amid talk of Dem collapse, Virginia is for worriers: Gov race poses real risk to Dem agenda, as the McAuliffe camp makes demands from Speaker Pelosi


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
i hope the Dems lose


McAuliffe’s allies on Capitol Hill have also ratcheted up their pressure campaign, demanding Speaker Nancy Pelosi put the Senate-passed infrastructure bill up for a vote in a move they say would help him ahead of the Nov. 2 gubernatorial election.

If McAuliffe doesn’t pull out a win, some pessimistic Democrats privately predicted a “collapse” on Capitol Hill

Election day in Virginia, not Oct. 31, is the real deadline for action on Democrats’ domestic priorities for many on Capitol Hill. Either way, the race is a tipping point. If McAuliffe wins, he will boost Democrats' struggling legislative push. If he loses, it may set off a shockwave that could send already skittish moderates sprinting away from the tenuous talks.

“Terry losing is catastrophic for the agenda,” said one longtime Democratic aide, summing up the views of the party’s most vulnerable members on condition of anonymity.

Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), a former governor, said that like Biden, “Terry’s all about action and delivering,” but that gridlock on Capitol Hill while Democrats control both Congress and the White House undercuts the party’s message that it knows how to govern.

“The single best thing that can happen for Terry is either get the infrastructure bill or” a China competitiveness bill, both of which passed the Senate earlier this year but have stalled in the House, Warner said in an interview. “Internal squabbles on the Democratic side are preventing the president from a win on either one of those. And directly reinforcing the message that Democrats know how to govern is a challenge.”
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They're going all 2020 right now I would imagine. Ballots being printed and to be delivered if needed after midnight the day after election day.

Yeah, we stopped counting for a few hours then a trove of McCAulliffe ballots arrived at 3 AM. Whaddya gonna do!
I guess he wants to be able to say he got the sides to come together on something so he is really an independent democrat LOL. I will be voting for Bumpkin simply because he isn't Terry McAuliffe. Haven't decided about the other races yet
The following needs to be in place to ensure a fair election:

1. No polling place at any location throughout the state will be permitted to stop mid-count because counters are tired, a toilet sprung a leak someone else in the building, whatever.
2. Republican observers will be allowed to stand close enough to observe, rather than be cordoned off 15 feet away.
3. Any ballot purported to be a mail-in yet has no fold that would have allowed it to fit into the envelope will be discarded.
4. Mall-in ballots must have witnesses to the signature, as required by Virginia law, even though some Democrats have made a late, panicked request to allow signatures “on honor” without witnesses.
No, historically just the Democrats. Kennedy stole Chicago --- everyone knows that. When it's court or bargaining action that steals the election, the GOP is better at that, two to one.
The pay back for his daddy was getting his sons head shot off

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