Another one bites the dust (Trump version)


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014

Looks like another one had bitten the dust.

Trump suffers first resignation over Charlottesville race riots

An influential pharma CEO has quit an advisory role over Donald Trump's failure to condemn neo-Nazis involved in violent clashes with anti-fascist protesters in Virginia that left three people dead.

Merck chief executive Kenneth Frazier - one of America's most prominent black executives - quit the US President's American Manufacturing Council on Monday, saying he was taking a stand against intolerance and extremism in the wake of the violence."

When will they stop? Every week it seems another one bites the dust. Go Queen. Trump is the US's official queen.
He did condemn it. He condemned the whole thing. WTF?

He diddnt condemn it enough. They were looking for something along the lines of this,

And if you don't apologize enough, if you don't demonstrate sufficiently that you are NOT a racist dog then you just aren't cool at all.
Merck chief executive Kenneth Frazier - one of America's most prominent black executives - quit the US President's American Manufacturing Council on Monday, saying he was taking a stand against intolerance and extremism in the wake of the violence."
How the F* is resigning from the Manufacturing Council where he could help millions of Americans get out of poverty, alleviate economic stress / burden for some of these people who loot, burn, and riot because of no job, etc...going to make a difference regarding intolerance / extremism?

You would think by this that Trump had been leading the d@mn KKK march.

Liberals are so F*ed up!

Looks like another one had bitten the dust.

Trump suffers first resignation over Charlottesville race riots

An influential pharma CEO has quit an advisory role over Donald Trump's failure to condemn neo-Nazis involved in violent clashes with anti-fascist protesters in Virginia that left three people dead.

Merck chief executive Kenneth Frazier - one of America's most prominent black executives - quit the US President's American Manufacturing Council on Monday, saying he was taking a stand against intolerance and extremism in the wake of the violence."

When will they stop? Every week it seems another one bites the dust. Go Queen. Trump is the US's official queen.

Trump did condemn it...someone is seeking attention

Looks like another one had bitten the dust.

Trump suffers first resignation over Charlottesville race riots

An influential pharma CEO has quit an advisory role over Donald Trump's failure to condemn neo-Nazis involved in violent clashes with anti-fascist protesters in Virginia that left three people dead.

Merck chief executive Kenneth Frazier - one of America's most prominent black executives - quit the US President's American Manufacturing Council on Monday, saying he was taking a stand against intolerance and extremism in the wake of the violence."

When will they stop? Every week it seems another one bites the dust. Go Queen. Trump is the US's official queen.

Trump did condemn it...someone is seeking attention

But he didn't condemn It enough.

Looks like another one had bitten the dust.

Trump suffers first resignation over Charlottesville race riots

An influential pharma CEO has quit an advisory role over Donald Trump's failure to condemn neo-Nazis involved in violent clashes with anti-fascist protesters in Virginia that left three people dead.

Merck chief executive Kenneth Frazier - one of America's most prominent black executives - quit the US President's American Manufacturing Council on Monday, saying he was taking a stand against intolerance and extremism in the wake of the violence."

When will they stop? Every week it seems another one bites the dust. Go Queen. Trump is the US's official queen.

Trump did condemn it...someone is seeking attention

But he didn't condemn It enough.

It bothers me also that so many people who have expertise in a field are quitting. while at the same time people have been put in charge of areas that they have little or no experience in the areas they lead.
Well Trump is coming out again to likely show proper outrage over this BLM crap. I figure if he cuts him self several time across his chest, rips his clothes and pours ash on his head and crys some they may believe him.
Black man quits...

Pouting is popular these days. Take your toys and go home, no one cares.
Unless Trump said "Kill all the white people" the blacks won't be satisfied. Black lives matter, others not so much. The black guy goes home. Good riddance.

Looks like another one had bitten the dust.

Trump suffers first resignation over Charlottesville race riots

An influential pharma CEO has quit an advisory role over Donald Trump's failure to condemn neo-Nazis involved in violent clashes with anti-fascist protesters in Virginia that left three people dead.

Merck chief executive Kenneth Frazier - one of America's most prominent black executives - quit the US President's American Manufacturing Council on Monday, saying he was taking a stand against intolerance and extremism in the wake of the violence."

When will they stop? Every week it seems another one bites the dust. Go Queen. Trump is the US's official queen.

Trump did condemn it...someone is seeking attention

But he didn't condemn It enough.


He did condemn it. He condemned the whole thing. WTF?

Lefties being butthurt on the Soros dime.
Has Obama said Muslim terrorists yet? :eusa_silenced:

So you blame Soros, while doing the bidding of the Koch brothers... oh my.
Black man quits...

Pouting is popular these days. Take your toys and go home, no one cares.
Unless Trump said "Kill all the white people" the blacks won't be satisfied. Black lives matter, others not so much. The black guy goes home. Good riddance.

Funny how when it comes to Muslims having to condemn fundamentalist Islamic terrorism, even saying "I condemn this" isn't enough, right?

When you start playing games, expect the other side to do the same thing.
Black man quits...

Pouting is popular these days. Take your toys and go home, no one cares.
Unless Trump said "Kill all the white people" the blacks won't be satisfied. Black lives matter, others not so much. The black guy goes home. Good riddance.

Funny how when it comes to Muslims having to condemn fundamentalist Islamic terrorism, even saying "I condemn this" isn't enough, right?

When you start playing games, expect the other side to do the same thing.
I believe I covered that with my thread
The driver IS A terrorist

I also believe the AG covered that when he said he's going to be charged as a terrorist.

So what's your fucking point?
Black man quits...

Pouting is popular these days. Take your toys and go home, no one cares.
Today is not Grampa's day. Two white CEO's have quit since his "black guy quits" comment: The exodus is on: Intel CEO becomes third to quit Trump's manufacturing council in less than a day
Are you stalking me? If so I'm gonna need some money to put up with your stupid ass.
Says the man who's following me from thread to thread. I'm giving you what you wanted: attention. Sometimes you get what you wish for. :biggrin:
Black man quits...

Pouting is popular these days. Take your toys and go home, no one cares.
Today is not Grampa's day. Two white CEO's have quit since his "black guy quits" comment: The exodus is on: Intel CEO becomes third to quit Trump's manufacturing council in less than a day
Are you stalking me? If so I'm gonna need some money to put up with your stupid ass.
Says the man who's following me from thread to thread.
Followed you? No lol
Trolled you when I see you? Yes

Besides, you quoted me asshat

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