And..Chris Hardwick is the next to fall.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
AMC Pulls ‘Talking With Chris Hardwick’ After Chloe Dykstra’s ‘Troubling Allegations’

Hardwick has been a mainstay at AMC since 2011, when he began hosting the talk show “Talking Dead” after the premiere episode of “The Walking Dead” Season 2. Hardwick has also hosted “Talking Bad” after “Breaking Bad,” “Talking Saul” after “Better Call Saul,” and “Talking Preacher” after “Preacher.”

On Friday, Hardwick’s name was scrubbed from the Nerdist website. Hardwick co-founded founded Nerdist in February 2012, and the company was sold to Legendary Entertainment in July of that year.

The company has removed all reference to Mr. Hardwick even as the original Founder of Nerdist pending further investigation,” a rep said, noting that his contract ended last December and he “had no operational involvement with Nerdist” for the previous two years.

Also Read: Chris Hardwick Denies Chloe Dykstra's Sexual Assault Accusation, Says He Was 'Blindsided'

Although she didn’t mention Hardwick by name, the timing and key details suggested that she was referring to the former “@Midnight” host and Comic-Con mainstay. She also said her ex-boyfriend and an unnamed female colleague “made calls to several companies I received regular work from to get me fired by threatening to never work with them. He succeeded. I was blacklisted.”

But in addition to denying her accusation of sexual assault, Hardwick also accused Dykstra, an actress and former on-air personality on the Nerdist YouTube network that he founded, of infidelity during their relationship.

Guilty until proven innocent, career over, accused and insulted....over someone else's "alleged" accusations with NO PROOF.
I just wrote an argument that sounded exactly like one of the anti-MeToo men that say people should be innocent until proven guilty. So I deleted it. But ARE we going a little off the rails here?
yes and i remember when you thought the same of bill cosby

Wait until liberals son's get accused.

After all teaching leftist idiots to be bigger idiots has madd it real nice to put a male into jail or accuse them cause why a man asked her out.

Way to go heroes they've done oen fkd up job for their kids future.
Complication does not negate the fact that in this country we are innocent until proven guilty, regardless of the charge. Women, don't wait for 30 years to join a movement to get relief. Speak your mind while the offense is occurring. Don't take shit from anybody, ever, for any reason...
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Saw on the link that Kathy Griffin offers to take gig of Talking Dead.
Thing is, Chris Hardwick is a generally charming television personality. Griffin is a cheap comedic hack. No one would watch her.

Seems nowadays that a mere allegation is all that is needed to destroy a career.
Internet justice is neither impartial nor fair.
I have watched Chris Hardwick for years. He just got married a few months ago. This sounds like jealous woman.
yes and i remember when you thought the same of bill cosby
Yes. I did. That was then. This is now. Your point is nobody can change their mind once FACTS are presented?
I also still think Michael Jackson was innocent against the charges he was accused of. No FACTS can be given now though. He's dead. And the parents of that kid are much much richer, aren't they?
This is how the Progressive Utopia functions. It's not a bug, it's a feature.

You will obey, agree, and shut up...or else.
I always enjoyed Chris on Talking Dead. All it takes now, is to run to twitter, make an accusation and BAM! Dude/Gal is immediately punished. IMMEDIATELY. Doesn't matter if its true or not.
If every allegation resulted in the end of a career the whiners might have a point.

But, many allegations have been proven to be false and the career goes on.

And...let’s not forget. The president has credible allegations against him and he’s still the president.

Quit whining and listen to the women.

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