Another Shootup at Alabama Football Game.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

So far only 4 wounded and one in critical condition. Nothing yet on weapon used but the low number wounded or killed makes it most likely not another AR-15 shooting.

So far only 4 wounded and one in critical condition. Nothing yet on weapon used but the low number wounded or killed makes it most likely not another AR-15 shooting.

"The shooting was not on the field or stands, but crowds fled to the exits and players dropped to the ground for safety...."
Two suspects were seen fleeing the area. Most likely gang related. Create a gang-task-force, round up juvenile gang members in the city and their parents and give them the option of leaving the state or their gang member kid spends some time in jail for any related gang activity and still throw them out of the state afterwards.
Does anyone know yet what kind of gun (s) were used? This doesn't sound like an AR shooting, due to the low score.

This still isn't the big one that everybody has predicted.

So far only 4 wounded and one in critical condition. Nothing yet on weapon used but the low number wounded or killed makes it most likely not another AR-15 shooting.

an AR fires no slower or faster than a semi automatic 22 or any other semi automatic weapon

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