An Unflattering Brief about Hillary...from the WHITE HOUSE!


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010

1. Clinton entered the race as the prohibitive front-runner. But after months of dominating polls, she is in a tough race against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

2. Though many Democratic strategists still predict she will capture the nomination, they now expect the race to continue into the spring. That's brought on fears that a contentious primary could leave Clinton in a weaker position for the general election if she in fact becomes the nominee.

3. Her vote for the Iraq invasion became a point of contention in 2008. She later described her support as a "mistake."

4. In a primary dominated by economic issues, Clinton has spent time trying to distinguish herself from Sanders with her foreign policy record.

5. To highlight her experience, she frequently tells voters about being in the Situation Room with Obama when Osama bin Laden was killed.

6. While Clinton has displayed a comfortable command of the debate stage, one of her best moments came courtesy of rival Sanders. In the first match-up, Sanders dismissed questions about her private server. "The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails!" he said.

7. That exchange has largely neutralized the email issue in the Democratic contest. But it's bound to be a different story in the fall if she's the Democrat running in the general election.

8. As secretary of state, Clinton presided over a key piece of the government's reaction to the deadly 2012 assaults on a diplomatic compound and CIA quarters in Benghazi, Libya. The attacks, which killed Chris Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, and three other Americans, quickly became a political rallying cry for Republicans.

9. Clinton has been dogged by questions over her use of a private server located in her home as secretary of state.

10. "I thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal emails instead of two," she said.

11. It later came out that Clinton used both an iPad and a BlackBerry during her time at the agency - a charge that's kept alive Republican efforts to paint her as untrustworthy

News from The Associated Press

Really? This is the best the writers could come up with in getting the reader to familiarize themselves with Hillary? They are pros at making stinking sock smell like a rose!

But they bring out that she was intending to have an easy nomination, but Bernie is getting the attention so her campaign is not going as planned.

She might be in a weakened position in the general, if in fact she is the nominee.

They bring up her vote in Iraq.

The voters are concerned about the economy, but she talks about foreign affairs.

The highlight of her experience was that she sat in the Situation room when Bin Laden was killed. (So were a lot of people but that doesn’t make the POTUS material)

The “best moment” in her debates was when Bernie said he didn’t want to talk about her emails. That was the bright spot of her performance?!

That neutralized the email story, but it will be a different story if she makes it to the general election.

As secretary of state, Clinton presided over a key piece of the government's reaction to the deadly 2012 assaults on a diplomatic compound and CIA quarters in Benghazi, Libya, attacks that killed the ambassador and three other Americans.

Clinton was dogged after it was found out she kept a private server in her home.

Clinton claimed it was easier to carry one electronic device, but later it was found out she normally had two, so people see her as untrustworthy!

Was all of that necessary to “boost” her image with voters? And this came from a “friendly” source?

One would think it came from the Sanders campaign, but it was actually the WHITE HOUSE.

2 is obvious

If Sanders wins NH(polls favor him there) and perform better than expected in SC and/or NV we are waiting for Super Tuesday which is at the end of winter.
The Sanders campaign is avoiding her "foreign policy" experience out of courtesy to her.

In fact, it is foolish for her campaign to bring it up since it leads straight to her handling of Benghazi!
Wow! Looks like the Clinton Crime Cartel is under fire from the Obama Crime Syndicate. After the election and both parties are back on home turf in Chicago, thing could get hairy. And bloody. They'll be going to the mattresses.Just think of the movies and mini-series to come about the latest feud.
The Sanders campaign is avoiding her "foreign policy" experience out of courtesy to her.

In fact, it is foolish for her campaign to bring it up since it leads straight to her handling of Benghazi!
The campaign is not bringing it up. This came from the White House, not her campaign or friends from the State Dept.
What I don't understand, is why did Obama even let this go out? It wasn't flattering.
we can already see Hillary sitting next to Huma at the congress trials, and both answer all questions using that "I Plead The Fifth" bullchit, just like we saw with Lois the bitch Lane
The Sanders campaign is avoiding her "foreign policy" experience out of courtesy to her.

In fact, it is foolish for her campaign to bring it up since it leads straight to her handling of Benghazi!
The campaign is not bringing it up. This came from the White House, not her campaign or friends from the State Dept.
What I don't understand, is why did Obama even let this go out? It wasn't flattering.

There is no love lost between Obama and the Clintons.
we can already see Hillary sitting next to Huma at the congress trials, and both answer all questions using that "I Plead The Fifth" bullchit, just like we saw with Lois the bitch Lane
Yeah, but that sure doesn't look good.
One would think it came from the Sanders campaign, but it was actually the WHITE HOUSE.

The brief is not from the White House. It is an article written by an AP journalist, Lisa Lerer, discussing the race for the White House to the AP readers.
The Sanders campaign is avoiding her "foreign policy" experience out of courtesy to her.

In fact, it is foolish for her campaign to bring it up since it leads straight to her handling of Benghazi!
The campaign is not bringing it up. This came from the White House, not her campaign or friends from the State Dept.
What I don't understand, is why did Obama even let this go out? It wasn't flattering.

There is no love lost between Obama and the Clintons.
True... but what was the purpose of releasing this? to piss off Hillary? Why bother? He sure isn't doing her any favors.
One would think it came from the Sanders campaign, but it was actually the WHITE HOUSE.

The brief is not from the White House. It is from an AP journalist, Lisa Lerer, discussing the race for the White House to the AP readers.
Yeeees. That does not mean it is from the White House.

Look at the byline. Look at the copyright at the bottom.

Holy smokes, man!
and when Huma is sitting next to Hillary as they both get grilled, Huma will be taking Hillarys Pee bucket to the ladies room every 20 minutes.
One would think it came from the Sanders campaign, but it was actually the WHITE HOUSE.

The brief is not from the White House. It is from an AP journalist, Lisa Lerer, discussing the race for the White House to the AP readers.
Yeeees. That does not mean it is from the White House.

Look at the byline. Look at the copyright at the bottom.

Holy smokes, man!
Holy smokes! I'm wondering if Hillary will use these flattering remarks to back up her plethora of accomplishments?
One would think it came from the Sanders campaign, but it was actually the WHITE HOUSE.

The brief is not from the White House. It is from an AP journalist, Lisa Lerer, discussing the race for the White House to the AP readers.
Yeeees. That does not mean it is from the White House.

Look at the byline. Look at the copyright at the bottom.

Holy smokes, man!
Holy smokes! I'm wondering if Hillary will use these flattering remarks to back up her plethora of accomplishments?
It is part of a series of articles written for people who may have been living in a cave for the past 24 months.
One would think it came from the Sanders campaign, but it was actually the WHITE HOUSE.

The brief is not from the White House. It is from an AP journalist, Lisa Lerer, discussing the race for the White House to the AP readers.
Yeeees. That does not mean it is from the White House.

Look at the byline. Look at the copyright at the bottom.

Holy smokes, man!
Holy smokes! I'm wondering if Hillary will use these flattering remarks to back up her plethora of accomplishments?
It is part of a series of articles written for people who may have been living in a cave for the past 24 months.
I know but after reading the brief, Hillary is probably cursing like a demon, throwing things, terrifying staff and interns and breaking shit. She surely doesn't want this stuff raked over the coals again.

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