Another Pipeline Explodes -


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
Why are Republicans in Congress so determined to get approval on the Keystone's not like it is going to create a lot of jobs, and there are so many risks involved.....this one is the 4th major mishap at a US pipeline just this month. Don't Republicans care anything at all about our environment?

Who wants this in their neighborhood?


Who would have thought that pipelines built by for-profit companies would make them in any but the safest and most secure manner?

A gas pipeline in Brooke County, West Virginia exploded into a ball of flames on Monday morning, marking the fourth major mishap at a U.S. pipeline this month.

No one was hurt in the explosion, but residents told the local WTRF 7 news station that they could see a massive fireball shooting hundreds of feet into the air. An emergency dispatcher reportedly told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that the flames had melted the siding off one home and damaged at least one power line. The gas pipeline is owned by Houston, Texas-based The Enterprise Products, L.P., which said Monday evening that it is investigating the cause of the explosion.

The West Virginia explosion is the fourth in a string of news-making pipeline incidents this month.

Another Pipeline Explosion This Time In West Virginia Crooks and Liars
Trains are not safe either, at least with the DOT111 transport car....the newer replacement version which costs $100k for each one, takes care of many issues with the oil train cabs...

Buffet is buying 5000 of the newer stronger oil transport cabs/cars.... don't know about the other oil train transporters on whether they have committed to investing in them....?

You actually astound me more.

From your link:
A Quebec town devastated when a runaway oil tanker train

........So, you are more concerned about saving lives in Canada than in America?

Americans aren't even going to benefit from it other than a few jobs during construction and even less thereafter.
Obama Keystone XL pipeline does not benefit Americans RT USA

Threatening our water and the chance of more explosions doesn't seem like a solution, especially when it doesn't benefit Americans. Why do you care to help Canada transport their oil to the gulf?

Will Tar Sands Pipeline Threaten Groundwater
Trains are not safe either, at least with the DOT111 transport car....the newer replacement version which costs $100k for each one, takes care of many issues with the oil train cabs...

Buffet is buying 5000 of the newer stronger oil transport cabs/cars.... don't know about the other oil train transporters on whether they have committed to investing in them....?

Well C4A you have to transport MILLIONS of gallons a day, you have any info about how many have died from a pipe break?

You actually astound me more.

From your link:
A Quebec town devastated when a runaway oil tanker train

........So, you are more concerned about saving lives in Canada than in America?

Americans aren't even going to benefit from it other than a few jobs during construction and even less thereafter.
Obama Keystone XL pipeline does not benefit Americans RT USA

Threatening our water and the chance of more explosions doesn't seem like a solution, especially when it doesn't benefit Americans. Why do you care to help Canada transport their oil to the gulf?

Will Tar Sands Pipeline Threaten Groundwater

Why Mert, did we get LUCKY it was on the Canadian side of the border? Apparently you care little about our economy being helped by an oil pipeline... You'd probably want to stop it, if BED BUGS were endangered by a pipeline! Did you read the flaming oil got into their sewer system, coming back up through the water pipes, setting stores on fire?
Trains are not safe either, at least with the DOT111 transport car....the newer replacement version which costs $100k for each one, takes care of many issues with the oil train cabs...

Buffet is buying 5000 of the newer stronger oil transport cabs/cars.... don't know about the other oil train transporters on whether they have committed to investing in them....?

Well C4A you have to transport MILLIONS of gallons a day, you have any info about how many have died from a pipe break?
just common sense that a train car filled with oil has less to 'spill' than a pipeline running millions of gallons a day through it with a crack or break....

but i don't like rail either, unless the cars are upgraded and the towns the rail cars plan to run through are made aware and get a say so....

You actually astound me more.

From your link:
A Quebec town devastated when a runaway oil tanker train

........So, you are more concerned about saving lives in Canada than in America?

Americans aren't even going to benefit from it other than a few jobs during construction and even less thereafter.
Obama Keystone XL pipeline does not benefit Americans RT USA

Threatening our water and the chance of more explosions doesn't seem like a solution, especially when it doesn't benefit Americans. Why do you care to help Canada transport their oil to the gulf?

Will Tar Sands Pipeline Threaten Groundwater

Why Mert, did we get LUCKY it was on the Canadian side of the border? Apparently you care little about our economy being helped by an oil pipeline...
Please explain how the pipeline is going to help our economy.

You'd probably want to stop it, if BED BUGS were endangered by a pipeline!
You really are reaching (grasping) now....and actually being silly. Why don't you debate like an adult?

Did you read the flaming oil got into their sewer system, coming back up through the water pipes, setting stores on fire?
Yeah....and that's Canada's problem, not ours. You want to create problems for the US for no good reason....apparently you don't care about our environment or our economy.

It's idiotic comments like these, that have some people like you believing that it will create many jobs.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who unsuccessfully sought the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, once pegged the number of potential pipeline jobs at being anywhere from "100,000 to one million."

when in reality:

In 2013, President Barack Obama, whose own State Department was weighing whether to give TransCanada permission to build the pipeline, estimated the number of permanent jobs that could be created by work on the pipeline to be about 50 to 100.
Keystone Pipeline Jobs - How Many Would Be Created
Why are Republicans in Congress so determined to get approval on the Keystone's not like it is going to create a lot of jobs, and there are so many risks involved.....this one is the 4th major mishap at a US pipeline just this month. Don't Republicans care anything at all about our environment?

Who wants this in their neighborhood?


Who would have thought that pipelines built by for-profit companies would make them in any but the safest and most secure manner?

A gas pipeline in Brooke County, West Virginia exploded into a ball of flames on Monday morning, marking the fourth major mishap at a U.S. pipeline this month.

No one was hurt in the explosion, but residents told the local WTRF 7 news station that they could see a massive fireball shooting hundreds of feet into the air. An emergency dispatcher reportedly told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that the flames had melted the siding off one home and damaged at least one power line. The gas pipeline is owned by Houston, Texas-based The Enterprise Products, L.P., which said Monday evening that it is investigating the cause of the explosion.

The West Virginia explosion is the fourth in a string of news-making pipeline incidents this month.

Another Pipeline Explosion This Time In West Virginia Crooks and Liars
You can't tell the difference between an oil pipeline and a gas line? Who wants this in their neighborhood? Everyone. This is a gas line. Everyone with a gas kitchen stove, heater, hot water heater has gas lines. There are millions of them.

You actually astound me more.

From your link:
A Quebec town devastated when a runaway oil tanker train

........So, you are more concerned about saving lives in Canada than in America?

Americans aren't even going to benefit from it other than a few jobs during construction and even less thereafter.
Obama Keystone XL pipeline does not benefit Americans RT USA

Threatening our water and the chance of more explosions doesn't seem like a solution, especially when it doesn't benefit Americans. Why do you care to help Canada transport their oil to the gulf?

Will Tar Sands Pipeline Threaten Groundwater

Why Mert, did we get LUCKY it was on the Canadian side of the border? Apparently you care little about our economy being helped by an oil pipeline...
Please explain how the pipeline is going to help our economy.

You'd probably want to stop it, if BED BUGS were endangered by a pipeline!
You really are reaching (grasping) now....and actually being silly. Why don't you debate like an adult?

Did you read the flaming oil got into their sewer system, coming back up through the water pipes, setting stores on fire?
Yeah....and that's Canada's problem, not ours. You want to create problems for the US for no good reason....apparently you don't care about our environment or our economy.

It's idiotic comments like these, that have some people like you believing that it will create many jobs.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who unsuccessfully sought the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, once pegged the number of potential pipeline jobs at being anywhere from "100,000 to one million."

when in reality:

In 2013, President Barack Obama, whose own State Department was weighing whether to give TransCanada permission to build the pipeline, estimated the number of permanent jobs that could be created by work on the pipeline to be about 50 to 100.
Keystone Pipeline Jobs - How Many Would Be Created

Come on Mert, you're being DISHONEST!

How the Keystone XL Pipeline Will Help the U.S. Economy - Businessweek

You actually astound me more.

From your link:
A Quebec town devastated when a runaway oil tanker train

........So, you are more concerned about saving lives in Canada than in America?

Americans aren't even going to benefit from it other than a few jobs during construction and even less thereafter.
Obama Keystone XL pipeline does not benefit Americans RT USA

Threatening our water and the chance of more explosions doesn't seem like a solution, especially when it doesn't benefit Americans. Why do you care to help Canada transport their oil to the gulf?

Will Tar Sands Pipeline Threaten Groundwater

Your President is a liar. Let's start there. America uses more oil than it produces.
Got it? You need to import oil. Canada is your number one supplier. Has been for over a decade.

The crude has to get to your refineries. Pick your poison Mertex. Pipeline, rail or transport truck.

You need the oil Keystone is just a freaking pipeline that ships crude from Point A to point B. Just like Warren Buffet's rail line transports Canuck crude to refineries. Oh and by the way old Warren that big democrat donor is making out like a bandit with the delay on the XL.

Keystone/TransCanada are not oil companies nor are they refineries. Just a pipeline servicing American refineries.

Now to the issue of a "few jobs". Any one who touts the argument that construction jobs don't count because they are just temporary is a fucking moron.

Your own State Department put the number at 42,000 jobs over the course of the pipeline being built.

Now as to the pipeline being built. The Keystone is finished. You are late to the party.

This is all just a big jerk off dog and pony show by the President and his Democrats because the pipeline is complete.

XL is just a secondary northern extension that would also pick up crude from the Bakken in Montana and North Dakota.

Re water supplies. The Ogallala Aquifer is criss crossed already by thousands of miles of pipelines.

That was another freaking bullshit argument from enviro whackos.

So pick your poison Mertex. The Canadian crude will continue to be shipped to your refineries.

Why? Because you fucking need it. THAT'S how it benefits Americans.

You actually astound me more.

From your link:
A Quebec town devastated when a runaway oil tanker train

........So, you are more concerned about saving lives in Canada than in America?

Americans aren't even going to benefit from it other than a few jobs during construction and even less thereafter.
Obama Keystone XL pipeline does not benefit Americans RT USA

Threatening our water and the chance of more explosions doesn't seem like a solution, especially when it doesn't benefit Americans. Why do you care to help Canada transport their oil to the gulf?

Will Tar Sands Pipeline Threaten Groundwater

Why Mert, did we get LUCKY it was on the Canadian side of the border? Apparently you care little about our economy being helped by an oil pipeline...
Please explain how the pipeline is going to help our economy.

You'd probably want to stop it, if BED BUGS were endangered by a pipeline!
You really are reaching (grasping) now....and actually being silly. Why don't you debate like an adult?

Did you read the flaming oil got into their sewer system, coming back up through the water pipes, setting stores on fire?
Yeah....and that's Canada's problem, not ours. You want to create problems for the US for no good reason....apparently you don't care about our environment or our economy.

It's idiotic comments like these, that have some people like you believing that it will create many jobs.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who unsuccessfully sought the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, once pegged the number of potential pipeline jobs at being anywhere from "100,000 to one million."

when in reality:

In 2013, President Barack Obama, whose own State Department was weighing whether to give TransCanada permission to build the pipeline, estimated the number of permanent jobs that could be created by work on the pipeline to be about 50 to 100.
Keystone Pipeline Jobs - How Many Would Be Created

Fool. Construction jobs are always temporary. What? No one should have built the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam because the jobs were temporary?

This is the lamest freaking argument out there. It is positively moronic.

Oh don't build anything any more. The jobs are only temporary.

Dumb fucking shits.
Oh my goodness what about the Ogallala aquifer and the water supply?
Boo hoo the Keystone will ruin it.

:lol: I think the anti pipeline people are late to the party.

Why are Republicans in Congress so determined to get approval on the Keystone's not like it is going to create a lot of jobs, and there are so many risks involved.....this one is the 4th major mishap at a US pipeline just this month. Don't Republicans care anything at all about our environment?

Who wants this in their neighborhood?


Who would have thought that pipelines built by for-profit companies would make them in any but the safest and most secure manner?

A gas pipeline in Brooke County, West Virginia exploded into a ball of flames on Monday morning, marking the fourth major mishap at a U.S. pipeline this month.

No one was hurt in the explosion, but residents told the local WTRF 7 news station that they could see a massive fireball shooting hundreds of feet into the air. An emergency dispatcher reportedly told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that the flames had melted the siding off one home and damaged at least one power line. The gas pipeline is owned by Houston, Texas-based The Enterprise Products, L.P., which said Monday evening that it is investigating the cause of the explosion.

The West Virginia explosion is the fourth in a string of news-making pipeline incidents this month.

Another Pipeline Explosion This Time In West Virginia Crooks and Liars
You can't tell the difference between an oil pipeline and a gas line? Who wants this in their neighborhood? Everyone. This is a gas line. Everyone with a gas kitchen stove, heater, hot water heater has gas lines. There are millions of them.

That's true, but oil lines explode, too, and rupture and cause harm to the environment. The people that would have the Keystone pipeline going through their state do not want it, especially since it doesn't even benefit them.

An oil leak triggered by pipeline explosions Friday in the northeastern port city of Dalian had contaminated at least 50 square kilometers of ocean waters as of last night, and local authorities were still rushing to contain the oil.
Oil spill at sea after pipelines explode - China News - SINA English

On December 19, 2010, an oil pipeline in Mexico exploded, killing at least 27 people and injured more than 50.
Anthony Marr Why Pipelines Don t Leak But Explode

A pipeline released fuel oil at Chalk Point near Aquasco, Maryland, on April 7. The Piney Point Oil Pipeline system, which was owned by the Potomac Electric Power Company (Pepco), experienced a pipe failure at the Chalk Point Generating Station in southeastern Prince George's County, Maryland.

On January 21, 2015 a crude oil pipeline pump station caught fire northwest of Texas City, Texas. Texas City

On January 19, 2015 oil from a broken pipeline seeped into the Yellowstone River, and contaminated the water supply 10 miles south of Glendive, Montana.

On October 13, 2014 a Sunoco/Mid-Valley crude oil pipeline ruptured, and spilled about 168,000 gallons of crude oil in Caddo Parish, Louisiana.

On February 5, a pipeline failed and spilled over 192,000 US gallons (730,000 L) of crude oil in the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge in Pennsylvania.

On August 24, a 6-inch pipeline operated by Chevron failed from alleged external corrosion, spilling 126,000 gallons of crude oil into an unnamed creek, near Snyder, Texas. The creek was dry at the time. Later, a Federal Court ruled that the Clean Water Actdid not apply, since there was no water flowing in the creek at the time.

On August 17, an Oklahoma crude oil pipeline ruptured after being struck by a machine cleaning roadside ditches, sending oil 30 feet (9.1 m) into the air

List of pipeline accidents in the United States in the 21st century - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Your President is a liar. Let's start there. America uses more oil than it produces.
You're the liar.

And at the same time we’re pumping more, we’re using less—and using it more intelligently.
America world rsquo s leading oil producer As we rsquo re pumping more we rsquo re using less.

Got it? You need to import oil. Canada is your number one supplier. Has been for over a decade.

FYI....we're not going to be using the oil being transported through the Keystone pipeline.

The first commercial, airing today, features Steyer in Port Arthur, Texas, saying much of the oil to be shipped from Alberta to refineries along the U.S. Gulf Coast would end up being exported.

“Foreign countries will get more access to more oil to make more products to sell back to us, undercutting our economy,” Steyer, founder of the hedge fund Farallon Capital Management LLC, says in the advertisement. “Here’s the truth: Keystone oil will travel through America not to America.”

8216 Keystone oil will travel through America not to America Billionaire steps up anti-Keystone campaign with US 1M ad blitz Financial Post

The crude has to get to your refineries. Pick your poison Mertex. Pipeline, rail or transport truck.

Not oil that we're not going to be using.

You need the oil Keystone is just a freaking pipeline that ships crude from Point A to point B. Just like Warren Buffet's rail line transports Canuck crude to refineries. Oh and by the way old Warren that big democrat donor is making out like a bandit with the delay on the XL.
Yepp, through states that don't want it going through their state, especially since it will be close to their water source. Something that most Republicans don't give a damn about.

Last week, a special session of the state legislature began to draw up a plan to alter the proposed route of the Keystone XL pipeline, which would begin in Alberta, enter the United States at Montana, cut diagonally through Nebraska and terminate in east Texas. It would transport
petroleum in the form of tar sands through the states, and TransCanada says it will reduce both nations’ dependence on energy from the Middle East.

The concern is the route that the pipeline would take through the Cornhusker State – it would cut right through the Ogallala Aquifer, a massive underground formation that provides drinking water for eight states. Environmental groups have raised concerns that the pipeline might leak and cause mass contamination, and the state wants to block the pipeline from the Aquifer and reroute it.

Annenberg Classroom - Speak Outs - Nebraska vs. Keystone Pipeline Is the state s resistance constitutional

Oh and by the way, the Koch Brothers those big Republican donors are going to make out like bandits with the Keystone pipeline, probably why Republicans want to make sure it goes through.
Keystone XL Pipeline Could Yield 100 Billion For Koch Brothers

Keystone/TransCanada are not oil companies nor are they refineries. Just a pipeline servicing American refineries.

Now to the issue of a "few jobs". Any one who touts the argument that construction jobs don't count because they are just temporary is a fucking moron.

Your own State Department put the number at 42,000 jobs over the course of the pipeline being built.
The number is down to less than 100. Obviously you don't know what you are talking about.

Now as to the pipeline being built. The Keystone is finished. You are late to the party.
You are so full of it. Parts of it may have been built, but until Obama gives the okay, it will go nowhere.

The pipeline isn’t even in service yet, but already TransCanada is digging up stretches of faulty piping and replacing them, raising fresh safety fears. The pipeline is intended to link up with the Keystone XL northern leg — which is still waiting for approval from the Obama administration — and then carry tar-sands oil down to refineries in Texas.

Keystone XL isn 8217 t even built yet and already it 8217 s faulty Grist

This is all just a big jerk off dog and pony show by the President and his Democrats because the pipeline is complete.

Obviously you are not informed.

XL is just a secondary northern extension that would also pick up crude from the Bakken in Montana and North Dakota.

Re water supplies. The Ogallala Aquifer is criss crossed already by thousands of miles of pipelines.

That was another freaking bullshit argument from enviro whackos.

So pick your poison Mertex. The Canadian crude will continue to be shipped to your refineries.
Obviously you are not up to date....I'm going to bed.

Why? Because you fucking need it. THAT'S how it benefits Americans.
Again, you are so misinformed, probably a Faux News viewer. Like I said up above and you may want to research, we won't even be using the oil that is being transported through the Keystone pipeline.

Fool. Construction jobs are always temporary. What? No one should have built the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam because the jobs were temporary?
You're such an idiot. First you claim that it is already why would we need more construction jobs?

This is the lamest freaking argument out there. It is positively moronic.
Moronic are the Republicans who don't give a shit about the country, the environment, and are only interested in providing money to the Koch Brothers.

Oh don't build anything any more. The jobs are only temporary.
Idiot, there are more jobs in infrastructure....something the Republicans don't give a crap about, even if the bridges are falling down.

Dumb fucking shits.
Yeah, that's Republicans for you, idiot.
Why are Republicans in Congress so determined to get approval on the Keystone's not like it is going to create a lot of jobs, and there are so many risks involved.....this one is the 4th major mishap at a US pipeline just this month. Don't Republicans care anything at all about our environment?

Who wants this in their neighborhood?


Who would have thought that pipelines built by for-profit companies would make them in any but the safest and most secure manner?

A gas pipeline in Brooke County, West Virginia exploded into a ball of flames on Monday morning, marking the fourth major mishap at a U.S. pipeline this month.

No one was hurt in the explosion, but residents told the local WTRF 7 news station that they could see a massive fireball shooting hundreds of feet into the air. An emergency dispatcher reportedly told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that the flames had melted the siding off one home and damaged at least one power line. The gas pipeline is owned by Houston, Texas-based The Enterprise Products, L.P., which said Monday evening that it is investigating the cause of the explosion.

The West Virginia explosion is the fourth in a string of news-making pipeline incidents this month.

Another Pipeline Explosion This Time In West Virginia Crooks and Liars
Do you have any idea how many people used to get killed by horses?

Not to mention, horseshit was everywhere back in the day.
The Republican party being composed primarily by ruch, racist, white people doesn't care about the enviroment one bit. I think they all believe they're gonna be like "Elysium" living in some luxury space station eventually. :)
The Republican party being composed primarily by ruch, racist, white people doesn't care about the enviroment one bit. I think they all believe they're gonna be like "Elysium" living in some luxury space station eventually. :)
Yup. It`s their never ending war on the environment. When a power generating company chooses to build a natural gas fueled power plant they cry like babies about some stupid ass war on coal. They complain about less drilling on federal land as if the oil that comes from a Wildlife Refuge is superior to the oil drilled on private land. I notice that none of them on this thread has said WHY we need a pipeline to move Canadian sludge.

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