An Independent's View of the Perry / Porn Thing


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
Well I've done some poking around on this thing and here's what I can actually verify:

Perry bought a few thousand bucks worth of stock in a company that distributed movies of every genre - including porn. Hell, I bought stock in a company that I thought provided mostly construction equipment and later found out their most profitible division was defense contracting. I would bet most people who have bought stocks, have had similar experiences, even if they didn't know about it.
So okay. If he knew it was a porn distributor before buying Movie Gallery stock and if he did anything to help them specifically with the Texas law, then there would be a story of major hypocrisy and mild corruption. But neither of those is proven with anything other than innuendo.

So Independents view this with about as much credidibility as the Birther movement. If there's truth to it, some investigative journalist will find the proof.

In the mean time, if you Liberals want to attack the guy, cut the usual smear crap and focus on the issues people care about.
Hint: There are only two of them and they're related.
Well I've done some poking around on this thing and here's what I can actually verify:

Perry bought a few thousand bucks worth of stock in a company that distributed movies of every genre - including porn. Hell, I bought stock in a company that I thought provided mostly construction equipment and later found out their most profitible division was defense contracting. I would bet most people who have bought stocks, have had similar experiences, even if they didn't know about it.
So okay. If he knew it was a porn distributor before buying Movie Gallery stock and if he did anything to help them specifically with the Texas law, then there would be a story of major hypocrisy and mild corruption. But neither of those is proven with anything other than innuendo.

So Independents view this with about as much credidibility as the Birther movement. If there's truth to it, some investigative journalist will find the proof.

In the mean time, if you Liberals want to attack the guy, cut the usual smear crap and focus on the issues people care about.
Hint: There are only two of them and they're related.

I guess it depends on how his dividends were paid

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