Andrew Cuomo says ‘leftist’ Dems pressured Pelosi on impeachment, warns it will go 'nowhere'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
He's right about this much, nothing will get done in government now and the animosity will get worse. He also alluded to it sort of being a part of the campaign for 2020.

He is about as much a politician as one can find. If he is saying this, why wouldn't Pelosi have stood her ground? I think she believes the word "inquiry" makes a difference. Have her cake and eat it too by appeasing the Crazies. I say it destroys Middle of the Road Bidens campaign just the same.

Andrew Cuomo says ‘leftist’ Dems pressured Pelosi on impeachment, warns it will go 'nowhere'

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Thursday said that “leftist” Democrats pressured House Speaker Nancy Pelosi into launching the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, and warned that the inquiry will ultimately go "nowhere."

"I think we now go to a very long and unproductive road," he said during a chat on political civility at Seton Hall Law School with former N.J. Gov Chris Christie, according to The New York Daily News.
Nay, a very productive road!

The downright silly move will convince most undecided Americans that The Democrat Party has lost the plot and the only salvation is in President Trump's second term.

Keep up the good work.....
Nay, a very productive road!

The downright silly move will convince most undecided Americans that The Democrat Party has lost the plot and the only salvation is in President Trump's second term.

Keep up the good work.....
They are alienating all moderates and Trump is claiming them with his success... Its going to be a landslide in 2020 and dems will control nothing! Trumps approval rating among blacks, Latinos, and Asians is 43% or higher.. Dems are in huge trouble as their captive base is leaving captivity, over 10 million off public assistance so they no longer fear losing the ability to make a living and eat...
Nay, a very productive road!

The downright silly move will convince most undecided Americans that The Democrat Party has lost the plot and the only salvation is in President Trump's second term.

Keep up the good work.....
They are alienating all moderates and Trump is claiming them with his success... Its going to be a landslide in 2020 and dems will control nothing! Trumps approval rating among blacks, Latinos, and Asians is 43% or higher.. Dems are in huge trouble as their captive base is leaving captivity, over 10 million off public assistance so they no longer fear losing the ability to make a living and eat...

I think a big reason for his bump across the board is that Americans love a fighter. America is viewed as a jungle where the best and brightest succeed, you fail or succeed on your merit and effort. Every culture and community prefers a real fighter to some fake, storybook driven one. He is showing it, in real-time that he is stubborn and relentless.

The best quote he gave at the UN when talking about the constant witch hunts, "I deal with it, like putting on a suit". He's telling the world, "I'm a fighter and this is all par for the course for me". A lifetime of fighting in business.

It truly is amazing. It's why when the country feels he is being attacked they donate in record numbers. Americans are giving people. "If you've got our backs, we've got yours".

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