Andrew Cuomo’s New York: Illegal Aliens to Get $1.1B More in Taxpayer-Funded Aid Than Small Businesses


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
It's sick out there and getting sicker. More DemonRat insanity.

Nearly 200,000 illegal aliens living in New York will soon receive $2.1 billion in taxpayer-funded stimulus checks and unemployment benefits thanks to a budget agreed upon by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D). While more than a million jobs have been lost in New York and an estimated 80,000 New York businesses may not make it to the end of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, Cuomo and elected state Democrats agreed on a budget deal that provides billions to illegal aliens at the taxpayer’s expense.

Specifically, according to the New York Times, the state budget includes $2.1 billion in taxpayer-funded one-time payments in the form of stimulus checks and unemployment-style benefits for about 187,000 illegal aliens — about $1.1 billion more than small businesses are set to get in grants and tax credits after being forced to close by Cuomo’s economic lockdowns.

The budget also provides about $2.3 billion in federal funds for tenants who have been behind on rent as a result of Cuomo’s lockdowns, just $200,000,000 more than what illegal aliens will receive. Previous estimates suggested illegal aliens could receive up to $28,600 a year thanks to the taxpayer-funded benefits approved by Cuomo. Weekly, illegal aliens could receive $500. For those unemployed since March 2020, illegal aliens could receive, on average, $12,600.

New York Republican Party Chairman Nick Langworthy called the New York state legislature “even more radical than the Biden-Harris administration” and said the budget deal “has replaced any last semblance of common sense with woke insanity.”

“Democrats are about to pass a budget that raises taxes on New Yorkers and businesses by $4 billion while enacting a $2 billion fund that will provide $25,000 payouts to illegal immigrants,” Langworthy said in the statement:

The few brave Democrats who have dared to speak out against this outrageous proposal are being called racists by their own party. While many will appreciate the irony in Democrats turning on each other, the terrifying truth is our state has been hijacked by extreme leftists where racism is cheapened and once again, those who break the law are given priority.


NY is raising taxes even though they just got billions from Biden....if the people don't rise up in anger in NY they should all be sent back to school because they are too stupid to be American....
NY is raising taxes even though they just got billions from Biden....if the people don't rise up in anger in NY they should all be sent back to school because they are too stupid to be American....

They voted for this. They gave Cuomo a third term, the Assembly has a super-majority. Only the State Senate was a bulwark and in 2018 the dimwit voters gave that to Democrats as well.
It's sick out there and getting sicker. More DemonRat insanity.

Nearly 200,000 illegal aliens living in New York will soon receive $2.1 billion in taxpayer-funded stimulus checks and unemployment benefits thanks to a budget agreed upon by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D). While more than a million jobs have been lost in New York and an estimated 80,000 New York businesses may not make it to the end of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, Cuomo and elected state Democrats agreed on a budget deal that provides billions to illegal aliens at the taxpayer’s expense.
Specifically, according to the New York Times, the state budget includes $2.1 billion in taxpayer-funded one-time payments in the form of stimulus checks and unemployment-style benefits for about 187,000 illegal aliens — about $1.1 billion more than small businesses are set to get in grants and tax credits after being forced to close by Cuomo’s economic lockdowns.
The budget also provides about $2.3 billion in federal funds for tenants who have been behind on rent as a result of Cuomo’s lockdowns, just $200,000,000 more than what illegal aliens will receive. Previous estimates suggested illegal aliens could receive up to $28,600 a year thanks to the taxpayer-funded benefits approved by Cuomo. Weekly, illegal aliens could receive $500. For those unemployed since March 2020, illegal aliens could receive, on average, $12,600.
New York Republican Party Chairman Nick Langworthy called the New York state legislature “even more radical than the Biden-Harris administration” and said the budget deal “has replaced any last semblance of common sense with woke insanity.”
“Democrats are about to pass a budget that raises taxes on New Yorkers and businesses by $4 billion while enacting a $2 billion fund that will provide $25,000 payouts to illegal immigrants,” Langworthy said in the statement:
The few brave Democrats who have dared to speak out against this outrageous proposal are being called racists by their own party. While many will appreciate the irony in Democrats turning on each other, the terrifying truth is our state has been hijacked by extreme leftists where racism is cheapened and once again, those who break the law are given priority.

I forget now, just WHY is this bum Cuomo still in office and not prison?
NY is raising taxes even though they just got billions from Biden....if the people don't rise up in anger in NY they should all be sent back to school because they are too stupid to be American....

They voted for this. They gave Cuomo a third term, the Assembly has a super-majority. Only the State Senate was a bulwark and in 2018 the dimwit voters gave that to Democrats as well.
I know...there is a rude awakening on the horizon...every day more and more well known billionaires like Gates are dumping stock in huge quantities....the shit is coming just like in 08.....and all of these big government libs will get blindsided can't continues to print money goes NY goes the nation...bankruptcy....
NY is raising taxes even though they just got billions from Biden....if the people don't rise up in anger in NY they should all be sent back to school because they are too stupid to be American....
These are New Yorkers we are talking about.

They vote for AOC.

Brain function is NOT a luxury they enjoy.
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NY is raising taxes even though they just got billions from Biden....if the people don't rise up in anger in NY they should all be sent back to school because they are too stupid to be American....
These are New Yorkers we are talking about.

They vote for AOC.

Brain function is a luxury they enjoy.
You misspelled "dysfunction".
NY is raising taxes even though they just got billions from Biden....if the people don't rise up in anger in NY they should all be sent back to school because they are too stupid to be American....

They voted for this. They gave Cuomo a third term, the Assembly has a super-majority. Only the State Senate was a bulwark and in 2018 the dimwit voters gave that to Democrats as well.

That they did. Can't say I feel any sympathy for idiots who keep electing idiots to run their city. Hope they choke on those taxes they will have to pay.
This is what happens when you give a bailout to leftwing States. The Dems have completely mismanaged NY for years...they were in a crisis prior to the Chinse Pandemic, and that just made things worse, as they mishandled that as they get a massive taxpayer funded bailout from the Feds...and what do they do? Raise taxes on working class New Yorkers....then fund illegal aliens....just sad..

I hope New Yorkers wise up and kick out the Dems that are destroying their state...and I hope Americans wake up, and kick out the Dems in Washington that fund this behavior!

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