Trump Amnesty?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Help, please? I am a little confused in trying to understand the far right wingTrumpster base's intense, over the top, opposition to amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Trump granted amnesty by pardoning the racist Joe Arpaio, a law enforcement officer, the worst kind of criminal.

What's the diff?
Amnesty is not fair to the millions of immigrants who became citizens legally by following the process.
Doesn't the same hold true for convicted felons who went to prison, did their time and then were released into society?
Help, please? I am a little confused in trying to understand the far right wingTrumpster base's intense, over the top, opposition to amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Trump granted amnesty by pardoning the racist Joe Arpaio, a law enforcement officer, the worst kind of criminal.

What's the diff?

Joe was white. He gets to break the law because he don't like brown people from south of the border.

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