Amnesty Already In Full Force. Obama Grants Over 5 Million Work Permits For Illegals


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Obama is playing a shell game with us. Obama has handed out over 5 million work permits to illegals without the approval of Congress.

Done and done. Administration issues 5.5 million work permits to non-citizens
posted at 4:01 pm on February 7, 2015 by Jazz Shaw

The Washington Times reports that all of you who were worried that there wasn’t enough unskilled labor available to fill up the job openings across the nation need not be concerned. Through a Freedom of Information Act request it’s been revealed that the administration has already handed out more than five million work permits to persons of variously undetermined status of citizenship or legal presence in the country.

New documents reveal that the Obama administration has issued roughly 5.5 million work permits to non-citizens without Congressional authorization.

The documents, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by the conservative-leaning Center for Immigration Studies demonstrate what critics call a “shadow” or “parallel” immigration system that infringes on employment opportunities for Americans, Fox News reported Saturday…

The 5.5 million work permits issued by administrative action are an addition to the 5 million green cards and 3.5 million guest worker permits authorized by Congress during the 2009-2014 period, Fox reported.

Lest you worry they were excluding people based on matters as reductive as criminal status, it gets better.

In addition, 23,215 parolees, nearly 1,000 stowaways and 49 people suspected of document fraud were also given permits, according to the study.

Here’s the breakdown of the largest batch:

Illegal immigrants – 928,000
People of “unknown” immigration status – 1.7 million
Temporary visa holders – 1.8 million

Done and done. Administration issues 5.5 million work permits to non-citizens Hot Air

Obama administration issues 5.5M work permits to non-citizens Jeff Sessions wants investigation - Washington Times

President Obama (Associated Press) more >
By Kellan Howell - The Washington Times - Saturday, February 7, 2015
New documents reveal that the Obama administration has issued roughly 5.5 million work permits to non-citizens without Congressional authorization.

The documents, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by the conservative-leaning Center for Immigration Studies demonstrate what critics call a “shadow” or “parallel” immigration system that infringes on employment opportunities for Americans, Fox News reported Saturday.

The new information has prompted Alabama GOP Sen. Jeff Sessions to call for an investigation.

SEE ALSO: IRS offers extra tax refunds to illegal immigrants granted amnesty by Obama

“This request has unearthed the operation of a shadow immigration system previously unknown to the American public,” Mr. Sessions said. “A full investigation is warranted.”

The 5.5 million work permits issued by administrative action are an addition to the 5 million green cards and 3.5 million guest worker permits authorized by Congress during the 2009-2014 period, Fox reported.

The center claims more than 957,200 people who entered the U.S. without being inspected were given permanent or “pre-permanent” work permits.

In addition, 23,215 parolees, nearly 1,000 stowaways and 49 people suspected of document fraud were also given permits, according to the study.

“Some of those people are on track to get a green card,” Jessica Vaugh, the study author and the center’s director of policy studies told Fox. “But the vast majority of them entered illegally or on a tourist visa or the visa waiver program. …It’s not like there’s a labor shortage here.”

Obama administration issues 5.5M work permits to non-citizens Jeff Sessions wants investigation - Washington Times
Democrats are drooling over the prospect of millions of new votes being generated by this program. States like California will pass laws giving driver's licenses to illegals, and pretty soon even though Democrats are losing votes left and right, they still may be able to swing the White House with millions of clandestine votes from ex-cons and illegal aliens. So basically, if there ever was a time your vote didn't matter, this is it. This is election fraud of the first order.
This is on top of 700-900,000 naturalized citizenships given per year. 85% non-european!

They're really working hard to change our country.
40% of California is now Hispanic.
How much was it Anglo-Saxon before the whites took it away?
Southern California was mostly Hispanic. Course let Mexico have California and it becomes the same type of shithole Mexico is today.

You've never been to Mexico.
This is on top of 700-900,000 naturalized citizenships given per year. 85% non-european!

They're really working hard to change our country.
40% of California is now Hispanic.
How much was it Anglo-Saxon before the whites took it away?
Southern California was mostly Hispanic. Course let Mexico have California and it becomes the same type of shithole Mexico is today.

You've never been to Mexico.
I almost didn't want to leave Cancun....
This is on top of 700-900,000 naturalized citizenships given per year. 85% non-european!

They're really working hard to change our country.

If it is such an issue, why have none of the repubs done anything about illegals during their tenure?
You mean simply enforce the laws?

Isn't that the president's job?
You would think so,,,but none seem to be doing it....

Bush did.
There were two Bush presidents, which one?

There was no shortage of illegals during both...In fact my business suffered tremendously over illegals during W's tenure...
You mean simply enforce the laws?

Isn't that the president's job?
You would think so,,,but none seem to be doing it....

Bush did.
There were two Bush presidents, which one?

There was no shortage of illegals during both...In fact my business suffered tremendously over illegals during W's tenure...

All of the Bushes have been in favor of complete amnesty, as is the Repub party.
was just reading this:
Obama need to be IMPEACHED and this whole administration thrown OUT of office

Obama Expands Immigration Via Border Security Plan
11:34 PM 02/09/2015

President Obama’s new border security plan is being expanded to allow illegals in the United States to bring their children, their adult children, their grandchildren and even step-parents into the United States.

Obama is opening “a whole new pipeline for legal migration,” said Ann Corcoran, editor of Refugee Resettlement Watch. Once the new program is established, future officials can expand it to include more economic migrants from more poor countries, she told The Daily Caller.

The program was initially announced last November as a fix for the fast-growing wave of “unaccompanied alien children” that were being escorted by coyotes to the Texas border, on behalf of parents living illegally in the United States. After the children and youths were delivered to the U.S. border agency, Obama’s deputies completed the contracts by delivering the children to their parents.

The program is called the “In-Country Refugee/Parole Processing for Minors in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala,” or the “Central American Minors – CAM” program.

The expansion was announced Feb. 9. “This program is primarily aimed at minors,” from El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras, said the Feb. 9 statement from the Department of Homeland Security.

But “unmarried children of the qualifying child who are under the age of 21 can be included as derivatives… [and] a parent [by marriage] of the qualifying child may be included if he/she is part of the same household and economic unit as the qualifying child.”

New spouses will be eligible, if “he/she is legally married to the qualifying parent at the time the qualifying parent files the CAM-Affidavit of Relationship.”

The rules means that current unmarried illegals will also be allowed to marry people in Central America, and then sponsor them for the extremely valuable prizes of U.S. residency and citizenship.

The expansion also means that Obama will allow even the grandchildren and adult children of illegal immigrants to be given residency, citizenship, free use of government aid and entry into crowded classrooms alongside undereducated American kids. Many of the Central Americans children and youths have little education and many don’t speak English.

The Feb. 9 announcement also allows a wide range of illegal immigrants to import their families. For example, it can be used by foreigners — including convicted criminals — who can’t be deported because their home countries won’t accept them. It is also open to the roughly 5 million beneficiaries of Obama’s disputed 2012 and 2014 amnesties, and would give them legal means to win permanent residency. It is also being offered to so-called parolees, who are legally inadmissible, but are let enter the country for humanitarian reasons.

Up to 4,000 migrants will be allowed into the United States via the program in 2015. Under existing law, Obama does not need approval from Congress to increase the number of migrants.

all of it here:
Obama Expands Immigration Via Border Security Plan The Daily Caller

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