Ancient Gilgamesh Tablet Seized From Hobby Lobby By US Authorities


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The forfeiture is part of efforts to return thousands of smuggled ancient Iraqi artefacts that were purchased by Hobby Lobby. In 2017, Hobby Lobby agreed to pay a $3m fine and forfeit thousands of artefacts. In a statement at the time, Green said the company had cooperated with the government and “should have exercised more oversight and carefully questioned how the acquisitions were handled”.

Stick with dinosaur pictures Steve.
The forfeiture is part of efforts to return thousands of smuggled ancient Iraqi artefacts that were purchased by Hobby Lobby. In 2017, Hobby Lobby agreed to pay a $3m fine and forfeit thousands of artefacts. In a statement at the time, Green said the company had cooperated with the government and “should have exercised more oversight and carefully questioned how the acquisitions were handled”.

Stick with dinosaur pictures Steve.

Illegally obtained artifacts from Iraq or anywhere in the world should be returned and the individual or company that obtained the artifact should be fined heavily and the individual should be thrown in jail and the company should be closed!
Illegally obtained artifacts from Iraq or anywhere in the world should be returned and the individual or company that obtained the artifact should be fined heavily and the individual should be thrown in jail and the company should be closed!

After the Collapse of Saddam and his government, the pillaging began. Whoever sold this thousands of years old treasure should be in jail, as well the owner of In and Out. There is huge underground buying and selling these artifacts. It must be stopped.
After the Collapse of Saddam and his government, the pillaging began. Whoever sold this thousands of years old treasure should be in jail, as well the owner of In and Out. There is huge underground buying and selling these artifacts. It must be stopped.

I agree with you and believe that as a society we must preserve the history of the World and people caught stealing these artifacts for profit are pathetic trash in my eyes.

So much history has been lost because of Wars and thieves, so I believe the punishment should be severe for those that steal the history of the World.
As I recall, there was a story not to long ago about a person or persons trying to buy part of the Dead Sea Scrolls. At least they got caught.
It is rare they do get caught but when caught I believe the person that stole the artifact should lose both hands, yes harsh but let go old school on them and then maybe they will think long and hard about doing it again…

As for the buyer seeing they are usually rich, well make them penniless and that will drive them mad…

Stealing religious artifacts has been an issue for thousand years or more and thieves never stop because the reward outweighs the consequence, so let make the consequence heavier than the reward…
I agree with you and believe that as a society we must preserve the history of the World and people caught stealing these artifacts for profit are pathetic trash in my eyes.

So much history has been lost because of Wars and thieves, so I believe the punishment should be severe for those that steal the history of the World.
Do you apply that also to the history of the United States?
Do you apply that also to the history of the United States?
All History and if you are referring to Southern History and the destruction of Southern Monuments, well that is the choice of the people but if the society want to sell the items to a museum or donate them then fine but no history should be destroyed no matter how vile it was…
I agree with you and believe that as a society we must preserve the history of the World and people caught stealing these artifacts for profit are pathetic trash in my eyes.

So much history has been lost because of Wars and thieves, so I believe the punishment should be severe for those that steal the history of the World.
All but American history, right? We need the American Taliban to destroy and remove anything they find offensive
After the Collapse of Saddam and his government, the pillaging began. Whoever sold this thousands of years old treasure should be in jail, as well the owner of In and Out. There is huge underground buying and selling these artifacts. It must be stopped.

And I smell a private contractor that was in Iraq who was probably the seller. I want his ass in jail to.
It is rare they do get caught but when caught I believe the person that stole the artifact should lose both hands, yes harsh but let go old school on them and then maybe they will think long and hard about doing it again…

As for the buyer seeing they are usually rich, well make them penniless and that will drive them mad…

Stealing religious artifacts has been an issue for thousand years or more and thieves never stop because the reward outweighs the consequence, so let make the consequence heavier than the reward…

I can easily get behind that.
All History and if you are referring to Southern History and the destruction of Southern Monuments, well that is the choice of the people but if the society want to sell the items to a museum or donate them then fine but no history should be destroyed no matter how vile it was…
That and other things like Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato Head, Aunt Jemima, Cleveland Indians and other icons that get cancelled or forced to change their names just because some pantywaist, limp wrist liberal is offended by some part of it. Classic books get banned from school libraries and Amazon shelves just for including some "offensive" words. Name brand companies get boycotted for religious beliefs held by the owners. Recently written books get cancelled because they differ from the Democrat Party narrative. Big Tech cancels anyone they suspect of violating the owner's political beliefs (which generally coincide with whatever the left wants).

The concept of equal justice for all is all but dead in the USA. The right of free speech is limited or in some cases denied to conservative voices on liberal puppy mill college campuses. Students are ostracized and punished with lower grades for straying from the liberal talking points. Children are being taught that they are inherently racist. (That creates racism in perpetuity.) They're also being taught a new version of American history that will deny them knowing what really happened and who fixed the bad parts as we strove for a more perfect union. The biggest cause of all this idiocy is today's liberalism.

To hell with the Democrat Party. To hell with liberalism.
That and other things like Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato Head, Aunt Jemima, Cleveland Indians and other icons that get cancelled or forced to change their names just because some pantywaist, limp wrist liberal is offended by some part of it. Classic books get banned from school libraries and Amazon shelves just for including some "offensive" words. Name brand companies get boycotted for religious beliefs held by the owners. Recently written books get cancelled because they differ from the Democrat Party narrative. Big Tech cancels anyone they suspect of violating the owner's political beliefs (which generally coincide with whatever the left wants).

The concept of equal justice for all is all but dead in the USA. The right of free speech is limited or in some cases denied to conservative voices on liberal puppy mill college campuses. Students are ostracized and punished with lower grades for straying from the liberal talking points. Children are being taught that they are inherently racist. (That creates racism in perpetuity.) They're also being taught a new version of American history that will deny them knowing what really happened and who fixed the bad parts as we strove for a more perfect union. The biggest cause of all this idiocy is today's liberalism.

To hell with the Democrat Party. To hell with liberalism.
Progressivism not Liberalism…

Look, the Cleveland Indians changing their name doesn’t matter to me at all and if the City has no issue then let’em change it.

As for American History the good and bad should be taught and not just one side or the other.

Was America racist and created by racists in the past?

Well in their day they were not racist in the mind of the people they fought for, but in today eyes they would be consider racist but when we use that label we must also tell the younger generation that it was a different time and most of not all of our Founding Fathers were Progressive Minds of their time and consider radical in their thoughts and way of governing.

People today want to erase history and pretend that the past is some fictional story but I believe all history should be told no matter how nasty it is.

Take Nazi Germany and how we focus on the Genocide and never discuss those that were Genocide were just not the Jewish population of Europe but also the Romani, and Gays.

We also do not teach the Genocide Japan committed or the Soviets Committed, so it seem society want select history which mean the future generation become ignorant and will repeat the same mistakes over and over.

So as you lecture about select history know I am for teaching all history no how brutally bad it is and teach the good that came from it.
I agree with you and believe that as a society we must preserve the history of the World and people caught stealing these artifacts for profit are pathetic trash in my eyes.

So much history has been lost because of Wars and thieves, so I believe the punishment should be severe for those that steal the history of the World.
What punishment should be dealt to those that tore down American statues?
Illegally torn down then the harshest punishment our law allows… If done by the Government then it is your choice to get a movement going to remove those politicians to stop the removal of history…
Recent election results seems to show shit like that may not have been voted for. Lefties have been infiltrating State governments for decades through George Soros funding, rigged elections etc. We, as a population, did not see the corruption. Unfortunately, it has gotten to the point where the main stream media just accepts it as normal and anyone who disagrees is a "Right wing extrimist!' And possibly, even that elusive and as yet unclassified creature............ "White Supremacist."
I wonder how differently some folks would feel if the company in this story was, say, Amazon.

Leftards already hate Hobby Lobby and would gladly torch every HL store. No biases here, right?
I wonder how differently some folks would feel if the company in this story was, say, Amazon.

Leftards already hate Hobby Lobby and would gladly torch every HL store. No biases here, right?

I do NOT hate chicken full of shit. I do not like the management. What those people with those tablets was plain wrong, it is you making it political.

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