Another Hindu Temple Vandalised in US


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
It seems like an open season on Hindu temples in the U.S.


LOS ANGELES: A Hindu temple in the US has been vandalised with several windows broken and the word "fear" painted on its wall, the second such incident in America's Washington state this month.

Vandals used bricks to break several windows and then painted the word "fear" on the wall of the Kent Hindu Temple late Thursday night.

Members who came to worship last night were greeted by shards of broken glass after vandals targeted the building.

Regular visitors at the temple said they were not sure if they were targeted for their faith or if neighbourhood teens were just causing trouble, local KOMO-TV reported.

Both the FBI and Kent police have been informed about the incident.

This is the second such incident in recent days in the Washington state.

In the earlier incident on February 15, unidentified miscreants sprayed swastika and painted "Get Out" on one of the walls of the Bothell Hindu Temple in the Seattle Metropolitan area.

Executive Director of the Washington state chapter of Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) Arsalan Bukahari said many of these acts of aggression target smaller religious groups that some "bigots" think are Muslim.

"Because they choose to target certain places, we have a hunch that it might be biased motivated," Bukahari was quoted as saying by the television station.

The Kent temple does not have any security cameras and information on the vandals remains elusive.

Another Hindu Temple Vandalised in US -The New Indian Express
Sigh, Churches get vandalized every single day without much regard to the religion of the Church.
They've been vandalized in Seattle as well:

Ignorant idiots.

I like this quote from the article:
“When a place of worship gets attacked, it’s a little late,” said Arsalan Bukhari. “I think the time to respond is when hate rhetoric is promoted. We want lawmakers to stand up and say, 'This is not right. This cannot happen in America today.'"
Ever heard of Sihks? The Sihks and Hindus are very hostile toward one another. There are considerable communities of Hindus and Sihks in both British Columbia and Washington state. The bombing of Air India Flight 182 off the coast of Ireland in 1985 that claimed the lives of all 329 passengers and crew, most of them Canadian citizens, has long been thought by the RCMP to have been the responsibility of Sihk terrorists residing in Vancouver, Canada. That's how much Sihks and Hindus hate one another. Of course little internecine hostilities like this are never mentioned in MSM accounts of church/temple vandalism. Best not to mention those most likely responsible. Best to let the imaginations of useful idiots run riot. It was prolly a KKK hate group what done this hate stuff to the Hindus, huh?
Ever heard of Sihks? The Sihks and Hindus are very hostile toward one another. There are considerable communities of Hindus and Sihks in both British Columbia and Washington state. The bombing of Air India Flight 182 off the coast of Ireland in 1985 that claimed the lives of all 329 passengers and crew, most of them Canadian citizens, has long been thought by the RCMP to have been the responsibility of Sihk terrorists residing in Vancouver, Canada. That's how much Sihks and Hindus hate one another. Of course little internecine hostilities like this are never mentioned in MSM accounts of church/temple vandalism. Best not to mention those most likely responsible. Best to let the imaginations of useful idiots run riot. It was prolly a KKK hate group what done this hate stuff to the Hindus, huh?
Your paranoia is amusing. No one mentioned the KKK until you played your victim card bud.
Ever heard of Sihks? The Sihks and Hindus are very hostile toward one another. There are considerable communities of Hindus and Sihks in both British Columbia and Washington state. The bombing of Air India Flight 182 off the coast of Ireland in 1985 that claimed the lives of all 329 passengers and crew, most of them Canadian citizens, has long been thought by the RCMP to have been the responsibility of Sihk terrorists residing in Vancouver, Canada. That's how much Sihks and Hindus hate one another. Of course little internecine hostilities like this are never mentioned in MSM accounts of church/temple vandalism. Best not to mention those most likely responsible. Best to let the imaginations of useful idiots run riot. It was prolly a KKK hate group what done this hate stuff to the Hindus, huh?

I imagine those turbans come in handy living in Canada....brrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Radical muslims are extreme conservatives. They'd feel quite at home at a tea party rally if nobody told them it was a bunch of Christians.

ISIS are progressives, they want to change the world.
Into an oppressive, socially super conservative paradise. To them you're a RINO.
Ever heard of Sihks? The Sihks and Hindus are very hostile toward one another. There are considerable communities of Hindus and Sihks in both British Columbia and Washington state. The bombing of Air India Flight 182 off the coast of Ireland in 1985 that claimed the lives of all 329 passengers and crew, most of them Canadian citizens, has long been thought by the RCMP to have been the responsibility of Sihk terrorists residing in Vancouver, Canada. That's how much Sihks and Hindus hate one another. Of course little internecine hostilities like this are never mentioned in MSM accounts of church/temple vandalism. Best not to mention those most likely responsible. Best to let the imaginations of useful idiots run riot. It was prolly a KKK hate group what done this hate stuff to the Hindus, huh?

I imagine those turbans come in handy living in Canada....brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Big fight in parliament awhile ago about letting Sihk members of the RCMP wear the turbans as part of their police uniform. Parliament caved, as always.
Ever heard of Sihks? The Sihks and Hindus are very hostile toward one another. There are considerable communities of Hindus and Sihks in both British Columbia and Washington state. The bombing of Air India Flight 182 off the coast of Ireland in 1985 that claimed the lives of all 329 passengers and crew, most of them Canadian citizens, has long been thought by the RCMP to have been the responsibility of Sihk terrorists residing in Vancouver, Canada. That's how much Sihks and Hindus hate one another. Of course little internecine hostilities like this are never mentioned in MSM accounts of church/temple vandalism. Best not to mention those most likely responsible. Best to let the imaginations of useful idiots run riot. It was prolly a KKK hate group what done this hate stuff to the Hindus, huh?

Yes, I have heard of Sikhs. My early education took place at a Sikh Gurudwara in India. Your post was idiotic and it is you who does not seem to know either Hindus or Sikhs. Hindus and Sikhs are very close to each other. Of course there are some misguided idiots who do stupid things but for the most part the two communities are tightly integrated.
Ever heard of Sihks? The Sihks and Hindus are very hostile toward one another. There are considerable communities of Hindus and Sihks in both British Columbia and Washington state. The bombing of Air India Flight 182 off the coast of Ireland in 1985 that claimed the lives of all 329 passengers and crew, most of them Canadian citizens, has long been thought by the RCMP to have been the responsibility of Sihk terrorists residing in Vancouver, Canada. That's how much Sihks and Hindus hate one another. Of course little internecine hostilities like this are never mentioned in MSM accounts of church/temple vandalism. Best not to mention those most likely responsible. Best to let the imaginations of useful idiots run riot. It was prolly a KKK hate group what done this hate stuff to the Hindus, huh?

Yes, I have heard of Sikhs. My early education took place at a Sikh Gurudwara in India. Your post was idiotic and it is you who does not seem to know either Hindus or Sikhs. Hindus and Sikhs are very close to each other. Of course there are some misguided idiots who do stupid things but for the most part the two communities are tightly integrated.

Don't be an asshole. I lived in Vancouver through this investigation. Go tell your patchouli oil pipedreams to the families of those 329 dead, you fucking moron.
my own tiny experience. I have worked in the USA----with --hindu, muslim, Sikh colleagues for more than 45 years. I never detected any hostility between Sikhs and
hindus.....even in the wake of the assassination of Indira Gandhi.. Of course I do understand that THERE IS HOSTILITY-----but I was never provided with REAL
details. Sometimes that hostility does seem to get a bit deadly. HOWEVER, based
on what I have seen-------I would be REALLY surprised if Sikhs did anything against
hindus in a GENERAL TERRORIST manner------they seem to go after specific individuals-----now and then. Sikhs----according to that which Sikhs have told me----have a lot more trouble in muslim Pakistan than in Hindu India. the PUNJAB province is part in India and part in India ------that is the place---as far as I know---
that has lots of Sikhs
Radical muslims are extreme conservatives. They'd feel quite at home at a tea party rally if nobody told them it was a bunch of Christians.

Who mentioned Radical Muslims? This violence against religion is liberal based.
Radical muslims are extreme conservatives. They'd feel quite at home at a tea party rally if nobody told them it was a bunch of Christians.

ISIS are progressives, they want to change the world.

Whatever scum did it needs to take a hike. I saw the Seattle one on the news...sad because (what I know of them) they are peaceful people
Radical muslims are extreme conservatives. They'd feel quite at home at a tea party rally if nobody told them it was a bunch of Christians.

ISIS are progressives, they want to change the world.

Whatever scum did it needs to take a hike. I saw the Seattle one on the news...sad because (what I know of them) they are peaceful people

My point is that it isn't about their religion it is about religion and that attacks made on religion by the liberal left. I can think of no reason to attack Hindus other then the anti-religious rhetoric of the liberal left. But that is hardly different then for any other religion they are all being attacked. The anti-semitism growing out of the liberal left can be read about every day.

Since Islam attacks all other religions with a zeal of the Crusaders they are the love child of the liberal left. The liberal left will defend Muslims because the enemy of my enemy is my friend. As long as ISIS is murdering Christians and anyone else not Muslim the left is OK with that. But by gosh protest a Mosque being built in the vicinity of ground zeo and the liberal left is all for defending religion, or so they say.
Hinduism remains the oldest extant religion. Unfortunately, it's gone downhill in modern India. Used to be the religion that gaves us the Kama Sutra but has undergone a conservative shift where sexuality is repressed instead of celebrated.

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