Another conservative supreme court justice may be a blessing in disguise for millions of democrats


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2020
As a pro-life devote catholic (original christians) progressive, I can tell you that there are millions of us in the Democratic Party. If a solid majority of conservatives in the supreme court do as they are supposed to do, they will overturn Roe versus Wade, that will take a big load off our backs. Many more of us will be free to endorse progressive policies without the looming threat of implicitly supporting abortion, the same will hold true for millions of progressive catholics and protestants that vote republican due to the abortion issue, the impact of the supreme court on americans is otherwise minimal, conservatives can occupy all 9 seats in SC, and it would still not make any difference in our lives. Our goal is to get the criminal traitor that currently occupies the WH out in November.
As a pro-life devote catholic (original christians) progressive, I can tell you that there are millions of us in the Democratic Party. If a solid majority of conservatives in the supreme court do as they are supposed to do, they will overturn Roe versus Wade, that will take a big load off our backs. Many more of us will be free to endorse progressive policies without the looming threat of implicitly supporting abortion, the same will hold true for millions of progressive catholics and protestants that vote republican due to the abortion issue, the impact of the supreme court on americans is otherwise minimal, conservatives can occupy all 9 seats in SC, and it would still not make any difference in our lives. Our goal is to get the criminal traitor that currently occupies the WH out in November.
Trump is going to pick a far-right idiot and then his supporters will knee jerk declare he or she is the BEST choice he could have made regardless of who it is. That part is completely predictable.

What isn’t predictable is if it will be a man or a woman. Trump might choose a woman so he can desperately appeal more to female voters, but good luck finding one who is ardently pro-life. If he chooses a man, that’ll ensure Roe VS Wade is in the crapper.
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Trump is going to pick a far-right idiot and then his supporters will knee jerk declare he or she is the BEST choice he could have made regardless of who it is. That part is completely predictable.
No one on trump’s short list is an idiot

but they are all conservative as far as we know

and there is nothing wrong with that either
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Trump is going to pick a far-right idiot and then his supporters will knee jerk declare he or she is the BEST choice he could have made regardless of who it is. That part is completely predictable.
No one on trump’s short list is an idiot

but they are all conservative as far as we know and there is nothing wrong with that either
Well of course you think that. Conservatives will dominate the court. I’m sure you’re thrilled.
Trump is going to pick a far-right idiot and then his supporters will knee jerk declare he or she is the BEST choice he could have made regardless of who it is. That part is completely predictable.
No one on trump’s short list is an idiot

but they are all conservative as far as we know and there is nothing wrong with that either
Well of course you think that. Conservatives will dominate the court. I’m sure you’re thrilled.

Alot more thrilled than I would be if some whackjob fucking far left liberal was going to be put on the court.
Bullshit. If they take one right away from Americans they will take the rest. You think abortion is the only thing on the chopping block? Not even close. Make no mistake. The people who are running the conservatives now are trying set things back to the 50s, the 1850s.
As a pro-life devote catholic (original christians) progressive, I can tell you that there are millions of us in the Democratic Party. If a solid majority of conservatives in the supreme court do as they are supposed to do, they will overturn Roe versus Wade, that will take a big load off our backs. Many more of us will be free to endorse progressive policies without the looming threat of implicitly supporting abortion, the same will hold true for millions of progressive catholics and protestants that vote republican due to the abortion issue, the impact of the supreme court on americans is otherwise minimal, conservatives can occupy all 9 seats in SC, and it would still not make any difference in our lives. Our goal is to get the criminal traitor that currently occupies the WH out in November.

Conservatives need to be careful what they wish for.

An activist rightwing Court pursing the hateful conservative agenda will energize Democrats at the local level – they’ll seek to take control of state governments to repeal laws enacted Republicans that violate the rights and protected liberties of the people.

The political backlash will be significant as independent and non-partisan voters join Democrats in opposition to the authoritarian right.

The battle will move from the courthouse to the ballot box.
Trump is going to pick a far-right idiot and then his supporters will knee jerk declare he or she is the BEST choice he could have made regardless of who it is. That part is completely predictable.
No one on trump’s short list is an idiot

but they are all conservative as far as we know and there is nothing wrong with that either
Well of course you think that. Conservatives will dominate the court. I’m sure you’re thrilled.
Very thrilled, and absent democrats corrupt high court allies, you fascists are dead in fucking water, literally! The only way democrats ever get their murderous, hateful agenda forced down Americans throats is via the judiciary, through radical activism from the bench... Such was just the case with abortion, and homosexual marriage.... :wink:
As a pro-life devote catholic (original christians) progressive, I can tell you that there are millions of us in the Democratic Party. If a solid majority of conservatives in the supreme court do as they are supposed to do, they will overturn Roe versus Wade, that will take a big load off our backs. Many more of us will be free to endorse progressive policies without the looming threat of implicitly supporting abortion, the same will hold true for millions of progressive catholics and protestants that vote republican due to the abortion issue, the impact of the supreme court on americans is otherwise minimal, conservatives can occupy all 9 seats in SC, and it would still not make any difference in our lives. Our goal is to get the criminal traitor that currently occupies the WH out in November.

Conservatives need to be careful what they wish for.

An activist rightwing Court pursing the hateful conservative agenda will energize Democrats at the local level – they’ll seek to take control of state governments to repeal laws enacted Republicans that violate the rights and protected liberties of the people.

The political backlash will be significant as independent and non-partisan voters join Democrats in opposition to the authoritarian right.

The battle will move from the courthouse to the ballot box.

indeed, ugly trade-off for deplorables, progressives will control the White House for decades to come....

Trump is going to pick a far-right idiot and then his supporters will knee jerk declare he or she is the BEST choice he could have made regardless of who it is. That part is completely predictable.
No one on trump’s short list is an idiot

but they are all conservative as far as we know and there is nothing wrong with that either
Well of course you think that. Conservatives will dominate the court. I’m sure you’re thrilled.
Yes, I'm elated to have a solid majority of Constitutionalists on the court and not a majority of Marxist trash. This is the USA, not China.
As a pro-life devote catholic (original christians) progressive, I can tell you that there are millions of us in the Democratic Party. If a solid majority of conservatives in the supreme court do as they are supposed to do, they will overturn Roe versus Wade, that will take a big load off our backs. Many more of us will be free to endorse progressive policies without the looming threat of implicitly supporting abortion, the same will hold true for millions of progressive catholics and protestants that vote republican due to the abortion issue, the impact of the supreme court on americans is otherwise minimal, conservatives can occupy all 9 seats in SC, and it would still not make any difference in our lives. Our goal is to get the criminal traitor that currently occupies the WH out in November.
Trump is going to pick a far-right idiot and then his supporters will knee jerk declare he or she is the BEST choice he could have made regardless of who it is. That part is completely predictable.

What isn’t predictable is if it will be a man or a woman. Trump might choose a woman so he can desperately appeal more to female voters, but good luck finding one who is ardently pro-life. If he chooses a man, that’ll ensure Roe VS Wade is in the crapper.
You heard it here, folks. Billy says women have to support abortion because they have vaginas.

Leftists see women as nothing more than their genitals.
As a pro-life devote catholic (original christians) progressive, I can tell you that there are millions of us in the Democratic Party. If a solid majority of conservatives in the supreme court do as they are supposed to do, they will overturn Roe versus Wade, that will take a big load off our backs. Many more of us will be free to endorse progressive policies without the looming threat of implicitly supporting abortion, the same will hold true for millions of progressive catholics and protestants that vote republican due to the abortion issue, the impact of the supreme court on americans is otherwise minimal, conservatives can occupy all 9 seats in SC, and it would still not make any difference in our lives. Our goal is to get the criminal traitor that currently occupies the WH out in November.

Conservatives need to be careful what they wish for.

An activist rightwing Court pursing the hateful conservative agenda will energize Democrats at the local level – they’ll seek to take control of state governments to repeal laws enacted Republicans that violate the rights and protected liberties of the people.

The political backlash will be significant as independent and non-partisan voters join Democrats in opposition to the authoritarian right.

The battle will move from the courthouse to the ballot box.

indeed, ugly trade-off for deplorables, progressives will control the White House for decades to come....

View attachment 390759

Well, the polling companies say Biden is already ahead by double digits and is a sure thing on Nov 3. Might as well fill seat since there is nothing to lose.

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