Angels are real?

Not an angel -- a ghost.

Friend of mine was riding a twisty road in the mountains, fairly cold night, when this guy walked past her in the other direction, not really dressed for the weather, his feet not really touching the ground, with a strange blissful look of wonder on his face. A mile or two later she came upon the motorcycle accident scene where that guy had just died. What she saw was his spirit released.

Something like that I suspect.

Perhaps the voice was that of the driver uttered before she died, put out with such force on the Universal Subconscious that it became a viable thoughtform and was able to echo for as long as needed -- at least as long as the child was still alive.
Most likely the voice of the mother waiting for the child to be rescued before moving on.
The Ayurvedic Mind

Angels and demons are constructions of the mind, though they possess a reality in the heart.

When a human being dies, perhaps the consciousness in his brain survives somehow and somewhere in the universe, which is why we search for evidence of ghosts.

Often, the real angels/demons are the people we see around us doing unusual things:


"A firefighter named Ted just started working and on a day mission involving a large warehouse fire, he realized the fire station was under-manned, so he volunteered to go into the warehouse, even though he was not adequately trained. He believed his conviction for the job would be enough to make him capable of the task, and when he succeeded, his superiors did not question his controversial decision."

"A young man named Steve was abused by his father who recently died in a plane crash. Steve's mother Elsa was an airline stewardess on the flight Steve's father died, but Elsa survived. Elsa was an alcoholic and began to have affairs with married pilots once her husband (Steve's dad) died. This troubled Steve's psyche greatly. When Steve went to college, a beautiful young female college student Steve fell in love with betrayed him harshly, and this sent Steve down a rabbit-hole. Steve decided to become a serial killer, picking up prostitutes and young women walking the streets at night of the city he worked in as an adult. Steve would take these women back to his place, drug their drinks to make them hallucinate, and then wear a gruesome mask and brutally slay them with a chainsaw he purchase at the hardware store. Steve's only fear was that these women he murdered would haunt him in the afterlife."


The only stories of angels/ghosts/demons that impress me are stories of sailors claiming they saw angelic spirits (perhaps mermaids) or stories of WWII soldiers and American Civil War soldiers claiming they saw demons or angels calling out to them on the battlefield.

As the unique writer Virginia Woolf suggested, we make magic out of the mundane to infuse sentiment into the gloom.

However, I sort of believe this story about this nifty baby rescue --- no harm in feeling a bit of simple optimism.


Angels and Demons (Film)

Ayurveda (Alternative Medicine)

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