An Op Ed for the two party supporters


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Before I get into this, I just wanna start out by saying I don't believe any 3rd party will ever come to a majority in our government. At least not in my lifetime. And there's many reasons why. But since it's not part of what I'm about to say, I'll leave that for another discussion. Also, I DO NOT support Trump or Pelosi. I do not support Schumer or McConnell. In fact there's only a couple of politicians that I could support. And two of those are gone, as of 2020.

For over 170 years the Republicans and Democrats have ruled over this country, 100% of the time. And since then, they've publicly denounced each other, but secretly sided with each other with their votes. Votes on important issue. Well, issues that were important to them. Things with HUGE price tags on. Like funding the MIC (Military Industrial Complex).

It's my opinion that there is the ruling class. Then there are their lobbyist. Then there's the government. And last but not least, all of their wants and wishes comes spewing out through the media.
The ruling class and many of the lobbyist, we'll never see or hear about in the media. Because they have enough money and influence to stay hidden. They don't want voters to know who's actually giving the orders. That's where the politicians come in. They're the ones who get blamed for everything. That's their job. Raise money and take the heat. Taking the heat generally consists of only taking a few tough questions now and then. This is why they always give general scripted answers to specific questions. Actually never answering a direct question with a direct answer. Their voting records are their direct answers. Luckily for them, usually no one keeps up with voting records or most of the legislation that's built into a bill they voted on.
A good example of this is Trumps funding of Planned Parenthood. Most Trump supporters don't realize that he's done this. And frankly, the voters on the left don't realize it either. And if they did, they'd just dismiss it.

One thing I don't understand about all the keyboard rambo's on both sides of these issue's, is why they'll pay more attention to something said in the MSM or some political blogger, instead of a politicians voting record. This is where all the substance is. Not what Rachel Maddow or Glen Beck says.
The issues that are brought fourth in the media, IMO, are just things that are meant to keep the left and the right divided. Things like racism, that none of us can do anything about. Except scream at each other and the politicians over. At the end of the day, nothing is going to change, because it's not meant to. And for good reason. You can't legislate the hearts and minds of individuals.
And another thing about all this racism, the right is right and wrong about it. And so is the left.
The right is correct when they bring up the criminal element of race, especially towards the blacks, because young black males commit most of the homicides in this country and are have the highest population of gun violence in this country. Their most correct statement is how this is more of a cultural problem, and not a race problem.
The left is correct when they mention how blacks are still suppressed in this country. They are suppressed. And why's and how's are a little foggy though. Poor blacks are suppressed by the welfare system. They're also suppressed by the drug problem. The media also suppresses them by giving the poor blacks something to point their fingers at and blame.
If someone is in a bad situation, and they have someone or something to blame, in a sense, that gives them a reason to not pull themselves up out of that bad situation. Like the saying we've always heard growing up, "Can't never could do nothing."

But this is just a prime example of how the ruling class, special interest/lobbyist, politicians through the media keeps everyone divided.
Fact is, not achieving success, breaking the law, staying hooked on welfare, and all those under achiever actions isn't a race issue, it's a human nature trait. Some people, regardless of their skin color are just bad people. Some are horrific. Some are sneaky in their crimes. Some are just lazy. While others learn how to be successful and do it. But it's not because of their skin color.
So the left is correct when they say no one should be judged by their skin color. MLK was correct when he said people should be judged by the content of their character. Even MLK would agree that no one should be treated better than anyone else because of their skin color. Including blacks.

The media won't tell you that. The politicians won't tell you that. Why? Because racism sells ads. Ads generate revenue. To the media, that's their salaries, raises, bonuses and retirement. To us, after taking in all of this crap, including immigration issues, war issues, spending issues, and all the other bias news we're all fed, the end result is the vast majority of people dividing themselves from each other.
Like the wars we've been in since way before 9/11. If the left and right voters were to all come together and realize that these wars are against people and countries that pose no threat to the USA, instead of supporting a politician who gives us some made up reason to support the wars, then the wars would stop, because every politician that supports these wars of aggression, would be voted out.
Another example is abortion. The republicans have had many instances where they could've legally made abortion illegal. Because Roe V Wade was a supreme court decision that was based on privacy, and not life, there's grounds for a law based on life that the supreme court couldn't touch. With that said, I can count at least 10 times where the GOP had a majority in the house and senate, with a GOP president, where the "sanctity of life" bill (or another bill like it) was brought up, put into committee and that's where it died. If republican voters would pay attention, and vote against those responsible for keeping such legislation in committee, then they would get an actual pro life politician elected.

So to end all this, the media keeps most Americans divided. Some Americans want to be divided. They don't want to come together and work things out. They won't even listen to reason from the other side. I'm not sure if it's brainwashing they're subjected to. Or it's just part of their human nature. Either way, all they'll achieve is more of the same thing we've been getting since the Republicans and Democrats began ruling this country. And if we teach our kids to divide themselves politically, it'll continue.
Before I get into this, I just wanna start out by saying I don't believe any 3rd party will ever come to a majority in our government. At least not in my lifetime. And there's many reasons why. But since it's not part of what I'm about to say, I'll leave that for another discussion. Also, I DO NOT support Trump or Pelosi. I do not support Schumer or McConnell. In fact there's only a couple of politicians that I could support. And two of those are gone, as of 2020.

For over 170 years the Republicans and Democrats have ruled over this country, 100% of the time. And since then, they've publicly denounced each other, but secretly sided with each other with their votes. Votes on important issue. Well, issues that were important to them. Things with HUGE price tags on. Like funding the MIC (Military Industrial Complex).

It's my opinion that there is the ruling class. Then there are their lobbyist. Then there's the government. And last but not least, all of their wants and wishes comes spewing out through the media.
The ruling class and many of the lobbyist, we'll never see or hear about in the media. Because they have enough money and influence to stay hidden. They don't want voters to know who's actually giving the orders. That's where the politicians come in. They're the ones who get blamed for everything. That's their job. Raise money and take the heat. Taking the heat generally consists of only taking a few tough questions now and then. This is why they always give general scripted answers to specific questions. Actually never answering a direct question with a direct answer. Their voting records are their direct answers. Luckily for them, usually no one keeps up with voting records or most of the legislation that's built into a bill they voted on.
A good example of this is Trumps funding of Planned Parenthood. Most Trump supporters don't realize that he's done this. And frankly, the voters on the left don't realize it either. And if they did, they'd just dismiss it.

One thing I don't understand about all the keyboard rambo's on both sides of these issue's, is why they'll pay more attention to something said in the MSM or some political blogger, instead of a politicians voting record. This is where all the substance is. Not what Rachel Maddow or Glen Beck says.
The issues that are brought fourth in the media, IMO, are just things that are meant to keep the left and the right divided. Things like racism, that none of us can do anything about. Except scream at each other and the politicians over. At the end of the day, nothing is going to change, because it's not meant to. And for good reason. You can't legislate the hearts and minds of individuals.
And another thing about all this racism, the right is right and wrong about it. And so is the left.
The right is correct when they bring up the criminal element of race, especially towards the blacks, because young black males commit most of the homicides in this country and are have the highest population of gun violence in this country. Their most correct statement is how this is more of a cultural problem, and not a race problem.
The left is correct when they mention how blacks are still suppressed in this country. They are suppressed. And why's and how's are a little foggy though. Poor blacks are suppressed by the welfare system. They're also suppressed by the drug problem. The media also suppresses them by giving the poor blacks something to point their fingers at and blame.
If someone is in a bad situation, and they have someone or something to blame, in a sense, that gives them a reason to not pull themselves up out of that bad situation. Like the saying we've always heard growing up, "Can't never could do nothing."

But this is just a prime example of how the ruling class, special interest/lobbyist, politicians through the media keeps everyone divided.
Fact is, not achieving success, breaking the law, staying hooked on welfare, and all those under achiever actions isn't a race issue, it's a human nature trait. Some people, regardless of their skin color are just bad people. Some are horrific. Some are sneaky in their crimes. Some are just lazy. While others learn how to be successful and do it. But it's not because of their skin color.
So the left is correct when they say no one should be judged by their skin color. MLK was correct when he said people should be judged by the content of their character. Even MLK would agree that no one should be treated better than anyone else because of their skin color. Including blacks.

The media won't tell you that. The politicians won't tell you that. Why? Because racism sells ads. Ads generate revenue. To the media, that's their salaries, raises, bonuses and retirement. To us, after taking in all of this crap, including immigration issues, war issues, spending issues, and all the other bias news we're all fed, the end result is the vast majority of people dividing themselves from each other.
Like the wars we've been in since way before 9/11. If the left and right voters were to all come together and realize that these wars are against people and countries that pose no threat to the USA, instead of supporting a politician who gives us some made up reason to support the wars, then the wars would stop, because every politician that supports these wars of aggression, would be voted out.
Another example is abortion. The republicans have had many instances where they could've legally made abortion illegal. Because Roe V Wade was a supreme court decision that was based on privacy, and not life, there's grounds for a law based on life that the supreme court couldn't touch. With that said, I can count at least 10 times where the GOP had a majority in the house and senate, with a GOP president, where the "sanctity of life" bill (or another bill like it) was brought up, put into committee and that's where it died. If republican voters would pay attention, and vote against those responsible for keeping such legislation in committee, then they would get an actual pro life politician elected.

So to end all this, the media keeps most Americans divided. Some Americans want to be divided. They don't want to come together and work things out. They won't even listen to reason from the other side. I'm not sure if it's brainwashing they're subjected to. Or it's just part of their human nature. Either way, all they'll achieve is more of the same thing we've been getting since the Republicans and Democrats began ruling this country. And if we teach our kids to divide themselves politically, it'll continue.

I was a Republican in the 80s. Starting in 1992 I voted Republican once over the next seven elections because I didn't see the difference between the parties. I would have been zero for seven if the Libertarian Party hadn't stopped nominating actual libertarians. Sure, they said different things, but they did nothing different.

But with Democrats going to fascism silencing opposition with threats, intimidation and violence and just stealing elections like they just did last November, only a fool will go on not opposing that claiming they are the same. They no longer are, Democrats are an existential threat to our liberty, not just useless like the Republicans
I would have been zero for seven if the Libertarian Party hadn't stopped nominating actual libertarians.
It's been infiltrated by lefties and has become a sept of the Dem party to siphon votes from the dog-shit GOP.

And it's the dog-shit GOP's fault.

Libertarians need to overthrow the GOP and make the duopoly rats within crawl to the CCP USA party (Dems).

Austin Petersen left the LP for the GOP. That guy needs to make another run at POTUS.
I was a Republican in the 80s. Starting in 1992 I voted Republican once over the next seven elections because I didn't see the difference between the parties. I would have been zero for seven if the Libertarian Party hadn't stopped nominating actual libertarians. Sure, they said different things, but they did nothing different.

But with Democrats going to fascism silencing opposition with threats, intimidation and violence and just stealing elections like they just did last November, only a fool will go on not opposing that claiming they are the same. They no longer are, Democrats are an existential threat to our liberty, not just useless like the Republicans

It's just my opinion that we haven't had a fair election since JFK. Maybe even before that. In fact, after getting involved in the actual delegate process for the GOP back in 2012, you quickly begin to realize how both parties rig their nominations starting at the local level.
It's done this way simply because there's no real voting records to fact check. The voting for the general election, I believe to also be a fabrication. Just not on a grand scale that covers all states. Just the few swing states. States that are predominantly red or blue, are not corrupted. This minimizes the cover up.
I also believe that both nominee's know they're going to win or lose before the votes are even cast. They just pretend to be surprised. Trump's fighting the outcome, imo, was just a show.
Fact: Trump and Pelosi only played enemies on TV.
Fact: Pelosi got every dime she asked for. She also got planned parenthood funding during a GOP majority. And the bump stock ban. And the ban on those 9mm clip on things that makes them fully automatic. Also during a GOP majority. Behind the scenes, Trump and Pelosi were BFF's
It's been infiltrated by lefties and has become a sept of the Dem party to siphon votes from the dog-shit GOP.

And it's the dog-shit GOP's fault.

Libertarians need to overthrow the GOP and make the duopoly rats within crawl to the CCP USA party (Dems).

Austin Petersen left the LP for the GOP. That guy needs to make another run at POTUS.

I was a supporter of the 2007/2008 Tea Party. But like you say has happened to the LP, the GOP did the same thing to the Tea Party.
Actual conservatism isn't allowed in any party or the existing government now.

Fact: Justin Amash, the last actual conservative was kicked off the Congressional Budget Committee by Republican John Boehner for trying to balance the budget. He was fought tooth and nail by his own party for actually being a conservative and not a CINO. He is the US's first Libertarian congressman. But he was never elected as a Libertarian.

I was hoping Rand Paul, Thomas Massie would also switch parties because they claim to be libertarians. But they either didn't have the balls to do it. Or were already bought and paid for by the GOP and their favorite lobbyist.
I was a Republican in the 80s. Starting in 1992 I voted Republican once over the next seven elections because I didn't see the difference between the parties. I would have been zero for seven if the Libertarian Party hadn't stopped nominating actual libertarians. Sure, they said different things, but they did nothing different.

But with Democrats going to fascism silencing opposition with threats, intimidation and violence and just stealing elections like they just did last November, only a fool will go on not opposing that claiming they are the same. They no longer are, Democrats are an existential threat to our liberty, not just useless like the Republicans

It's just my opinion that we haven't had a fair election since JFK. Maybe even before that. In fact, after getting involved in the actual delegate process for the GOP back in 2012, you quickly begin to realize how both parties rig their nominations starting at the local level.
It's done this way simply because there's no real voting records to fact check. The voting for the general election, I believe to also be a fabrication. Just not on a grand scale that covers all states. Just the few swing states. States that are predominantly red or blue, are not corrupted. This minimizes the cover up.
I also believe that both nominee's know they're going to win or lose before the votes are even cast. They just pretend to be surprised. Trump's fighting the outcome, imo, was just a show.
Fact: Trump and Pelosi only played enemies on TV.
Fact: Pelosi got every dime she asked for. She also got planned parenthood funding during a GOP majority. And the bump stock ban. And the ban on those 9mm clip on things that makes them fully automatic. Also during a GOP majority. Behind the scenes, Trump and Pelosi were BFF's

Agreed that elections haven't been actually fair for a long time.

But the fraud was never as massive as it was in 2020 and I don't believe a Presidential result was ever flipped before. Democrats unilaterally forced rules changes enabling fraud and then in six States (Penn, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona) just kept voting until they flipped those States and the election. Then they stole two senate seats in Georgia to flap the Senate.

I have no doubt they have stolen various elections, but never on that scale. They are just more brazen and fascist about changing the rules then stealing elections. And they are burying us with illegal immigrants. It's no accident that they are being directed mostly to light red States.

If you care at all about liberty, you can't just ignore that and continue with the mantra they are the same when they no longer are. Note that I'm not arguing anything actually pro-Republican, I wouldn't waste either of our time
Before I get into this, I just wanna start out by saying I don't believe any 3rd party will ever come to a majority in our government. At least not in my lifetime. And there's many reasons why. But since it's not part of what I'm about to say, I'll leave that for another discussion. Also, I DO NOT support Trump or Pelosi. I do not support Schumer or McConnell. In fact there's only a couple of politicians that I could support. And two of those are gone, as of 2020.

For over 170 years the Republicans and Democrats have ruled over this country, 100% of the time. And since then, they've publicly denounced each other, but secretly sided with each other with their votes. Votes on important issue. Well, issues that were important to them. Things with HUGE price tags on. Like funding the MIC (Military Industrial Complex).

It's my opinion that there is the ruling class. Then there are their lobbyist. Then there's the government. And last but not least, all of their wants and wishes comes spewing out through the media.
The ruling class and many of the lobbyist, we'll never see or hear about in the media. Because they have enough money and influence to stay hidden. They don't want voters to know who's actually giving the orders. That's where the politicians come in. They're the ones who get blamed for everything. That's their job. Raise money and take the heat. Taking the heat generally consists of only taking a few tough questions now and then. This is why they always give general scripted answers to specific questions. Actually never answering a direct question with a direct answer. Their voting records are their direct answers. Luckily for them, usually no one keeps up with voting records or most of the legislation that's built into a bill they voted on.
A good example of this is Trumps funding of Planned Parenthood. Most Trump supporters don't realize that he's done this. And frankly, the voters on the left don't realize it either. And if they did, they'd just dismiss it.

One thing I don't understand about all the keyboard rambo's on both sides of these issue's, is why they'll pay more attention to something said in the MSM or some political blogger, instead of a politicians voting record. This is where all the substance is. Not what Rachel Maddow or Glen Beck says.
The issues that are brought fourth in the media, IMO, are just things that are meant to keep the left and the right divided. Things like racism, that none of us can do anything about. Except scream at each other and the politicians over. At the end of the day, nothing is going to change, because it's not meant to. And for good reason. You can't legislate the hearts and minds of individuals.
And another thing about all this racism, the right is right and wrong about it. And so is the left.
The right is correct when they bring up the criminal element of race, especially towards the blacks, because young black males commit most of the homicides in this country and are have the highest population of gun violence in this country. Their most correct statement is how this is more of a cultural problem, and not a race problem.
The left is correct when they mention how blacks are still suppressed in this country. They are suppressed. And why's and how's are a little foggy though. Poor blacks are suppressed by the welfare system. They're also suppressed by the drug problem. The media also suppresses them by giving the poor blacks something to point their fingers at and blame.
If someone is in a bad situation, and they have someone or something to blame, in a sense, that gives them a reason to not pull themselves up out of that bad situation. Like the saying we've always heard growing up, "Can't never could do nothing."

But this is just a prime example of how the ruling class, special interest/lobbyist, politicians through the media keeps everyone divided.
Fact is, not achieving success, breaking the law, staying hooked on welfare, and all those under achiever actions isn't a race issue, it's a human nature trait. Some people, regardless of their skin color are just bad people. Some are horrific. Some are sneaky in their crimes. Some are just lazy. While others learn how to be successful and do it. But it's not because of their skin color.
So the left is correct when they say no one should be judged by their skin color. MLK was correct when he said people should be judged by the content of their character. Even MLK would agree that no one should be treated better than anyone else because of their skin color. Including blacks.

The media won't tell you that. The politicians won't tell you that. Why? Because racism sells ads. Ads generate revenue. To the media, that's their salaries, raises, bonuses and retirement. To us, after taking in all of this crap, including immigration issues, war issues, spending issues, and all the other bias news we're all fed, the end result is the vast majority of people dividing themselves from each other.
Like the wars we've been in since way before 9/11. If the left and right voters were to all come together and realize that these wars are against people and countries that pose no threat to the USA, instead of supporting a politician who gives us some made up reason to support the wars, then the wars would stop, because every politician that supports these wars of aggression, would be voted out.
Another example is abortion. The republicans have had many instances where they could've legally made abortion illegal. Because Roe V Wade was a supreme court decision that was based on privacy, and not life, there's grounds for a law based on life that the supreme court couldn't touch. With that said, I can count at least 10 times where the GOP had a majority in the house and senate, with a GOP president, where the "sanctity of life" bill (or another bill like it) was brought up, put into committee and that's where it died. If republican voters would pay attention, and vote against those responsible for keeping such legislation in committee, then they would get an actual pro life politician elected.

So to end all this, the media keeps most Americans divided. Some Americans want to be divided. They don't want to come together and work things out. They won't even listen to reason from the other side. I'm not sure if it's brainwashing they're subjected to. Or it's just part of their human nature. Either way, all they'll achieve is more of the same thing we've been getting since the Republicans and Democrats began ruling this country. And if we teach our kids to divide themselves politically, it'll continue.

Before I get into this, I just wanna start out by saying I don't believe any 3rd party will ever come to a majority in our government. At least not in my lifetime. And there's many reasons why. But since it's not part of what I'm about to say, I'll leave that for another discussion. Also, I DO NOT support Trump or Pelosi. I do not support Schumer or McConnell. In fact there's only a couple of politicians that I could support. And two of those are gone, as of 2020.

For over 170 years the Republicans and Democrats have ruled over this country, 100% of the time. And since then, they've publicly denounced each other, but secretly sided with each other with their votes. Votes on important issue. Well, issues that were important to them. Things with HUGE price tags on. Like funding the MIC (Military Industrial Complex).

It's my opinion that there is the ruling class. Then there are their lobbyist. Then there's the government. And last but not least, all of their wants and wishes comes spewing out through the media.
The ruling class and many of the lobbyist, we'll never see or hear about in the media. Because they have enough money and influence to stay hidden. They don't want voters to know who's actually giving the orders. That's where the politicians come in. They're the ones who get blamed for everything. That's their job. Raise money and take the heat. Taking the heat generally consists of only taking a few tough questions now and then. This is why they always give general scripted answers to specific questions. Actually never answering a direct question with a direct answer. Their voting records are their direct answers. Luckily for them, usually no one keeps up with voting records or most of the legislation that's built into a bill they voted on.
A good example of this is Trumps funding of Planned Parenthood. Most Trump supporters don't realize that he's done this. And frankly, the voters on the left don't realize it either. And if they did, they'd just dismiss it.

One thing I don't understand about all the keyboard rambo's on both sides of these issue's, is why they'll pay more attention to something said in the MSM or some political blogger, instead of a politicians voting record. This is where all the substance is. Not what Rachel Maddow or Glen Beck says.
The issues that are brought fourth in the media, IMO, are just things that are meant to keep the left and the right divided. Things like racism, that none of us can do anything about. Except scream at each other and the politicians over. At the end of the day, nothing is going to change, because it's not meant to. And for good reason. You can't legislate the hearts and minds of individuals.
And another thing about all this racism, the right is right and wrong about it. And so is the left.
The right is correct when they bring up the criminal element of race, especially towards the blacks, because young black males commit most of the homicides in this country and are have the highest population of gun violence in this country. Their most correct statement is how this is more of a cultural problem, and not a race problem.
The left is correct when they mention how blacks are still suppressed in this country. They are suppressed. And why's and how's are a little foggy though. Poor blacks are suppressed by the welfare system. They're also suppressed by the drug problem. The media also suppresses them by giving the poor blacks something to point their fingers at and blame.
If someone is in a bad situation, and they have someone or something to blame, in a sense, that gives them a reason to not pull themselves up out of that bad situation. Like the saying we've always heard growing up, "Can't never could do nothing."

But this is just a prime example of how the ruling class, special interest/lobbyist, politicians through the media keeps everyone divided.
Fact is, not achieving success, breaking the law, staying hooked on welfare, and all those under achiever actions isn't a race issue, it's a human nature trait. Some people, regardless of their skin color are just bad people. Some are horrific. Some are sneaky in their crimes. Some are just lazy. While others learn how to be successful and do it. But it's not because of their skin color.
So the left is correct when they say no one should be judged by their skin color. MLK was correct when he said people should be judged by the content of their character. Even MLK would agree that no one should be treated better than anyone else because of their skin color. Including blacks.

The media won't tell you that. The politicians won't tell you that. Why? Because racism sells ads. Ads generate revenue. To the media, that's their salaries, raises, bonuses and retirement. To us, after taking in all of this crap, including immigration issues, war issues, spending issues, and all the other bias news we're all fed, the end result is the vast majority of people dividing themselves from each other.
Like the wars we've been in since way before 9/11. If the left and right voters were to all come together and realize that these wars are against people and countries that pose no threat to the USA, instead of supporting a politician who gives us some made up reason to support the wars, then the wars would stop, because every politician that supports these wars of aggression, would be voted out.
Another example is abortion. The republicans have had many instances where they could've legally made abortion illegal. Because Roe V Wade was a supreme court decision that was based on privacy, and not life, there's grounds for a law based on life that the supreme court couldn't touch. With that said, I can count at least 10 times where the GOP had a majority in the house and senate, with a GOP president, where the "sanctity of life" bill (or another bill like it) was brought up, put into committee and that's where it died. If republican voters would pay attention, and vote against those responsible for keeping such legislation in committee, then they would get an actual pro life politician elected.

So to end all this, the media keeps most Americans divided. Some Americans want to be divided. They don't want to come together and work things out. They won't even listen to reason from the other side. I'm not sure if it's brainwashing they're subjected to. Or it's just part of their human nature. Either way, all they'll achieve is more of the same thing we've been getting since the Republicans and Democrats began ruling this country. And if we teach our kids to divide themselves politically, it'll continue.

Basically, all you had to say is that the 2-party system is a failure and rigged against a 3rd Party ever emerging, much to your disappointment.
You would've saved yourself from embarking on a verbose word salad essay.
EXCELLENT evaluation!!! You are one of the GIFTED FEW who truly sees the deception being foisted upon the American constituency! I spent 31 years of my life as a contributing member of our Libertarian party USA trying to expose the pyramidal death grip the elitist behind the scene manipulators are engaged in. "I'm not sure..." oh yes you are YoursTruly as BOTH human nature(group identity) & brainwashing(gullibility) contribute to the divide problem & divide leads to conquered. This post of yours scores a freakin' home run with the bases loaded in my book! Below are a couple links that bolster your position/opinion on the divide & conquer elitists.

I think that you well understand that the SMART BOXER makes the best usage of BOTH his left/right attributes!
Socialists are coming on strong. Sanders almost had a shot before he had a heart attack. The radical left seems desperate to unite Black anger and global warming to a political party but democrats are too strong and the liberal media isn't too sure which way to go.
For over 170 years the Republicans and Democrats have ruled over this country, 100% of the time
That's because their party platforms are 180 degree polar opposites.

What do you propose instead of people taking a stand on one side or the other?

I'm 100% not a Democrat and I'm not an EVERYTHING GOES libertarian, so I vote for the best Republican I can
For over 170 years the Republicans and Democrats have ruled over this country, 100% of the time
That's because their party platforms are 180 degree polar opposites.

What do you propose instead of people taking a stand on one side or the other?

I'm 100% not a Democrat and I'm not an EVERYTHING GOES libertarian, so I vote for the best Republican I can

Yes, Republicans and Democrat platforms are very different, but Republicans have had a hard time not doing the same thing that Democrats do. W was the first Republican in my lifetime to have both houses and first thing he did was scream Spending Orgy! Then he did.

Lately Democrats have gone over the edge, but the Republican party is still pathetic and uncommitted to what they claim their values are. Trump was committed to fighting back. The rest of the party not so much
There would be nothing wrong with two parties if they would support and promote good candidates but they won't.
For over 170 years the Republicans and Democrats have ruled over this country, 100% of the time
That's because their party platforms are 180 degree polar opposites.

What do you propose instead of people taking a stand on one side or the other?

I'm 100% not a Democrat and I'm not an EVERYTHING GOES libertarian, so I vote for the best Republican I can

What good is a platform if they don't stick to it?
Example: Funding Planned Parenthood (abortions) is a pro choice stance. When that funding was put into a bill when the GOP had the house and senate, and Trump as president, somehow it made it through all the way to Trump. And he approved it.
I would have been zero for seven if the Libertarian Party hadn't stopped nominating actual libertarians.
It's been infiltrated by lefties and has become a sept of the Dem party to siphon votes from the dog-shit GOP.
Excuses for selling out and supporting Trump. Sad.

We're not like you. We don't support radical totalitarian leftists.

Yeah, yeah, I know. You aren't a Democrat even though you spend almost all your time on the site parroting their talking points.

Trump's policies weren't very good and the ones that were didn't go far enough. But he did one thing with radical leftist fascism and racism and stealing elections that you keep making excuses for. Trump fought back.

At this point the best thing we can do for our liberty is fight the left. And you still struggle to figure out how you are different from them. Leftists on the board don't know how you're different from them either
There would be nothing wrong with two parties if they would support and promote good candidates but they won't.

I've seen the GOP throw the ONLY actual conservative under the bus a few times in my life time. And more recently, I've seen the DNC throw very good & highly qualified sane democrats, who weren't owned by the establishment, under their own bus. As in Tulsi Gabbard.
The DNC leadership actually bashed her because she got along with most republicans. How sick is that?
There would be nothing wrong with two parties if they would support and promote good candidates but they won't.

I've seen the GOP throw the ONLY actual conservative under the bus a few times in my life time. And more recently, I've seen the DNC throw very good & highly qualified sane democrats, who weren't owned by the establishment, under their own bus. As in Tulsi Gabbard.
The DNC leadership actually bashed her because she got along with most republicans. How sick is that?

I'm not going to argue there is anything good about the Republican Party because there isn't.

But not supporting Republicans is insane now that Democrats have gone squarely into fascism silencing opposition with threats, intimidation and violence and Democrats are just stealing elections. When your boat is sinking, the first thing you focus on is plugging the hole, not redoing the décor
There would be nothing wrong with two parties if they would support and promote good candidates but they won't.

I've seen the GOP throw the ONLY actual conservative under the bus a few times in my life time. And more recently, I've seen the DNC throw very good & highly qualified sane democrats, who weren't owned by the establishment, under their own bus. As in Tulsi Gabbard.
The DNC leadership actually bashed her because she got along with most republicans. How sick is that?

They bashed her because she was willing to condemn Obama's wars.
There would be nothing wrong with two parties if they would support and promote good candidates but they won't.

I've seen the GOP throw the ONLY actual conservative under the bus a few times in my life time. And more recently, I've seen the DNC throw very good & highly qualified sane democrats, who weren't owned by the establishment, under their own bus. As in Tulsi Gabbard.
The DNC leadership actually bashed her because she got along with most republicans. How sick is that?

I'm not going to argue there is anything good about the Republican Party because there isn't.

But not supporting Republicans is insane now that Democrats have gone squarely into fascism silencing opposition with threats, intimidation and violence and Democrats are just stealing elections. When your boat is sinking, the first thing you focus on is plugging the hole, not redoing the décor

So your answer is to support "not anything good" as opposed to demanding something better.

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