Ann Coulter wants Trump impeached!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
This one beats all--:badgrin:

"One of Donald Trump’s fiercest defenders in the conservative media, has lambasted the president and called for his impeachment for seeking to preserve a program protecting young immigrants. Firebrand commentator and author Ann Coulter has been one of the staunchest defenders of Mr Trump and his “America First” platform, sharing the Republican president’s focus on limiting illegal immigration.But in the hours since it emerged that Mr Trump and top Democrats discussed preserving a program to shield young unauthorized immigrants from deportation, Ms Coulter has gone on a Twitter rampage in which she upbraided Mr Trump for reneging on campaign promises, saying he was easily manipulated, and wrote “who DOESN’T want him impeached”?
Trump supporter Ann Coulter calls for his impeachment after he compromises on immigration


Chuck Schumer stated two weeks ago, that "Donald Trump is no Republican." He's right, Trump was never a Republican much less a conservative. Millions of Republicans knew this, and were outspoken about it, but were completely ignored.

So what happened?
"As Conor Friedersdorf wrote last year in the Atlantic: “the elements of the party that sent pro-Trump signals to primary voters—Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Ann Coulter, Jeff Sessions, Rick Scott, Joe Arpaio, Sarah Palin, Ben Carson, Rudi Guiliani, Chris Christie,, The Drudge Report, The New York Post are simply more powerful, relative to National Review, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and other ‘Trump is unacceptable’ forces, (never Trump group) than previously thought.”
The GOP That Failed

Steve Bannon of Brietbart News, who turned into Trump's campaign adviser, and others turned Trump into what they "wanted him to be" during the election season. Trump a T.V. Reality star accustomed to acting fit their bill. Right wing talk show hosts wanted a "revolution against the Establishment" and sold Trump to their audiences to no end, including Ann Coulter. Trump has always been a liberal. Even campaigning on single payer healthcare, and child care subsidies (another Obamacare type program) during the campaign season. No one heard that?
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy - Breitbart

Rush Limbaugh knew Trump's past history that spelled D.E.M.O.C.R.A.T. in disguise. Limbaugh admits it in this video, after a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him.

Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump

Now they're all indignant & shocked! Give me a freaking break. Trump has always been more suited toward Democrat policies, and he'll work better and accomplish more with Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi--than he ever would have with the Republican party.

So when the fingers starts pointing--remember where to point.


The leaders of the Revolution against Establishment republicans. Who took a D.E.M.O.C.R.A.T and tried to turn him into a Republican for the sake of the revolution.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

If you want to get even--hit them where it hurts--(right in those obscene profit breaks.) Turn them OFF. Start watching and reading REAL news--switch the channel to different news stations every now and then--so you can never again be bamboozled & manipulated again by right wing talk show hosts.

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The victory with Trump was he proved that being politically correct doesn't win favour with the voters.

That was huge enough but still only a baby step. If you want more, you'll have to look to the next big thing.
Ann Coulter wants Trump impeached!

I don't generally agree with Ann Coulter....But must give her due for being of the right mind on that point.

Millions of Republicans knew this, and were outspoken about it, but were completely ignored.

By whom were they ignored? By the utter nitwits called "Trumpkins" who had and have no idea of what it means to be Republican. Truly, it seems to me now as it did during the campaign that what they wanted was to seem "cool" by being a Republican (Reagan made being Republican "cool" and that's endured to the present), but they want policies that are classic, "old school" Democratic ones (think George Wallace).

So what happened?

Simple: Trump knew he could not defeat Hillary in the Democratic party, so he ran as a Republican. He drew:
  • "Blue Dog Democrats" into the GOP on the basis of his racially-charged rhetoric.
  • "Grassroots" and purely partisan Republican voters on the basis of his merely labeling himself as a Republican.
  • "Big Business" Republicans because Trump truly is ally to corporations.
The other thing that happened is that Republicans in general ignored the fact that Trump is about one thing: Trump. If that means he has to be a Republican, he'll be one if that's what it takes to win the office of POTUS.
Oreo spewing more propaganda again.

Lefties keep trying to convince us that conservatives are turning on President Trump.
Haters gonna hate.

Ann has what all lefties and many on the right lack; principles. She supported Trump because of what he said he was about and what he said he was going to do. If he goes back on those promises, he no longer gets her support. That's a smart, honest, and principles position.

I am still a supporter, I'm waiting to see what will happen. I don't believe half of what I'm hearing in the media or even what Trump and his critics say.

If he goes back on his promises he will lose my support as well.
It is stupid if she now hates Trump because of this. Both Republicans and Democrats in DC hate him.

When Trump made those promises (which I believe he wants to keep) he thought Republicans would go along even if they didn't want to just purely for their own survival. When Trump realized that wasn't going to happen he cut a deal to get the most he could.

Let's see what the deals look like first. If it is an actual deal great if it is a Republican "deal" where Democrats get everything and Republicans get nothing then vote Trump out.
Ann Coulter wants Trump impeached!

I don't generally agree with Ann Coulter....But must give her due for being of the right mind on that point.

Millions of Republicans knew this, and were outspoken about it, but were completely ignored.

By whom were they ignored? By the utter nitwits called "Trumpkins" who had and have no idea of what it means to be Republican. Truly, it seems to me now as it did during the campaign that what they wanted was to seem "cool" by being a Republican (Reagan made being Republican "cool" and that's endured to the present), but they want policies that are classic, "old school" Democratic ones (think George Wallace).

So what happened?

Simple: Trump knew he could not defeat Hillary in the Democratic party, so he ran as a Republican. He drew:
  • "Blue Dog Democrats" into the GOP on the basis of his racially-charged rhetoric.
  • "Grassroots" and purely partisan Republican voters on the basis of his merely labeling himself as a Republican.
  • "Big Business" Republicans because Trump truly is ally to corporations.
The other thing that happened is that Republicans in general ignored the fact that Trump is about one thing: Trump. If that means he has to be a Republican, he'll be one if that's what it takes to win the office of POTUS.

Yes you bring up some very good points. There's was Charles Kraughthamer, Brit Hume, John McCain & Mitt Romney that were all put on ignore. Many FACEBOOK Republicans were on Republican websites sending out the warnings on Trump and were actually kicked off of those facebook pages, because they were sending out the warnings and were backing other Republican GOP candidates. I know, I was one of them and got kicked off 3 Republican Facebook pages because of it. They wanted Trump and they were not going to listen to any logic. Here's a good article on that:
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

But you can't ignore the fact that Right Wing talk show hosts--were right there in 100% of support of Trump throughout the primaries and the general election. Many of them still are, but we're starting to see people like Ann Coulter run from him--and others are beginning too. If their listeners let them get away with this--there will be another candidate like Trump that they will support. For nothing more than ratings and obscene profits breaks--(the most important thing to them.) It's clear they were more interested in their continual attack on "establishment Republicans" rather than participating in actually insuring that a Republican was seated in the Oval office. They wanted their revolution.

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Trump Won’t Withdraw from Paris Climate Deal
September 16, 2017 at 4:56 pm EDTBy Taegan Goddard133 Comments

“Trump administration officials said Saturday the U.S. wouldn’t pull out of the Paris Agreement, offering to re-engage in the international deal to fight climate change,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“The shift from President Trump’s decision in June to renegotiate the landmark accord or craft a new deal came during a meeting of more than 30 ministers led by Canada, China and the European Union in Montreal.”

However: “The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.”


Uh oh, Ann is gonna be pissed again


MAGA baby!
Trump Won’t Withdraw from Paris Climate Deal
September 16, 2017 at 4:56 pm EDTBy Taegan Goddard133 Comments

“Trump administration officials said Saturday the U.S. wouldn’t pull out of the Paris Agreement, offering to re-engage in the international deal to fight climate change,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“The shift from President Trump’s decision in June to renegotiate the landmark accord or craft a new deal came during a meeting of more than 30 ministers led by Canada, China and the European Union in Montreal.”

However: “The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.”


Uh oh, Ann is gonna be pissed again

View attachment 149656

MAGA baby!

No surprise here. The WALL was so bogus, and it was the equivalent of Bernie Sanders promising everyone a free college education. How did Republicans end up being that STUPID?


Where they completely forgot what a real Republican looks like, that would have never campaigned on tarrif's or taxing American corporations for manufacturing overseas. Republicans are free trade. Republicans don't like Vladimir Putin. Republicans don't want single payer healthcare, or child care subsidies (that Trump proposed.)

They were simply taken by a T.V Reality Star CON MAN that had some serious help from Steve Bannon, Brietbart News, the Drudge Report, and every right wing talk show host out there, with the exception of Glenn Beck.

This happened because we have a large section of this society that has insisted in living in a right wing media bubble for the last 2 decades, that are accustomed to right wing talk show hosts, that take information, regurgitate it, then spoon feed it back to their audiences in 3 or more daily hours or right wing hyperbole, half truths, sometimes all out lies, & enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.

They aren't even reporting on the biggest scandal in this Nation's history--the Russian investigation. To a right winger it doesn't even exist. Even though Mueller has convenved two grand juries, loaded up on over 15 criminal prosecutors, money laundering experts, and just added last week the criminal divison of the IRS, and Trump is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice. They don't have a clue. They have convinced their audiences it's all FAKE news.

Here is a long time friend and former Staffer of Ronald Reagan--

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Trump Won’t Withdraw from Paris Climate Deal
September 16, 2017 at 4:56 pm EDTBy Taegan Goddard133 Comments

“Trump administration officials said Saturday the U.S. wouldn’t pull out of the Paris Agreement, offering to re-engage in the international deal to fight climate change,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“The shift from President Trump’s decision in June to renegotiate the landmark accord or craft a new deal came during a meeting of more than 30 ministers led by Canada, China and the European Union in Montreal.”

However: “The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.”


Uh oh, Ann is gonna be pissed again

View attachment 149656

MAGA baby!

No surprise here. The WALL was so bogus, and it was the equivalent of Bernie Sanders promising everyone a free college education. How did Republicans end up being that STUPID?


Where they completely forgot what a real Republican looks like, that would have never campaigned on tarrif's or taxing American corporations for manufacturing overseas. Republicans are free trade. Republicans don't like Vladimir Putin. Republicans don't want single payer healthcare, or child care subsidies (that Trump proposed.)

They were simply taken by a T.V Reality Star CON MAN that had some serious help from Steve Bannon, Brietbart News, the Drudge Report, and every right wing talk show host out there, with the exception of Glenn Beck.

This happened because we have a large section of this society that has insisted in living in a right wing media bubble for the last 2 decades, that are accustomed to right wing talk show hosts, that take information, regurgitate it, then spoon feed it back to their audiences in 3 or more daily hours or right wing hyperbole, half truths, sometimes all out lies, & enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.

They aren't even reporting on the biggest scandal in this Nation's history--the Russian investigation. To a right winger it doesn't even exist. Even though Mueller has convenved two grand juries, loaded up on over 15 criminal prosecutors, money laundering experts, and just added last week the criminal divison of the IRS, and Trump is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice. They don't have a clue. They have convinced their audiences it's all FAKE news.

Here is a long time friend and former Staffer of Ronald Reagan--

trump has proven that republican ideology is very fluid now. So fluid it doesn't exist. Reagan would not make it far in a republican primary.

Not enough hate and boogiemen.
Nothing Trump can do, including breaking promises, could ever make me regret voting for him over the psycho alcoholic bitch, Hillary Clinton. That was a disaster this country would not have recovered from.
I still find it hilarious that people hitch their wagons to media pimps.
I agree that Trump is a false prophet but I don't give a rat's ass what any pundit has to say. They make their bottom line grow by making YOU angry.

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