Another controversial grassroots movement makes its way to New York


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

By Sarah Seltzer and Lauren Kelley

A controversial grassroots anti-rape movement makes its way to New York, with style and substance on the streets of the Village.

Over much of the past year, the movement known as SlutWalk has been snaking its way through cities and towns around the world. Finally, with great fanfare, SlutWalk arrived in New York City this weekend, and we got to witness its provocative power firsthand.

SlutWalk originated in Toronto this April after a cop warned students "not to dress like sluts" to avoid getting raped. Since that first march, the movement has taken on a life of its own, pushing the idea that rapists, not short skirts, cause rape. The movement has been seen on campuses and streets throughout the Americas, Europe, Australia, and South Asia.

More: 'Hey Rapists, Go Fuck Yourselves': SlutWalk Arrives in NYC | | AlterNet
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good ole New York....enjoy all the attention.

glad I don't live there.
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Soon we're going to have "Victim Walk" where people complain that when they get dressed up and flash wads of cash and expensive jewelry they get mugged in bad parts of town. Shame on muggers.

Yet another attention getting self-serving narcisstic useless piece of shit from the Left.
Go ask them and get back to us...we'll wait..:eusa_whistle:

Okay, take a deep breath and hold it. I'll be right back...

no problem, I'd rather hold my breath and pass out than have to read ANOTHER of your stupid trolling Left-wing site bullshit threads.

ready, go..:lol:

if you don't want to read her threads, steffie, perhaps you should run off to one of your own little rightwingnut trollfests. :thup:
good ole New York....enjoy all the attention.

glad I don't live there.

we're glad you don't live here, too.

well my dear, If you live there than I KNOW I'm glad I don't live there. I don't like to live around people with no class, morals or honor.
Especially ones who "supposedly" took a oath to uphold all those things.
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Gee, doesn't anyone have any comments about SlutWalk? Is it a good or bad movement? Is it justified by cops blaming women for being raped?
Ah, the movement called slutwalk seems to think the good hardworking people of the NYC prosecutors office and NY's finest have been ignoring allegations of rape... or is it something else? Maybe it's part of Van Jone's "october offensive". Jones is half right, it is offensive.
So if the original "slut" comment came from a Toronto, CANADA cop, why the hell are these "slutwalks" being held all over the world?

New York City people live in their own little world. Most of them have NO IDEA how the rest of America lives. They believe that New York City is the center of the universe, and everybody else is supposed to follow their lead. What a JOKE!
good ole New York....enjoy all the attention.

glad I don't live there.

we're glad you don't live here, too.

well my dear, If you live there than I KNOW I'm glad I don't live there. I don't like to live around people with no class, morals or honor.
Especially ones who "supposedly" took a oath to uphold all those things.

This post thanked by The Rabbi who rationalizes mugging people... :lol:
Gee, doesn't anyone have any comments about SlutWalk? Is it a good or bad movement? Is it justified by cops blaming women for being raped?

I'm pretty sure this thread has already been done...

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