An old Trumper speaks out.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016

I have come here to write but there is a problem. As a 74-year-old retired blue collar worker (twenty years in Steel Workers Union, then another thirty as a wrench-turning CNC programmer) I come from a vastly different time. I was lucky enough to have grown up in the 1950’s before Washington became a dystopian central planning dictatorship focused on an Orwellian globalist agenda. I got an actual basic education that equipped me to make sense of the world and for that I am thankful. But I must simplify my writing to make myself understood by modern Manchurian Candidates with college degrees.

There is a great ocean between the United States and the rest of the war-torn planet that has always protected us along with borders that guarded our national sovereignty. Unfortunately, today there is creeping mischief in the government that our founders tried to warn us about that now occupies Washington DC. The United States can never be defeated by a foreign enemy; it must be destroyed from the inside out by Trojan Horse inflictions of replacement voters implanted into the heart of our communities to demoralize the people and corrupt our voting process.

Propaganda is a powerful tool, and it is being used by a poisoned mass media to make the people stupid, lazy, entitled, and unwary of a great sellout. Moreover, dangerous imported drugs like fentanyl are infesting our communities addicting expanding parts of the population, fostering homelessness, and killing our youth. After the great scare of the Donald Trump election in 2016, permanent Washington swung into action to protect itself with postal fraud and has now undermined the confidence the people have in honest elections. Washington is strengthening itself by weakening the people in their own house and their ability to save what the founders gave them is greatly jeopardized.

Since so many college graduates today read and write at an eighth-grade level, I must simplify my observations for the “Sputniks”. Sputniks are students enrolled in liberal arts colleges. Many US colleges today still produce good doctors, engineers, architects, and accountants, but liberal arts institutions in America have been manufacturing mediocre ideologically indoctrinated useful idiots based on racial, gender, and sexual preference quotas to distract from the real treachery that is taking place. When the Russians launched a tiny satellite in 1957 a feverish panic ensued and catching up with the Soviets technologically reached lunatic proportions. American colleges raced to dumb down curriculums to enroll as many students as possible and all kinds of alternative, basket-weaving coursework appeared out of the shadows. The kinds of socially awkward individuals that gravitate into academia soon realized they had a captive audience for the Marxism most of them love dearly.

There are too many people in college today and a plethora of fake academia has converted higher education into cult camps for socialist societal equity leaving graduating students not just functionally illiterate but clinically uninformed about actual history. Bottom feeding colleges like the one in my hometown are destroying our nation with personal pronouns and Critical Race theory leaving us at the mercy of a faction of the population that is financially indebted to fool’s gold disguised as a college diploma. These hapless souls can barely read a restaurant menu, and many are mentally disabled from years of controlling powerful government drugs like Adderall and Ritalin. They are not just ill-equipped to understand the real world, they are potentially dangerous.

Writing is very taxing on the mind but now that I am retired, I have time to do it. I now try to say what you are thinking but are reluctant to voice out of authoritarian fear. The great lie is that you and I are too uneducated to have an opinion or to share it. This country was made for us, but we could lose it if we don’t act quickly to purge the rats from permanent Washington as Donald Trump was trying to do.

Eric Hoffer and Thomas Sowell are two writers I admire; both were real intellectuals, not carnival glass Madison Avenue imitations with the credibility of a television commercial testimonial like Barack Obama. Hoffer wrote in his spare time from railroad yards and shipping docks. Sowell is a Korean War veteran with humble beginnings as well. Hoffer and Sowell are brilliant examples of genuine human beings that enlighten minds, and both would no doubt be cancelled by today’s counterfeit intellectualism. The average US college graduate would probably have to take a remedial reading course to fully appreciate either one of these writers and that is why we are living in such dangerous times. Hoffer and Sowell are wonderful role models and though I will never equal them, I keep them in mind when I write. Over a decade ago I read a landmark book by Sowell, Intellectuals and Society. After the stolen election I went and got that book to read again. I never had the honor of sitting in one of Sowell’s classes, but I thank the teachers of the past for giving me the ability to read his books. Since I have written little since high school my form may be off but it is he function that really counts. I will do my best to make myself understood with what I recall about haw we came to where we are today.


Many years ago, an advanced sociology class I was in studied ethologist, John C. Calhoun’s rodent utopia. Several experiments involving various mice and rats took place over decades under Calhoun beginning in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s where the critters were placed in enclosures supplying everything they needed-food water, living space, and no predators- It was socialism 101. The purpose of the study was to see how the mice dealt with the expected overcrowding that resulted from successful growing populations. All the things the mice needed to thrive were given by the experiment and at first the subjects seemed to do well. But soon they dropped into what Calhoun called a “behavioral sink”. They fell into a rudderless, alternate reality due to no challenges to survive and no need to learn survival skills.

The experiments ended early with the total extinction of the populations because the subjects lost their normal cultural compass and their sense of purpose deteriorated into sleeping, eating, and relying on a guaranteed source of centrally dispensed subsistence. Reproduction eventually became haphazard as we see in the government-kept underclass of America or in today’s terminology, “human infrastructure”. Following generations were so depraved with the unnatural centrally farmed situation that the populations died out in virtually every case on their own. Only intervention and constant emergency management from the experimenters could keep the rodents alive.

Much like what has happened in the US since the Great Society and the War on Poverty, the subjects of Calhoun’s study diverged into all kinds of perverse living arrangements resulting in poor parenting, violence, sexual aberration, isolation, and murderous attacks on vulnerable pen mates. The experiments were repeated many times over many years and always delivered the same fatal result. Calhoun and his colleagues were appalled and feared that Marxist tampering in the normal workings of an advanced lifeform could produce such a toxic outcome in human populations. The top-down manipulation of the experiment had caused the rodents to die in spirit and without meaningful, goal-based, self-reliant individual functionality, their segregated civilization perished like corrupt Rome in antiquity and the socialist Soviet Union in recent history.

In 1965 Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a respected democratic politician, diplomat, and trained sociologist, used actual social science to warn that discouraging paternal responsibility by paying single women to have children with absent fathers would destroy the stability of all racial groups, including blacks. Moynihan was roundly chastised by administrative bureaucrats for “blaming the victims”. He stepped out of line by relying on the science of human behavior when government-friendly victimology to preserve central power was the actual goal by leadership. We all see we all see what has happened as the US government has multiplied by cellular division and the survival and success of permanent Washington has become the main priority with the freedoms and liberties of remaining independent normally functioning citizens now in the crosshairs.

America has entered the end stages of the Great Society and the War on Poverty; the metastasizing division and discord in US urban centers has reached a critical mass like Calhoun’s experiment and if permanent Washington is to survive, it must cover its tracks by colluding with other golbal elites to betray its own people. Washington, Like Rome, has thwarted our nation one citizen at a time with bread and circuses that foster a dependent and entitled underclass generationally trained to perpetuate a powerful and elitist status quo. Are you alarmed by the percentage of young females in America that have several children at home all fathered by different men in a revolving door of jail and prison? What kind of competent leadership would produce a system corroding and destroying the cultural tradition of responsible nurturing two-parent families? Is it the kind of leadership that derives its power from dependency and counts on the violent expectation of entitlements to generate votes?

In the wake of the most corrupted presidential election in US history, Americans became painfully aware of the odious brainpower in US security agencies, CIA, NSA, FBI etc. Unelected officials in the American Deep State were able to destroy America’s election process and produce a government-friendly outcome. The entire world was shocked and dismayed when a mentally disabled, elderly, crooked, political extortionist like Joe Biden was comically purported to have gotten more votes than any politician in human history. The US government has now installed a banana republic administration functioning as a puppet regime. Most average Americans scratched their heads when the US Postal Service, heavily criticized by Donald trump for deficient performance with warnings of massive cuts, defunding, and privatization, was put in charge of unprecedented levels of unverifiable mail-voting, a guaranteed source of election fraud. What made Trump so dangerous to Washington and what was he about to expose?

When the founders set up America, they envisioned a citizen government, not an ever-growing collection of spying intelligence agencies watching the conduct and behavior of common citizens to ensure they were on board with bombing destitute people in places Americans could not find on a map. America is hated the world over because Washington has been decimating large parts of the third world to clear the way for American corporations to enrich wealthy stockholders while the average American worker is handed a handicap parking space and an electric shopping cart in place of what used to be company pensions and affordable health insurance. Donald Trump said on more than one occasion that the practice of moving American industry to third world countries by bombing people there was not the way he wanted to go and forcing our way of life on others with the greed of corporate nation building was creating hatred of America-the kind of hatred that led to the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.

You may remember that Jimmy Carter, probably the worst president in the history of the United States, was obsessed with setting up a gullible legacy of a great negotiator and peacemaker. He not only brought about an economic disaster in America but also presided over incompetence that led to the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979. The deposed Shah had promised cheap oil in return for imposing American corporate greed on the Iranian people. Carter’s breathtaking naivete probably planted the original seeds of the Arab Spring and the global terrorism that continues to this day. That led to Washington’s mutual relationship With Saddam Hussein who would eventually be a useful equalizer to Iran. The Iran-Iraq war followed and lasted for eight years.

Washington’s mutual friendship with the menacing Saddam Hussein would come back to haunt them in ways they could not predict. On July 25, 1990, former Washington security agency hack, President George HW Bush, dispatched April Glaspey, US Ambassador to Iraq, to meet with Saddam Hussein about his dispute with Kuwait. Saddam was massing troops along Kuwait’s border and Bush wanted to know was his intentions were. Glaspie's “highly educated” bumbling diplomacy used language like “we have no opinion on Arab-Arab conflicts”. Saddam interpreted this as a promise that the US would do nothing militarily about Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait because all Arabs look alike to us and if we keep getting cheap oil, we will protest through diplomatic channels only. Saddam invaded Kuwait eight days later. After Bush, the elder caused the invasion of Kuwait he went before the American people to hide his mistakes and said, “This will not stand!” That led to the Gulf War enraging Arabs everywhere and putting another rung in the ladder of the coming Arab Spring. This unwise strategy by Washington resulted in the first attack on the world Trade Center in 1993.

Then of course you probably recall when Bill Clinton, beset by the Monica Lewinski scandal, bombed the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum North, Sudan in 1998 under the guise of suspected nerve agents produced there connected to Osama bin Laden. The missile attack killed one and injured eleven. The whole thing was a distraction to show the people that Clinton was as tough on terrorism as he was on cigars even though there was no evidence that the factory was producing anything other than harmless pharmaceuticals. Clinton’s shifty move did little to increase Arab love for America, but the American people were impressed once again by dead and injured Muslims. For some reason those Muslims were ungrateful to Clinton for saving them from antibiotics while Americans kept Clinton in office to complete two terms.

The bombing kabuki theater of Washington continued with the election of George W. Bush in 2001. Bush’s longstanding friendship with Saudi Arabia was immediately rewarded with the first attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor in 1941. Actually more people died in New York City in 2001 than Pearl Harbor and they were civilians, not soldiers. Bush responded by killing two birds with one stone. He ignored the fact that the attack came from Saudi Arabia and focused his attention on Saddam Hussein to shield his father’s ineptitude and preserve his deadly legacy. Nearly 3,000 innocent Americans died to preserve that legacy but of course those dead Americans were just doing their jobs as human infrastructure to keep Washington humming. Instead of throwing Washington operatives, Carter, both Bush’s and Clinton into prison, Americans were overjoyed when Bush the younger attacked Iraq that had nothing to do with the attack on the Word trade Center by Saudi Arabia.

While Arabs all over the world hated America, Americans went into a swoon over Barack Obama, an artificial creation of American Washington propaganda. The first black president was a major propaganda coup by Washington and it set the stage for the approaching holocaust-inspired false flag attacks on white America. This explains the dumbing down of american colleges and universiities. While huge swaths of American college graduates struggle to compose a respectable grocery list, they are all on board with white rage and white privlege. Suddenly sporting events like the NFL became ready-made crowds for stumping white hatred. Don’t forget, I am saying what you are seeing but are afraid to say because Washington in now a banana republic without borders.

Donald Trump, with all his quirks and foibles, was our last chance to save this country. He wanted to stop bombing people to impose our way of life on the world. He wanted the US to thrive by example, not bombs. We now have a US president with the mental capacity of a store mannequin. The current administration is in now the process replacing uncooperative Americans with new arrivals injected into the heart of the US to destroy our culture. Believe your eyes because this is what you are seeing. Permanent Washington is out for itself, not you. They want to take you down and they include both Republicans and Democrats. They used back channels to undermine your choice for who leads you. They destroyed our election integrity under cover of a global virus.

Your enemies are not in the third world; they are in Washington DC. These Yale and Harvard educated rats will ravage your freedoms for power and wealth. They are not leaving the ship, they are now sailing it into an iceberg of totalitarianism. They are replacing you right under your nose. They are the wolves, we are the sheep-we need to change that.

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No president saves anything. No president can unite or divide. And there aren't enough people in college or trade schools. $20 per hour is zilch....nothing. can't survive on that in today's america. Despite what Biden, despite what trump, Obama, Clinton, despite what damage Reagan did, the average working barely scraping by people make the nation great.
I read until you said the US could never be beaten by a foreign enemy. Did you forget Vietnam?
Idiot. You liberals cost us Vietnam with your childish behavior and protests. Emboldened everyone you weal pomfs

Biden lost the Afghan war all by himself. America won that one until that fraud you voted in

How do you live with yourself with all the misery and pain you have caused by your selfishness.

God damned you
Idiot. You liberals cost us Vietnam with your childish behavior and protests. Emboldened everyone you weal pomfs

Biden lost the Afghan war all by himself. America won that one until that fraud you voted in

How do you live with yourself with all the misery and pain you have caused by your selfishness.

God damned you
We lost Afghanistan in 2001 when we attacked them for no reason.
I read until you said the US could never be beaten by a foreign enemy. Did you forget Vietnam?
After WW 2 we became the World Power. We signed treaty agreements. NATO and SEATO. We had a doctrine called the Domino Theory. As Communism would envelop the world. In Viet Nam, we won the battles. But were controlled or tempered by politicians. The Korean War was the same but we were still ruled by a much more higher percentage of men who suffered from the Great Depression and were tougher. Even so, it was an armistice and split Korea into two. The oldest generation signed on to what we experience now. Opening the door in ways that has led to the Baby Boomer generation to execute laws and edicts that ends our domination on the planet with the follow on generations adding to it.

I have come here to write but there is a problem. As a 74-year-old retired blue collar worker (twenty years in Steel Workers Union, then another thirty as a wrench-turning CNC programmer) I come from a vastly different time. I was lucky enough to have grown up in the 1950’s before Washington became a dystopian central planning dictatorship focused on an Orwellian globalist agenda. I got an actual basic education that equipped me to make sense of the world and for that I am thankful. But I must simplify my writing to make myself understood by modern Manchurian Candidates with college degrees.

There is a great ocean between the United States and the rest of the war-torn planet that has always protected us along with borders that guarded our national sovereignty. Unfortunately, today there is creeping mischief in the government that our founders tried to warn us about that now occupies Washington DC. The United States can never be defeated by a foreign enemy; it must be destroyed from the inside out by Trojan Horse inflictions of replacement voters implanted into the heart of our communities to demoralize the people and corrupt our voting process.

Propaganda is a powerful tool, and it is being used by a poisoned mass media to make the people stupid, lazy, entitled, and unwary of a great sellout. Moreover, dangerous imported drugs like fentanyl are infesting our communities addicting expanding parts of the population, fostering homelessness, and killing our youth. After the great scare of the Donald Trump election in 2016, permanent Washington swung into action to protect itself with postal fraud and has now undermined the confidence the people have in honest elections. Washington is strengthening itself by weakening the people in their own house and their ability to save what the founders gave them is greatly jeopardized.

Since so many college graduates today read and write at an eighth-grade level, I must simplify my observations for the “Sputniks”. Sputniks are students enrolled in liberal arts colleges. Many US colleges today still produce good doctors, engineers, architects, and accountants, but liberal arts institutions in America have been manufacturing mediocre ideologically indoctrinated useful idiots based on racial, gender, and sexual preference quotas to distract from the real treachery that is taking place. When the Russians launched a tiny satellite in 1957 a feverish panic ensued and catching up with the Soviets technologically reached lunatic proportions. American colleges raced to dumb down curriculums to enroll as many students as possible and all kinds of alternative, basket-weaving coursework appeared out of the shadows. The kinds of socially awkward individuals that gravitate into academia soon realized they had a captive audience for the Marxism most of them love dearly.

There are too many people in college today and a plethora of fake academia has converted higher education into cult camps for socialist societal equity leaving graduating students not just functionally illiterate but clinically uninformed about actual history. Bottom feeding colleges like the one in my hometown are destroying our nation with personal pronouns and Critical Race theory leaving us at the mercy of a faction of the population that is financially indebted to fool’s gold disguised as a college diploma. These hapless souls can barely read a restaurant menu, and many are mentally disabled from years of controlling powerful government drugs like Adderall and Ritalin. They are not just ill-equipped to understand the real world, they are potentially dangerous.

Writing is very taxing on the mind but now that I am retired, I have time to do it. I now try to say what you are thinking but are reluctant to voice out of authoritarian fear. The great lie is that you and I are too uneducated to have an opinion or to share it. This country was made for us, but we could lose it if we don’t act quickly to purge the rats from permanent Washington as Donald Trump was trying to do.

Eric Hoffer and Thomas Sowell are two writers I admire; both were real intellectuals, not carnival glass Madison Avenue imitations with the credibility of a television commercial testimonial like Barack Obama. Hoffer wrote in his spare time from railroad yards and shipping docks. Sowell is a Korean War veteran with humble beginnings as well. Hoffer and Sowell are brilliant examples of genuine human beings that enlighten minds, and both would no doubt be cancelled by today’s counterfeit intellectualism. The average US college graduate would probably have to take a remedial reading course to fully appreciate either one of these writers and that is why we are living in such dangerous times. Hoffer and Sowell are wonderful role models and though I will never equal them, I keep them in mind when I write. Over a decade ago I read a landmark book by Sowell, Intellectuals and Society. After the stolen election I went and got that book to read again. I never had the honor of sitting in one of Sowell’s classes, but I thank the teachers of the past for giving me the ability to read his books. Since I have written little since high school my form may be off but it is he function that really counts. I will do my best to make myself understood with what I recall about haw we came to where we are today.


Many years ago, an advanced sociology class I was in studied ethologist, John C. Calhoun’s rodent utopia. Several experiments involving various mice and rats took place over decades under Calhoun beginning in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s where the critters were placed in enclosures supplying everything they needed-food water, living space, and no predators- It was socialism 101. The purpose of the study was to see how the mice dealt with the expected overcrowding that resulted from successful growing populations. All the things the mice needed to thrive were given by the experiment and at first the subjects seemed to do well. But soon they dropped into what Calhoun called a “behavioral sink”. They fell into a rudderless, alternate reality due to no challenges to survive and no need to learn survival skills.

The experiments ended early with the total extinction of the populations because the subjects lost their normal cultural compass and their sense of purpose deteriorated into sleeping, eating, and relying on a guaranteed source of centrally dispensed subsistence. Reproduction eventually became haphazard as we see in the government-kept underclass of America or in today’s terminology, “human infrastructure”. Following generations were so depraved with the unnatural centrally farmed situation that the populations died out in virtually every case on their own. Only intervention and constant emergency management from the experimenters could keep the rodents alive.

Much like what has happened in the US since the Great Society and the War on Poverty, the subjects of Calhoun’s study diverged into all kinds of perverse living arrangements resulting in poor parenting, violence, sexual aberration, isolation, and murderous attacks on vulnerable pen mates. The experiments were repeated many times over many years and always delivered the same fatal result. Calhoun and his colleagues were appalled and feared that Marxist tampering in the normal workings of an advanced lifeform could produce such a toxic outcome in human populations. The top-down manipulation of the experiment had caused the rodents to die in spirit and without meaningful, goal-based, self-reliant individual functionality, their segregated civilization perished like corrupt Rome in antiquity and the socialist Soviet Union in recent history.

In 1965 Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a respected democratic politician, diplomat, and trained sociologist, used actual social science to warn that discouraging paternal responsibility by paying single women to have children with absent fathers would destroy the stability of all racial groups, including blacks. Moynihan was roundly chastised by administrative bureaucrats for “blaming the victims”. He stepped out of line by relying on the science of human behavior when government-friendly victimology to preserve central power was the actual goal by leadership. We all see we all see what has happened as the US government has multiplied by cellular division and the survival and success of permanent Washington has become the main priority with the freedoms and liberties of remaining independent normally functioning citizens now in the crosshairs.

America has entered the end stages of the Great Society and the War on Poverty; the metastasizing division and discord in US urban centers has reached a critical mass like Calhoun’s experiment and if permanent Washington is to survive, it must cover its tracks by colluding with other golbal elites to betray its own people. Washington, Like Rome, has thwarted our nation one citizen at a time with bread and circuses that foster a dependent and entitled underclass generationally trained to perpetuate a powerful and elitist status quo. Are you alarmed by the percentage of young females in America that have several children at home all fathered by different men in a revolving door of jail and prison? What kind of competent leadership would produce a system corroding and destroying the cultural tradition of responsible nurturing two-parent families? Is it the kind of leadership that derives its power from dependency and counts on the violent expectation of entitlements to generate votes?

In the wake of the most corrupted presidential election in US history, Americans became painfully aware of the odious brainpower in US security agencies, CIA, NSA, FBI etc. Unelected officials in the American Deep State were able to destroy America’s election process and produce a government-friendly outcome. The entire world was shocked and dismayed when a mentally disabled, elderly, crooked, political extortionist like Joe Biden was comically purported to have gotten more votes than any politician in human history. The US government has now installed a banana republic administration functioning as a puppet regime. Most average Americans scratched their heads when the US Postal Service, heavily criticized by Donald trump for deficient performance with warnings of massive cuts, defunding, and privatization, was put in charge of unprecedented levels of unverifiable mail-voting, a guaranteed source of election fraud. What made Trump so dangerous to Washington and what was he about to expose?

When the founders set up America, they envisioned a citizen government, not an ever-growing collection of spying intelligence agencies watching the conduct and behavior of common citizens to ensure they were on board with bombing destitute people in places Americans could not find on a map. America is hated the world over because Washington has been decimating large parts of the third world to clear the way for American corporations to enrich wealthy stockholders while the average American worker is handed a handicap parking space and an electric shopping cart in place of what used to be company pensions and affordable health insurance. Donald Trump said on more than one occasion that the practice of moving American industry to third world countries by bombing people there was not the way he wanted to go and forcing our way of life on others with the greed of corporate nation building was creating hatred of America-the kind of hatred that led to the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.

You may remember that Jimmy Carter, probably the worst president in the history of the United States, was obsessed with setting up a gullible legacy of a great negotiator and peacemaker. He not only brought about an economic disaster in America but also presided over incompetence that led to the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979. The deposed Shah had promised cheap oil in return for imposing American corporate greed on the Iranian people. Carter’s breathtaking naivete probably planted the original seeds of the Arab Spring and the global terrorism that continues to this day. That led to Washington’s mutual relationship With Saddam Hussein who would eventually be a useful equalizer to Iran. The Iran-Iraq war followed and lasted for eight years.

Washington’s mutual friendship with the menacing Saddam Hussein would come back to haunt them in ways they could not predict. On July 25, 1990, former Washington security agency hack, President George HW Bush, dispatched April Glaspey, US Ambassador to Iraq, to meet with Saddam Hussein about his dispute with Kuwait. Saddam was massing troops along Kuwait’s border and Bush wanted to know was his intentions were. Glaspie's “highly educated” bumbling diplomacy used language like “we have no opinion on Arab-Arab conflicts”. Saddam interpreted this as a promise that the US would do nothing militarily about Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait because all Arabs look alike to us and if we keep getting cheap oil, we will protest through diplomatic channels only. Saddam invaded Kuwait eight days later. After Bush, the elder caused the invasion of Kuwait he went before the American people to hide his mistakes and said, “This will not stand!” That led to the Gulf War enraging Arabs everywhere and putting another rung in the ladder of the coming Arab Spring. This unwise strategy by Washington resulted in the first attack on the world Trade Center in 1993.

Then of course you probably recall when Bill Clinton, beset by the Monica Lewinski scandal, bombed the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum North, Sudan in 1998 under the guise of suspected nerve agents produced there connected to Osama bin Laden. The missile attack killed one and injured eleven. The whole thing was a distraction to show the people that Clinton was as tough on terrorism as he was on cigars even though there was no evidence that the factory was producing anything other than harmless pharmaceuticals. Clinton’s shifty move did little to increase Arab love for America, but the American people were impressed once again by dead and injured Muslims. For some reason those Muslims were ungrateful to Clinton for saving them from antibiotics while Americans kept Clinton in office to complete two terms.

The bombing kabuki theater of Washington continued with the election of George W. Bush in 2001. Bush’s longstanding friendship with Saudi Arabia was immediately rewarded with the first attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor in 1941. Actually more people died in New York City in 2001 than Pearl Harbor and they were civilians, not soldiers. Bush responded by killing two birds with one stone. He ignored the fact that the attack came from Saudi Arabia and focused his attention on Saddam Hussein to shield his father’s ineptitude and preserve his deadly legacy. Nearly 3,000 innocent Americans died to preserve that legacy but of course those dead Americans were just doing their jobs as human infrastructure to keep Washington humming. Instead of throwing Washington operatives, Carter, both Bush’s and Clinton into prison, Americans were overjoyed when Bush the younger attacked Iraq that had nothing to do with the attack on the Word trade Center by Saudi Arabia.

While Arabs all over the world hated America, Americans went into a swoon over Barack Obama, an artificial creation of American Washington propaganda. The first black president was a major propaganda coup by Washington and it set the stage for the approaching holocaust-inspired false flag attacks on white America. This explains the dumbing down of american colleges and universiities. While huge swaths of American college graduates struggle to compose a respectable grocery list, they are all on board with white rage and white privlege. Suddenly sporting events like the NFL became ready-made crowds for stumping white hatred. Don’t forget, I am saying what you are seeing but are afraid to say because Washington in now a banana republic without borders.

Donald Trump, with all his quirks and foibles, was our last chance to save this country. He wanted to stop bombing people to impose our way of life on the world. He wanted the US to thrive by example, not bombs. We now have a US president with the mental capacity of a store mannequin. The current administration is in now the process replacing uncooperative Americans with new arrivals injected into the heart of the US to destroy our culture. Believe your eyes because this is what you are seeing. Permanent Washington is out for itself, not you. They want to take you down and they include both Republicans and Democrats. They used back channels to undermine your choice for who leads you. They destroyed our election integrity under cover of a global virus.

Your enemies are not in the third world; they are in Washington DC. These Yale and Harvard educated rats will ravage your freedoms for power and wealth. They are not leaving the ship, they are now sailing it into an iceberg of totalitarianism. They are replacing you right under your nose. They are the wolves, we are the sheep-we need to change that.

This author has a very shallow understanding of the middle east.. Its laughable.
After WW 2 we became the World Power. We signed treaty agreements. NATO and SEATO. We had a doctrine called the Domino Theory. As Communism would envelop the world. In Viet Nam, we won the battles. But were controlled or tempered by politicians. The Korean War was the same but we were still ruled by a much more higher percentage of men who suffered from the Great Depression and were tougher. Even so, it was an armistice and split Korea into two. The oldest generation signed on to what we experience now. Opening the door in ways that has led to the Baby Boomer generation to execute laws and edicts that ends our domination on the planet with the follow on generations adding to it.

Our "domination" was a result of our massive response to Pearl Harbor and the rise of Hitler and the war effort. Of course it didn't last long.. Other countries catch up rapidly. South Korea is a powerhouse... so is Germany. Europe has recovered nicely, but we sit around blaming boomers... and "progressives".. We want to go backwards.

I have come here to write but there is a problem. As a 74-year-old retired blue collar worker (twenty years in Steel Workers Union, then another thirty as a wrench-turning CNC programmer) I come from a vastly different time. I was lucky enough to have grown up in the 1950’s before Washington became a dystopian central planning dictatorship focused on an Orwellian globalist agenda. I got an actual basic education that equipped me to make sense of the world and for that I am thankful. But I must simplify my writing to make myself understood by modern Manchurian Candidates with college degrees.

There is a great ocean between the United States and the rest of the war-torn planet that has always protected us along with borders that guarded our national sovereignty. Unfortunately, today there is creeping mischief in the government that our founders tried to warn us about that now occupies Washington DC. The United States can never be defeated by a foreign enemy; it must be destroyed from the inside out by Trojan Horse inflictions of replacement voters implanted into the heart of our communities to demoralize the people and corrupt our voting process.

Propaganda is a powerful tool, and it is being used by a poisoned mass media to make the people stupid, lazy, entitled, and unwary of a great sellout. Moreover, dangerous imported drugs like fentanyl are infesting our communities addicting expanding parts of the population, fostering homelessness, and killing our youth. After the great scare of the Donald Trump election in 2016, permanent Washington swung into action to protect itself with postal fraud and has now undermined the confidence the people have in honest elections. Washington is strengthening itself by weakening the people in their own house and their ability to save what the founders gave them is greatly jeopardized.

Since so many college graduates today read and write at an eighth-grade level, I must simplify my observations for the “Sputniks”. Sputniks are students enrolled in liberal arts colleges. Many US colleges today still produce good doctors, engineers, architects, and accountants, but liberal arts institutions in America have been manufacturing mediocre ideologically indoctrinated useful idiots based on racial, gender, and sexual preference quotas to distract from the real treachery that is taking place. When the Russians launched a tiny satellite in 1957 a feverish panic ensued and catching up with the Soviets technologically reached lunatic proportions. American colleges raced to dumb down curriculums to enroll as many students as possible and all kinds of alternative, basket-weaving coursework appeared out of the shadows. The kinds of socially awkward individuals that gravitate into academia soon realized they had a captive audience for the Marxism most of them love dearly.

There are too many people in college today and a plethora of fake academia has converted higher education into cult camps for socialist societal equity leaving graduating students not just functionally illiterate but clinically uninformed about actual history. Bottom feeding colleges like the one in my hometown are destroying our nation with personal pronouns and Critical Race theory leaving us at the mercy of a faction of the population that is financially indebted to fool’s gold disguised as a college diploma. These hapless souls can barely read a restaurant menu, and many are mentally disabled from years of controlling powerful government drugs like Adderall and Ritalin. They are not just ill-equipped to understand the real world, they are potentially dangerous.

Writing is very taxing on the mind but now that I am retired, I have time to do it. I now try to say what you are thinking but are reluctant to voice out of authoritarian fear. The great lie is that you and I are too uneducated to have an opinion or to share it. This country was made for us, but we could lose it if we don’t act quickly to purge the rats from permanent Washington as Donald Trump was trying to do.

Eric Hoffer and Thomas Sowell are two writers I admire; both were real intellectuals, not carnival glass Madison Avenue imitations with the credibility of a television commercial testimonial like Barack Obama. Hoffer wrote in his spare time from railroad yards and shipping docks. Sowell is a Korean War veteran with humble beginnings as well. Hoffer and Sowell are brilliant examples of genuine human beings that enlighten minds, and both would no doubt be cancelled by today’s counterfeit intellectualism. The average US college graduate would probably have to take a remedial reading course to fully appreciate either one of these writers and that is why we are living in such dangerous times. Hoffer and Sowell are wonderful role models and though I will never equal them, I keep them in mind when I write. Over a decade ago I read a landmark book by Sowell, Intellectuals and Society. After the stolen election I went and got that book to read again. I never had the honor of sitting in one of Sowell’s classes, but I thank the teachers of the past for giving me the ability to read his books. Since I have written little since high school my form may be off but it is he function that really counts. I will do my best to make myself understood with what I recall about haw we came to where we are today.


Many years ago, an advanced sociology class I was in studied ethologist, John C. Calhoun’s rodent utopia. Several experiments involving various mice and rats took place over decades under Calhoun beginning in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s where the critters were placed in enclosures supplying everything they needed-food water, living space, and no predators- It was socialism 101. The purpose of the study was to see how the mice dealt with the expected overcrowding that resulted from successful growing populations. All the things the mice needed to thrive were given by the experiment and at first the subjects seemed to do well. But soon they dropped into what Calhoun called a “behavioral sink”. They fell into a rudderless, alternate reality due to no challenges to survive and no need to learn survival skills.

The experiments ended early with the total extinction of the populations because the subjects lost their normal cultural compass and their sense of purpose deteriorated into sleeping, eating, and relying on a guaranteed source of centrally dispensed subsistence. Reproduction eventually became haphazard as we see in the government-kept underclass of America or in today’s terminology, “human infrastructure”. Following generations were so depraved with the unnatural centrally farmed situation that the populations died out in virtually every case on their own. Only intervention and constant emergency management from the experimenters could keep the rodents alive.

Much like what has happened in the US since the Great Society and the War on Poverty, the subjects of Calhoun’s study diverged into all kinds of perverse living arrangements resulting in poor parenting, violence, sexual aberration, isolation, and murderous attacks on vulnerable pen mates. The experiments were repeated many times over many years and always delivered the same fatal result. Calhoun and his colleagues were appalled and feared that Marxist tampering in the normal workings of an advanced lifeform could produce such a toxic outcome in human populations. The top-down manipulation of the experiment had caused the rodents to die in spirit and without meaningful, goal-based, self-reliant individual functionality, their segregated civilization perished like corrupt Rome in antiquity and the socialist Soviet Union in recent history.

In 1965 Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a respected democratic politician, diplomat, and trained sociologist, used actual social science to warn that discouraging paternal responsibility by paying single women to have children with absent fathers would destroy the stability of all racial groups, including blacks. Moynihan was roundly chastised by administrative bureaucrats for “blaming the victims”. He stepped out of line by relying on the science of human behavior when government-friendly victimology to preserve central power was the actual goal by leadership. We all see we all see what has happened as the US government has multiplied by cellular division and the survival and success of permanent Washington has become the main priority with the freedoms and liberties of remaining independent normally functioning citizens now in the crosshairs.

America has entered the end stages of the Great Society and the War on Poverty; the metastasizing division and discord in US urban centers has reached a critical mass like Calhoun’s experiment and if permanent Washington is to survive, it must cover its tracks by colluding with other golbal elites to betray its own people. Washington, Like Rome, has thwarted our nation one citizen at a time with bread and circuses that foster a dependent and entitled underclass generationally trained to perpetuate a powerful and elitist status quo. Are you alarmed by the percentage of young females in America that have several children at home all fathered by different men in a revolving door of jail and prison? What kind of competent leadership would produce a system corroding and destroying the cultural tradition of responsible nurturing two-parent families? Is it the kind of leadership that derives its power from dependency and counts on the violent expectation of entitlements to generate votes?

In the wake of the most corrupted presidential election in US history, Americans became painfully aware of the odious brainpower in US security agencies, CIA, NSA, FBI etc. Unelected officials in the American Deep State were able to destroy America’s election process and produce a government-friendly outcome. The entire world was shocked and dismayed when a mentally disabled, elderly, crooked, political extortionist like Joe Biden was comically purported to have gotten more votes than any politician in human history. The US government has now installed a banana republic administration functioning as a puppet regime. Most average Americans scratched their heads when the US Postal Service, heavily criticized by Donald trump for deficient performance with warnings of massive cuts, defunding, and privatization, was put in charge of unprecedented levels of unverifiable mail-voting, a guaranteed source of election fraud. What made Trump so dangerous to Washington and what was he about to expose?

When the founders set up America, they envisioned a citizen government, not an ever-growing collection of spying intelligence agencies watching the conduct and behavior of common citizens to ensure they were on board with bombing destitute people in places Americans could not find on a map. America is hated the world over because Washington has been decimating large parts of the third world to clear the way for American corporations to enrich wealthy stockholders while the average American worker is handed a handicap parking space and an electric shopping cart in place of what used to be company pensions and affordable health insurance. Donald Trump said on more than one occasion that the practice of moving American industry to third world countries by bombing people there was not the way he wanted to go and forcing our way of life on others with the greed of corporate nation building was creating hatred of America-the kind of hatred that led to the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.

You may remember that Jimmy Carter, probably the worst president in the history of the United States, was obsessed with setting up a gullible legacy of a great negotiator and peacemaker. He not only brought about an economic disaster in America but also presided over incompetence that led to the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979. The deposed Shah had promised cheap oil in return for imposing American corporate greed on the Iranian people. Carter’s breathtaking naivete probably planted the original seeds of the Arab Spring and the global terrorism that continues to this day. That led to Washington’s mutual relationship With Saddam Hussein who would eventually be a useful equalizer to Iran. The Iran-Iraq war followed and lasted for eight years.

Washington’s mutual friendship with the menacing Saddam Hussein would come back to haunt them in ways they could not predict. On July 25, 1990, former Washington security agency hack, President George HW Bush, dispatched April Glaspey, US Ambassador to Iraq, to meet with Saddam Hussein about his dispute with Kuwait. Saddam was massing troops along Kuwait’s border and Bush wanted to know was his intentions were. Glaspie's “highly educated” bumbling diplomacy used language like “we have no opinion on Arab-Arab conflicts”. Saddam interpreted this as a promise that the US would do nothing militarily about Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait because all Arabs look alike to us and if we keep getting cheap oil, we will protest through diplomatic channels only. Saddam invaded Kuwait eight days later. After Bush, the elder caused the invasion of Kuwait he went before the American people to hide his mistakes and said, “This will not stand!” That led to the Gulf War enraging Arabs everywhere and putting another rung in the ladder of the coming Arab Spring. This unwise strategy by Washington resulted in the first attack on the world Trade Center in 1993.

Then of course you probably recall when Bill Clinton, beset by the Monica Lewinski scandal, bombed the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum North, Sudan in 1998 under the guise of suspected nerve agents produced there connected to Osama bin Laden. The missile attack killed one and injured eleven. The whole thing was a distraction to show the people that Clinton was as tough on terrorism as he was on cigars even though there was no evidence that the factory was producing anything other than harmless pharmaceuticals. Clinton’s shifty move did little to increase Arab love for America, but the American people were impressed once again by dead and injured Muslims. For some reason those Muslims were ungrateful to Clinton for saving them from antibiotics while Americans kept Clinton in office to complete two terms.

The bombing kabuki theater of Washington continued with the election of George W. Bush in 2001. Bush’s longstanding friendship with Saudi Arabia was immediately rewarded with the first attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor in 1941. Actually more people died in New York City in 2001 than Pearl Harbor and they were civilians, not soldiers. Bush responded by killing two birds with one stone. He ignored the fact that the attack came from Saudi Arabia and focused his attention on Saddam Hussein to shield his father’s ineptitude and preserve his deadly legacy. Nearly 3,000 innocent Americans died to preserve that legacy but of course those dead Americans were just doing their jobs as human infrastructure to keep Washington humming. Instead of throwing Washington operatives, Carter, both Bush’s and Clinton into prison, Americans were overjoyed when Bush the younger attacked Iraq that had nothing to do with the attack on the Word trade Center by Saudi Arabia.

While Arabs all over the world hated America, Americans went into a swoon over Barack Obama, an artificial creation of American Washington propaganda. The first black president was a major propaganda coup by Washington and it set the stage for the approaching holocaust-inspired false flag attacks on white America. This explains the dumbing down of american colleges and universiities. While huge swaths of American college graduates struggle to compose a respectable grocery list, they are all on board with white rage and white privlege. Suddenly sporting events like the NFL became ready-made crowds for stumping white hatred. Don’t forget, I am saying what you are seeing but are afraid to say because Washington in now a banana republic without borders.

Donald Trump, with all his quirks and foibles, was our last chance to save this country. He wanted to stop bombing people to impose our way of life on the world. He wanted the US to thrive by example, not bombs. We now have a US president with the mental capacity of a store mannequin. The current administration is in now the process replacing uncooperative Americans with new arrivals injected into the heart of the US to destroy our culture. Believe your eyes because this is what you are seeing. Permanent Washington is out for itself, not you. They want to take you down and they include both Republicans and Democrats. They used back channels to undermine your choice for who leads you. They destroyed our election integrity under cover of a global virus.

Your enemies are not in the third world; they are in Washington DC. These Yale and Harvard educated rats will ravage your freedoms for power and wealth. They are not leaving the ship, they are now sailing it into an iceberg of totalitarianism. They are replacing you right under your nose. They are the wolves, we are the sheep-we need to change that.

Does anyone actually read your multi-page screeds?
Does anyone actually read your multi-page screeds?
I did and Raymond writes well. Unfortunately, he’s lost his grip on reality. Claiming Don is our last hope is extremely laughable. Don is an awful fraud just like most of our recent presidents, but he has the added trait of being ignorant.

Raymond cites the horrible murderous actions of past presidents, but fails to cite that Don did the same. Don murdered many in the ME with his awful bombings. He blew up the war budget and national debt, but reduced taxes on the ultra wealthy.

How can anyone admire and support dumb Don?
Ray does have a way with words although his calling the last election a fake tells how far and wide he's actually read. Poor old Rudy Giulianni is going broke over believing the election was a fake , and this trump character that Ray seems to love, ain't about to answer the phone when Rudy calls him to pay him for his services in trying to prove the election was rigged.
Everything anyone needs to know is out there. There is a lot of static; there always is. The dots that need to be connected are clear if they are viewed without emotion. Everything America was is on the way out if we do not act fast. It is not too late but it is late. It is the people here they are destroying because Trump was a symptom interfering a timeline Washington is on to betray America to the rest of the world.

If you want to be flesh and blood with hearts and minds you must act. Otherwise you will be nothing but lifeless piles of human infrastructure just like the rest of the miserable world while permanent Washington gets richer and more powerful from the death of the United States.

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