Another Republican lie blows up


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Democrats are Socialists! They're here to destroy America's capitalist economy! Sound familiar?

Meanwhile back on planet earth, Wall Street likes the stable Biden / Harris agenda, as the Dow jumps more than 200 points to close above 35,000 for the first time ever.

Another Republican lie goes down in flames-

Ok. meanwhile democrats demonize anyone that has a different opinion and then weirdly sanction race riots. We have a year of race riots costing billions and god knows how many lives, But Democrats are fixated on January 6th. One day. WHY are liberals ahem" SO fixated on that tiny tiny incident" and not the over reaching destruction of the last year? WHY? You got some splainin' to do, Lucy.
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Democrats are Socialists! They're here to destroy America's capitalist economy! Sound familiar?

Meanwhile back on planet earth, Wall Street likes the stable Biden / Harris agenda, as the Dow jumps more than 200 points to close above 35,000 for the first time ever.

Another Republican lie goes down in flames-

With interest rates at the floor where else you gonna put all that money from government money printing and loose monetary policy / quantitaive easing?

So you think the market just started hitting all time highs under dementia Joe Xiden?

You new to the markets hun?

Democrats are Socialists! They're here to destroy America's capitalist economy! Sound familiar?

Meanwhile back on planet earth, Wall Street likes the stable Biden / Harris agenda, as the Dow jumps more than 200 points to close above 35,000 for the first time ever.

Another Republican lie goes down in flames-

They've been using the "COMMUNISTSSSSSSS" since Joe McCarthy and it works for them. Also find an enemy and tell everyone they're the enemy.

They do it with Democrats, Muslims, the Chinese, even the North Koreans and Iran...... did it with the Soviets and others before....
Ok. meanwhile democrats demonize anyone that has a different opinion and then weirdly sanction race riots. We have year of race riots costing billions and god knows how many lives, But Democrats are fixated on January 6th. WHY are you 'ahem" liberals so fixated on that tiny tiny incident and not the overall reaching destruction of the of the last year? WHY?

Shows the system is messed up.

You can't have two political parties and expect healthy politics and health democracy.

Time for DEMOCRACY, Proportional Representation is democracy.
They've been using the "COMMUNISTSSSSSSS" since Joe McCarthy and it works for them. Also find an enemy and tell everyone they're the enemy.

They do it with Democrats, Muslims, the Chinese, even the North Koreans and Iran...... did it with the Soviets and others before....

Thanks for listing your loved ones:

Muslims, the Chinese, even the North Koreans and Iran, the Soviets
Democrats are Socialists! They're here to destroy America's capitalist economy! Sound familiar?

Meanwhile back on planet earth, Wall Street likes the stable Biden / Harris agenda, as the Dow jumps more than 200 points to close above 35,000 for the first time ever.

Another Republican lie goes down in flames-

Let’s see. The crazy democrats yelled for four years that it was 44 economy any time it was good news and screamed Trump when it was bad. Now suddenly they want it to be Biden’s? When are you fools going to learn simple economics?
We have money being shoveled out the door. Interest rates are rock bottom. Labor fiqures are the worst in years. Wall street had hit highs only dreamed of before Biden took office and none of his policies have been an aid to industry. Every other week some lame brain economist ( possibly democrat) is in the news predicting next week the stock market is going to crash and burn.
so I have two questions for you sparky.
1. do you normally peddle your brand of crazy and get many to believe it?
2. if the stock market does take a dive how you going to keep Biden from owning it?
Democrats are Socialists! They're here to destroy America's capitalist economy! Sound familiar?

Meanwhile back on planet earth, Wall Street likes the stable Biden / Harris agenda, as the Dow jumps more than 200 points to close above 35,000 for the first time ever.

Another Republican lie goes down in flames-

Oh, I get it. You’re somehow under the impression that Wall Street wants competition, for whatever reason doesn’t want the fed to keep printing them free money. Are you also under the impression that America is a capitalistic country?
Democrats are Socialists! They're here to destroy America's capitalist economy! Sound familiar?
Meanwhile back on planet earth, Wall Street likes the stable Biden / Harris agenda, as the Dow jumps more than 200 points to close above 35,000 for the first time ever.
Another Republican lie goes down in flames-

Wow. I've seen some reaches in my time but that takes the cake. The Dow is up and rebounding after recovering from people getting vaccinated, restrictions being lowered, and folks and business being allowed to go back to work, and you want to spin that as meaning democrats love capitalism and repubs lie?! :auiqs.jpg:

Wall Street don't give a shit about Biddum, they are just naturally happy that the economy has been unlocked to operate again, and would be if they put Phyllis Diller in the Oval Office.

Which might be an improvement.
Democrats are Socialists! They're here to destroy America's capitalist economy! Sound familiar?

Meanwhile back on planet earth, Wall Street likes the stable Biden / Harris agenda, as the Dow jumps more than 200 points to close above 35,000 for the first time ever.

Another Republican lie goes down in flames-

Any questions about Leftism being a Mental Disorder?

Any questions about how the Marxist propaganda effects PSYCHO Leftist?
Ok. meanwhile democrats demonize anyone that has a different opinion and then weirdly sanction race riots. We have a year of race riots costing billions and god knows how many lives, But Democrats are fixated on January 6th. One day. WHY are liberals ahem" SO fixated on that tiny tiny incident" and not the over reaching destruction of the last year? WHY? You got some splainin' to do, Lucy.
because the insurrections last summer did not affect the assholes in congress..... the Jan 6th one did...that was the difference....

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