Analyzing Chris Dorner's liberal hypocrisy


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
From Dorner's Manifesto

Sen. Feinstein, you are doing the right thing in leading the re-institution of a national AWB. Never again should any public official state that their prayers and thoughts are with the family. That has become cliche’ and meaningless. Its time for action. Let this be your legacy that you bestow to America. Do not be swayed by obstacles, antagaonist, and naysayers. Remember the innocent children at Austin, Kent, Stockton, Fullerton, San Diego, Iowa City, Jonesboro, Columbine, Nickel Mines, Blacksburg, Springfield, Red Lake, Chardon, Aurora, and Newtown. Make sure this never happens again!!!

Interesting that he supports government gun control while condemning government institutions and wielding a murderous rage that he pretends is some sort of great righteous. I guess we shouldn't have guns to protect ourselves and let whatever natural cleansing that happens thereafter, happen.

And as long as we get the shallow promise that no more schools will be shot up, then we're good.

You disrespect the office of the POTUS/Presidency and Commander in Chief. You call him Kenyan, mongroid, halfrican, muslim, and FBHO when in essence you are to address him as simply, President. The same as you did to President George W. Bush and all those in the highest ranking position of our land before him. Just as I always have. You question his birth certificate, his educational and professional accomplishments, and his judeo-christian beliefs. You make disparaging remarks about his dead parents. You never questioned the fact that his former opponent, the honorable Senator John McCain, was not born in the CONUS or that Bush had a C average in his undergrad.

And thus we see the illogical and murderous contempt of those who logically have deduced that Obama is not our president and is not eligible for the office.

Romney, stop being a sore loser. You could’ve exited graciously and still contributed significantly to public service, not now.

I guess he missed Romney's exceedingly gracious concession speech. How about you Dorners of the world stop thinking that a victory entitles you to no criticism.

If possible, I want my brain preserved for science/research to study the effects of severe depression on an individual’s brain.

Hey, the science is valid. But like everything else, depression has become just another crutch for liberals. This guy is responsible for his choices. I don't care if you call that science. I call it f'ing life.

Sure, many of you “law enforcement experts and specialist” will state, “in all my years this is the worst……..”, Stop!!! That’s not important. Ask yourselves what would cause somebody to take these drastic measures like I did. That’s what is important.

Again, personal accountability is non-existent in the liberal mind. However, holding an enemy's feet to the fire is paramount.

To my friends listed below, I wish we could have grown old together and spent more time together. When you reminisce of our friendship and experiences, think of that and that only. Do not dwell on my recent actions the last few days. This was a necessary evil that had to be executed in order for me to obtain my NAME back. The only thing that changes policy and garners attention is death.

THE LIBERAL DREAM: Don't remember me as an ugly monster (regardless of what I do). Celebrate me as a martyr.

I will always be a ni#%er in many individuals eyes. At the time, I did not comprehend your words. I do now. I never forgot the quote you state below. I love you bro.

Saying the so called n-word is worse than murder.

Always focus on your IMMEDIATE family as they are the ones who have loved you unconditionally and always been their to support you in difficult times. I always lived my life as WWJD (what would Jason do). Danika, take care of this guy. Jason, I’m sorry I missed your wedding and you had to find another best man. I’m sorry my predicament with the department stopped me from watching you and Danika get married and arguing with you about issues that were insignificant when I was really angry at the LAPD for what they did to me. I’m deeply sorry and I love you guys.

Elitism 101: It's great to celebrate your illustrious circle of friends and family while destroying other lesser thans lives.

Sgt. Leonard Perez, you meant well but you should have known with your time on the job that the department would attempt to protect someone like Evans because of her time on the job, personal friendships, and ethicity.

Racism is a given. The system is always against you if you're not white. You can always casually play this card b/c it is a given.

Dr. Funahashi, thank you for the superb surgery you performed on my knee on 7/98 in Irvine, CA. I never had the opportunity to thank you for allowing me to live a life free of knee joint pain. Thank you.

It becomes important to appear to be ever so gracious even in the wake of utter destruction.

I thank my friends for the awesome shared experiences. I thank the unnamed women I dated over my lifetime for the great and sometimes not so great sex.

It's ever so important that we remember the sexual revolution while so-called necessary evils are perpetrated.

It’s kind of sad I won’t be around to view and enjoy The Hangover III. What an awesome trilogy. Todd Phillips, don’t make anymore Hangovers after the third, takes away the originality of its foundation. World War Z looks good and The Walking Dead season 3 (second half) looked intriguing. Damn, gonna miss shark week.

Hollywood needs to be celebrated. They are just sooooooo important after all.

Mr. Vice President, do your due diligence when formulating a concise and permanent national AWB plan. Future generations of Americans depend on your plan and advisement to the president. I’ve always been a fan of yours and consider you one of the few genuine and charismatic politicians. Damn, sounds like an oxymoron calling you an honest politician. It’s the truth.

A liberal prominent politician can be honest despite oh so many lies. Just keep on keeping on man.

Hillary Clinton. You’ll make one hell of a president in 2016. Much like your husband, Bill, you will be one of the greatest. Look at Castro in San Antonio as a running mate or possible secretary of state. He’s (good people) and I have faith and confidence in him. Look after Bill. He was always my favorite President. Chelsea grew up to be one hell of an attractive woman. No disrespect to her husband.

Hillary enjoy your birth right to be president in 2016. And Clintons, ya'll are just the salt of the Earth.

Gov. Chris Christie. What can I say? You’re the only person I would like to see in the White House in 2016 other than Hillary. You’re America’s no shit taking uncle. Do one thing for your wife, kids, and supporters. Start walking at night and eat a little less, not a lot less, just a little. We want to see you around for a long time. Your leadership is greatly needed.

Thanks for selling out your principles to support my agenda.

Wayne LaPierre, President of the NRA, you’re a vile and inhumane piece of shit. You never even showed 30 seconds of empathy for the children, teachers, and families of Sandy Hook. You deflected any type of blame/responsibility and directed it toward the influence of movies and the media. You are a failure of a human being. May all of your immediate and distant family die horrific deaths in front of you.

I get to be a murderer. And if you stand in my way by offering people their Constitutionally guaranteed right to protect himself then fuck you.

Chris Matthews, Joe Scarborough, Pat Harvey, Brian Williams, Soledad Obrien, Wolf Blitzer, Meredith Viera, Tavis Smiley, and Anderson Cooper, keep up the great work and follow Cronkite’s lead. I hold many of you in the same regard as Tom Brokaw and the late Peter Jennings. Cooper,

I'm so proud that we liberals control the media.

General Petraeus, you made a mistake that the majority of men make once, twice, or unfortunately many times in a lifetime. You are human. You thought with your penis. It’s okay.I personally believe you should have never resigned and told your critics to shove it. You only answer to two people regarding the affair, your wife and children, period. I hope you return to government service to your country as it is visibly in your DNA.

Your (lack of) personal ethics should have not affect your job one iota.

Ellen Degeneres, continue your excellent contribution to entertaining America and bringing the human factor to entertainment. You changed the perception of your gay community and how we as Americans view the LGBT community. I congratulate you on your success and opening my eyes as a young adult, and my generation to the fact that you are know different from us other than who you choose to love. Oh, and you Prop 8 supporters, why the fuck do you care who your neighbor marries. Hypocritical pieces of shit.

Ellen, it doesn't matter if you're an unpleasant money grubbing bitch (stuff I'm supposed to be against) just so long as you keep pushing a political agenda. Oh and shout out for gay marriage is so cool. I'm so fucking enlightened.

Westboro Baptist Church, may you all burn slowly in a fire, not from smoke inhalation, but from the flames and only the flames.

Tolerance is a versatile principle. A complete convenience for a liberal.

Christopher Walz, you impressed me in Inglorious Basterds. After viewing Django Unchained, I was sold.

Hollywood in the house again! We always need to celebrate superficial realities just as much as actual realities. That's how we know we're so fucking cool.


Anyhow, that's only about the first tenth of his crap. So I'll stop there.
Dorner kills another police officer...
Officer dies in shoot-out with 'fugitive cop Dorner'
12 February 2013 : Smoke was seen rising from the cabin where Dorner is believed to be
One of the two officers suspected shot by a former Los Angeles policeman holed up in a California mountain cabin has died of his injuries, US officials say. They say that another officer underwent surgery for his wounds but is expected to survive. TV pictures showed smoke and flames rising from the cabin in the Big Bear region, as a police Swat team went in. The gunman is believed to be Christopher Dorner, 33. He was earlier accused of three murders. He has reportedly sworn revenge on police officers he blamed for his sacking in 2008. Around 200 law enforcement officers are surrounding the cabin at Seven Oaks, south of Big Bear in the San Bernardino mountains.


Cindy Bachman of San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department confirmed at a news conference that one of the wounded sheriff's deputies had died in an exchange of fire earlier on Tuesday afternoon. "He was pronounced dead in hospital," she said. She added: "We don't know if he (the suspect) is inside (the cabin). The entire area is surrounded. We have plenty of air support." Tear gas was reportedly fired into the cabin, which was thought to contain ammunition. The spokeswoman confirmed that there was gunfire before the cabin was seen on fire. She said she believed there was no further shots fired after that.

The suspect tried to leave the cabin through the back door, but was pushed back inside, unconfirmed reports say. The authorities are stressing that the suspect has not been positively identified as Christopher Dorner. Police were alerted after a man matching Mr Dorner's description reportedly broke into a house and tied two people up before making off in a stolen vehicle. The suspect then abandoned the car, ran into the forest and barricaded himself inside the cabin. The exchange of gunfire occurred at about 12:45 local time (20:45 GMT).

The search moved to the area of Big Bear Lake, a ski resort 80 miles (130km) east of Los Angeles, last Thursday after the suspect's burned-out truck was found there. LA officials have offered a $1m (£630,000) reward for information leading to his arrest. The authorities earlier said that the former officer with Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is suspected of killing three people, including a policeman. Police have been protecting about 50 families, many belonging to former LAPD colleagues, against whom Mr Dorner has vowed revenge for allegedly ruining his career. In an online manifesto, Mr Dorner, a former US Navy reservist, suggested that racism was rife in the LAPD.

BBC News - Officer dies in shoot-out with 'fugitive cop Dorner'

See also:

Body found in burned-out cabin after shootout with suspected fugitive
February 12, 2013 : A body was found inside the burned out cabin Tuesday night where Christopher Jordan Dorner was believed to have kept law enforcement authorities at bay before officers fired tear gas into the structure, a source told the Los Angeles Times.
The body, which was found in the charred rubble of the mountainside cabin, was not positively identified, the source said. The process of making a determination whether the body is that of the former Los Angeles Police Department officer could take hours or even days, the source said. As authorities moved into the cabin earlier Tuesday, they heard a single gunshot. According to a law enforcement source, police had broken down windows, fired tear gas into the cabin and blasted over a loudspeaker urging Dorner to surrender. When they got no response, police deployed a vehicle to rip down the walls of the cabin “one by one, like peeling an onion,” a law enforcement official said.

By the time they got to the last wall, authorities heard a single gunshot, the source said. Then flames began to spread through the structure, and gunshots, probably set off by the fire, were heard. Earlier Tuesday, a tall plume of smoke was rising as flames consumed the wood-paneled cabin. Hundreds of law enforcement personnel had swooped down on the site near Big Bear after the gun battles between Dorner and officers that broke out in the snow-covered mountains where the fugitive had been eluding a massive manhunt since his truck was found burning in the area late last week.

Law enforcement personnel in military-style gear and armed with high-powered weapons took up positions in the heavily forested area as the tense standoff progressed. One San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputy died of his wounds after he and another deputy were wounded in an exchange of gunfire outside the cabin in which hundreds of rounds were fired, sources told the Times. The deputy was airlifted to Loma Linda University Medical Center, where he died of his wounds.

The afternoon gun battle was part of a quickly changing situation that began after Dorner allegedly broke into a home, tied up a couple and held them hostage. He then stole a pickup truck, sources said. Then Dorner was allegedly spotted by a state Fish and Wildlife officer in the pickup truck, sources said. A vehicle-to-vehicle shootout ensued. The officer’s vehicle was peppered with multiple rounds, according to authorities.

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The cops killed Chris Dorner b/c they know capital punishment will soon be a thing of the past in California. If Dorner were in his right mind, he would have surrendered as an f you to the system.
'We did not intentionally burn cabin'...
San Bernardino County sheriff: 'This investigation is over'
Thu February 14, 2013 - Slain officer's widow thanks mourners: "A lot of people loved Mike"; Villaraigosa says police have a "reasonable belief" that Dorner died in a mountain standoff; Authorities have not conclusively identified the body found near Big Bear Lake
Authorities said Wednesday they are reasonably sure that the body found inside the burned cabin near Big Bear Lake, California, is that of Christopher Dorner, the rogue ex-cop who had been pursuing a vendetta against his fellow officers. "We believe that this investigation is over, at this point, and we'll just need to move on from here," San Bernardino Sheriff John McMahon told reporters. Although the description and behavior of the man who was killed are consistent with Dorner, officials "cannot absolutely, positively confirm it was him," McMahon said. "We're not currently involved in a manhunt," he said. "Our coroner's division is trying to confirm the identity through forensics."

Authorities say Dorner launched a guerrilla war against the Los Angeles Police Department over what he considered his unfair dismissal in 2009. McMahon identified a sheriff's detective who was fatally shot Tuesday by the man presumed to have been Dorner as Jeremiah MacKay. MacKay, 35, was a 15-year veteran who was married with two children, a 7-year-old daughter and a 4-month-old son. Another officer has undergone "a couple of different surgeries" after being wounded in the shootout. "He's in good spirits and should make a full recovery after a number of additional surgeries," McMahon said.

The two men were ambushed Tuesday when they responded to a report of a vehicle stolen by a suspect matching Dorner's description, McMahon said. "It was like a war zone, and our deputies continued to go into that area and tried to neutralize and stop the threat," McMahon said. "The rounds kept coming, but our deputies didn't give up." The suspect then fled into a nearby vacant cabin, which caught fire after police shot tear gas canisters into it, McMahon said. Although the canisters included pyrotechnic tear gas, which generates heat, "We did not intentionally burn down that cabin to get Mr. Dorner out," McMahon said. It wasn't clear when a formal identification could be made of the charred remains found in the cabin about 100 miles east of Los Angeles after Tuesday's shootout with police. Until then, "a lot of apprehension" remains in the ranks of the LAPD, Lt. Andy Neiman said.

'A very trying time' for the LAPD
if dorner had surrendered and he had gotten an OJ type jury he might have skated.
I called that the cabin was torched intentionally right when I heard it. You don't just accidentally torch a cabin. The sad shit is; now the tax payer will end up paying Dorner's family.
I called that the cabin was torched intentionally right when I heard it. You don't just accidentally torch a cabin. The sad shit is; now the tax payer will end up paying Dorner's family.

And of course you now have the scanner recordings of the police saying "Burn the fucken cabin down"
This illustrates the culture of lies in the LAPD that set Dorner off in the first place.
Personally I dont give a shit that they killed him. But for fucks sake dont try and sell me a bald faced lie.
I called that the cabin was torched intentionally right when I heard it. You don't just accidentally torch a cabin. The sad shit is; now the tax payer will end up paying Dorner's family.

And of course you now have the scanner recordings of the police saying "Burn the fucken cabin down"
This illustrates the culture of lies in the LAPD that set Dorner off in the first place.
Personally I dont give a shit that they killed him. But for fucks sake dont try and sell me a bald faced lie.

Looks like obama taught them well.

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