Another Country Recognizes That Genocide Is Happening In China


Platinum Member
May 13, 2012
Banana Republic
How can we continue to do business with China? How long can we continue to ignore the many ills China has brought to its own people and to others around the world?

"On April 22, 2021, British Parliamentarians recognized the atrocities perpetrated against the Uyghurs as genocide."
"This recognition of genocide follows similar determinations made by the U.S. State Department, Canadian and Dutch Parliamentarians."

"The evidence discussed during the debate included allegations of mass killings, mass incarceration in camps where Uyghurs would be subjected to torture and abuse, including rape and sexual violence, separation of children from their parents, forced sterilizations, forced abortions, forced labor and much more. The Chinese government denies these atrocities."

China wants to run the globe and the weakest "leaders" and businesses are allowing it to happen. They are self-censoring while the alt-left fully support these methods in their own districts.

This isn't a battle about territory, this is a battle for humanity. Between you being allowed to be an individual or being submissive to a central party.
Genocide is certainly the worst China has done to date but it is part of a larger pattern and with each transgression China's behavior only worsens. Just a short list leading up to the present where each time the world did little more than complain.
  • currency manipulation to provide unfair advantage for Chinese products
  • massive theft of intellectual property
  • imprisonment of Chinese for expressing "unacceptable" opinions
  • hostility towards India, Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other territories
  • militarizing islands in the South China Sea contrary to international law
  • accused of unfair practices in their activities in Africa

How can we continue to do business with China? How long can we continue to ignore the many ills China has brought to its own people and to others around the world?

"On April 22, 2021, British Parliamentarians recognized the atrocities perpetrated against the Uyghurs as genocide."
"This recognition of genocide follows similar determinations made by the U.S. State Department, Canadian and Dutch Parliamentarians."

"The evidence discussed during the debate included allegations of mass killings, mass incarceration in camps where Uyghurs would be subjected to torture and abuse, including rape and sexual violence, separation of children from their parents, forced sterilizations, forced abortions, forced labor and much more. The Chinese government denies these atrocities."

How can we take Communists seriously about a Commune of Heaven on Earth if they cannot bear true witness to their own Constitution?

Article 4 All ethnic groups of the People’s Republic of China are equal. The state shall protect the lawful rights and interests of all ethnic minorities and uphold and promote relations of equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmony among all ethnic groups. Discrimination against and oppression of any ethnic group are prohibited; any act that undermines the unity of ethnic groups or creates divisions among them is prohibited.
The Philippines is one China's neighbors that finds itself increasingly threatened by its bigger neighbor:

"China -- which claims almost the entirety of the sea -- has refused repeated demands by the Philippines to call back the ships, which Manila says are maritime militia vessels and Beijing says are fishing boats."

"In response, the Philippines has deployed more patrol vessels, including coast guard and navy ships, to intensify surveillance and prevent illegal fishing."

Genocide is certainly the worst China has done to date
No. Mao was worse, not that I want to downplay what is going on in Xinjiang.

Sorry, I was referring to China in the present and that the genocide of their citizens is the most grievous action that they have undertaken recently.

There is no doubt that Mao was responsible for tens of millions of Chinese dying but we can not hold the Chinese government accountable for the past, only what they do now.

Genocide is certainly the worst China has done to date
No. Mao was worse, not that I want to downplay what is going on in Xinjiang.

Sorry, I was referring to China in the present and that the genocide of their citizens is the most grievous action that they have undertaken recently.

There is no doubt that Mao was responsible for tens of millions of Chinese dying but we can not hold the Chinese government accountable for the past, only what they do now.

Well, you can hold them responsible ideologically. They still have Mao's portrait hanging at the entrance to the Forbidden City. It's still the Communist Party too.
Genocide is certainly the worst China has done to date
No. Mao was worse, not that I want to downplay what is going on in Xinjiang.

Sorry, I was referring to China in the present and that the genocide of their citizens is the most grievous action that they have undertaken recently.

There is no doubt that Mao was responsible for tens of millions of Chinese dying but we can not hold the Chinese government accountable for the past, only what they do now.

Well, you can hold them responsible ideologically. They still have Mao's portrait hanging at the entrance to the Forbidden City. It's still the Communist Party too.

I think that what China is helping to make clear is that their brand of communism is driven by fascist policies. Sadly many people are unaware of the dictatorial nature of many communist and socialist countries.

Genocide is certainly the worst China has done to date
No. Mao was worse, not that I want to downplay what is going on in Xinjiang.

Sorry, I was referring to China in the present and that the genocide of their citizens is the most grievous action that they have undertaken recently.

There is no doubt that Mao was responsible for tens of millions of Chinese dying but we can not hold the Chinese government accountable for the past, only what they do now.

Well, you can hold them responsible ideologically. They still have Mao's portrait hanging at the entrance to the Forbidden City. It's still the Communist Party too.

I think that what China is helping to make clear is that their brand of communism is driven by fascist policies. Sadly many people are unaware of the dictatorial nature of many communist and socialist countries.

I don't think it's fascist policies. Communists were always pretty bad when they actually took over a country. Like Lenin and Stalin, totally bloodthirsty dictators. Lenin pretty much predated fascism.
Genocide is certainly the worst China has done to date
No. Mao was worse, not that I want to downplay what is going on in Xinjiang.

Sorry, I was referring to China in the present and that the genocide of their citizens is the most grievous action that they have undertaken recently.

There is no doubt that Mao was responsible for tens of millions of Chinese dying but we can not hold the Chinese government accountable for the past, only what they do now.

Well, you can hold them responsible ideologically. They still have Mao's portrait hanging at the entrance to the Forbidden City. It's still the Communist Party too.

I think that what China is helping to make clear is that their brand of communism is driven by fascist policies. Sadly many people are unaware of the dictatorial nature of many communist and socialist countries.

I don't think it's fascist policies. Communists were always pretty bad when they actually took over a country. Like Lenin and Stalin, totally bloodthirsty dictators. Lenin pretty much predated fascism.

Fascism has been describe as a purely right wing phenomenon but the characteristics of fascism are found in communist and many socialist countries.


a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race (you can substitute Party for race or nation - me) above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

How can we continue to do business with China? How long can we continue to ignore the many ills China has brought to its own people and to others around the world?

"On April 22, 2021, British Parliamentarians recognized the atrocities perpetrated against the Uyghurs as genocide."
"This recognition of genocide follows similar determinations made by the U.S. State Department, Canadian and Dutch Parliamentarians."

"The evidence discussed during the debate included allegations of mass killings, mass incarceration in camps where Uyghurs would be subjected to torture and abuse, including rape and sexual violence, separation of children from their parents, forced sterilizations, forced abortions, forced labor and much more. The Chinese government denies these atrocities."

Nothing to see here. Biden says that China's treatment of the Uyghurs, is a cultural thing.
We can't take communists seriously about a Commune of Heaven on Earth until they can bear true witness to their own Constitution.

Article 4 All ethnic groups of the People’s Republic of China are equal. The state shall protect the lawful rights and interests of all ethnic minorities and uphold and promote relations of equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmony among all ethnic groups. Discrimination against and oppression of any ethnic group are prohibited; any act that undermines the unity of ethnic groups or creates divisions among them is prohibited.
Genocide is certainly the worst China has done to date
No. Mao was worse, not that I want to downplay what is going on in Xinjiang.

Sorry, I was referring to China in the present and that the genocide of their citizens is the most grievous action that they have undertaken recently.

There is no doubt that Mao was responsible for tens of millions of Chinese dying but we can not hold the Chinese government accountable for the past, only what they do now.

Well, you can hold them responsible ideologically. They still have Mao's portrait hanging at the entrance to the Forbidden City. It's still the Communist Party too.

I think that what China is helping to make clear is that their brand of communism is driven by fascist policies. Sadly many people are unaware of the dictatorial nature of many communist and socialist countries.

I don't think it's fascist policies. Communists were always pretty bad when they actually took over a country. Like Lenin and Stalin, totally bloodthirsty dictators. Lenin pretty much predated fascism.

Fascism has been describe as a purely right wing phenomenon but the characteristics of fascism are found in communist and many socialist countries.


a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race (you can substitute Party for race or nation - me) above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

They're totalitarian, autocratic, dictatorial. Don't disagree with that.
We can't take communists seriously about a Commune of Heaven on Earth until they can bear true witness to their own Constitution.

Article 4 All ethnic groups of the People’s Republic of China are equal. The state shall protect the lawful rights and interests of all ethnic minorities and uphold and promote relations of equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmony among all ethnic groups. Discrimination against and oppression of any ethnic group are prohibited; any act that undermines the unity of ethnic groups or creates divisions among them is prohibited.
That's irrelevant. The Soviet Union also did things which opposed its own constitution.

There's also a kind of corruption where certain individuals in the Communist Party (and police/secret police) structure can get away with more. Kind of like rich people in capitalist counties in some cases.

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