured that 'Anthraxada' (the evolution of Catholicism) would reflect networking concerns (e.g., graphic-violence in multicultural video-games marketed to youngsters such as Mortal Kombat)."


"American comic book writers and movie stars were busy creating personages/characters signifying a radical new age stance on civics and vigilantism-daydreams, echoes in stories/films such as Captain America: Civil War and Escape from New York. These outrageous tales represented a social fascination with traffic-oriented sociocultural human drama (e.g., Los Angeles Race Riots of 1992). Media coverage of events at the Vatican revealed to the world that 'Anthraxada' (the evolution of Catholicism) was rather...carnival-atmospheric. People were interested in the 'pageantry' of life."


"As the Devil took notes about 'Anthraxada' (the evolution of Catholicism), he decided to invoke the demonic/dark spirit of the ominous Green Dragon, a nefarious underworld creature who breathed both devastating fire and a putrid/toxic and noxious sulfuric gas capable of creating insanity. Green Dragon was the epitome of terrorism, and the Devil wanted the creature/sentinel to serve as a messenger of religious conflict. The Devil wanted to undermine global media idealism regarding Catholicism-tolerance and dialogue-accessibility (e.g., EWTN) by having Green Dragon deliver the 'smoke' of hate-crimes (e.g., 9/11)."


"American writers were penning novels and short-stories about imaginative clerks and bureaucrats discovering everyday 'magic' in pockets of rural life, village life, and country life. These tales represented a spiritual backlash to the developing pseudo-Orwellian obsession with Wall Street and the World Bank in modern civilization. These idyllic tales of wandering poets caught in a sea of society bureaucracy symbolized a new age curiosity about the defiance of urbanization. The Devil wanted to exploit this emerging sentiment with seductive images/tales of complete hysteria --- e.g., Woody Allen's fame-dementia film Celebrity (starring Leo DiCaprio)."


"A great modern 'Tower of Babel' (an illuminated red building) in Italy was being renovated, and social critics pondered the possibility that the building was akin to the Leaning Tower of Pisa only it represented new age intellectualism rather than classical romance/idealism. This modern 'Tower of Babel' was something the Devil was very interested in, so he sent Green Dragon to create a security-perimeter using his fire-breath and fume-breath. The Devil then established a 'dominion' (disguised as a businessman with executives, secretaries, and consultants) or head office at the top level of the impressive/ominous red building. President Trump remarked that terrorists should have demolished this ominous red building in Italy rather than the World Trade Center in NYC."


GOD: The evolution of Catholicism has been quite 'exciting.'
SATAN: Yes, 'Anthraxada' is a sign that the AntiChrist approaches...
GOD: Why do you say that?
SATAN: Why? Look around you! There are obvious 'monuments' to greed.
GOD: Are you suggesting that media-pluralism has made Catholics greedy?
SATAN: Any Catholic would feel the temptation to exploit consumerism-conveniences.
GOD: I think a modern Catholic appreciates the difference between QVC and EWTN.
SATAN: There are significant doubts; consider the weight of commerce.
GOD: I agree that commerce has been 'linked' to culture, but terrorism is evil.
SATAN: Terrorism is simply an angst-response to commerce claustrophobia.
GOD: To defend Wall Street, we need discussions about trade/peace.
SATAN: Western petroleum will never reconcile with OPEC.
GOD: That's because Israel-Palestine is such an inflaming 'issue.'
SATAN: Would you agree that 'Anthraxada' is a totem of controversy?
GOD: I concede that the 'evolution of Catholicism' adds 'media-spice.'
SATAN: Everyday laborers and housewives want tales about piracy!
GOD: Capitalism creates 'fortune-hunting intrigue' but temperance is needed.
SATAN: I think new age films such as Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps are symbolic.
GOD: Will 'Anthraxada' (the evolution of Catholicism) be considered a feather?
SATAN: I believe Anthraxada will be likened to the Renaissance.
GOD: The Renaissance was more respectful, civil, and less pornographic!
SATAN: Never discount the social demand for open air (e.g., Mad Money).




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