And The Winner Is:


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Israel Wins U.S. Election
Congress and White House work together to reward the Jewish state

Imagine that- the core of the Anti-Christian brigade gets rewarded with the Christian Nations Biggest Prize


Amidst all the gloom, however, there is one great success story. That is the tale of how Israel and its friends in politics and financial circles have been able to screw every possible advantage out of both major parties simultaneously and apparently effortlessly. Israel might be the true undisputed winner in the 2020 election even though it was not on the ballot and was hardly mentioned at all during the campaign.

Jewish billionaires with close ties to Israel have been courted by the two major parties, both to come up with contributions and to urge their friends in the oligarch club and media to also respond favorably. The Democrats’ largest single donor is entertainment mogul Haim Saban while the Republicans rely on casino multi-billionaire Sheldon Adelson. It is estimated that 60% of the political contributions for the Democrats comes from Jewish sources and Saban is the single largest contributor. He is also an Israeli holding dual citizenship. Adelson, who may also hold dual citizenship and is married to an Israeli, is the major supporter of the Republicans, having coughed up more than $100 million in recent elections.

Both Saban and Adelson have not been shy about supporting Israel as their first priority. Saban is on record as supporting Joe Biden “because of his track record on supporting Israel and its alliance with the United States.” Adelson, who was drafted into the U.S. Army in the 1950s, has said that he would much rather have served in the Israel Defense Force. Saban and Adelson are joined in their love fest with Israel by a number of Israel-firsters in Congress and the Administration, all eager to shower unlimited political support, money and weapons on the Jewish state.

From the comments:

How the Israeli benjamins work –
“War Profiteers and the Roots of the ‘War on Terror’”
<span style="font-size: 14pt"><b><i> War Profiteers and the Roots of the "War on Terror" </b></i></span>


I can see that the American public is already all stirred up and will not take this slouched in front of their TV sets watching the game any longer.

The MAGA’s are sure to march on the White House and oust our leaders Kushner / Ivanka. The BLM/ANTIFA’s are sure to demonstrate again and ransack Congress and oust the Pelosi Democrats.

Hilarious, LOL

I decided not to hold my breath waiting for any public reaction.

We Americans at the bottom of the money pyramid prefer to fight and name call each other and not look upwards.
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"That there are men in all countries who get their living by war, and by keeping up the quarrels of nations, is as shocking as it is true." - Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791
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The link from the comments is quite interesting- IF you want your knowledge to evolve- if, however, you're content with what you're told- oh well, your loss.
The US is Israel's bitch.
We fight their wars, we destroy their enemies and we pay them money.

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