Amerika Bomber


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Elsewhere on the forum I was told that Nazi Germany didn't want to eventually defeat America. I found this rather amusing so I looked around for information to the contrary and I found this...

Amerika Bomber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is this some kind of conspiracy theory and incorrect?

I also read that Hitler wrote a second, unpublished book where he stated that in 1980 his successor would be able to defeat America with long range missiles.


I was also told that Hitler would not have warred with England if only they surrendered. :lol:
Elsewhere on the forum I was told that Nazi Germany didn't want to eventually defeat America. I found this rather amusing so I looked around for information to the contrary and I found this...

Amerika Bomber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is this some kind of conspiracy theory and incorrect?

I also read that Hitler wrote a second, unpublished book where he stated that in 1980 his successor would be able to defeat America with long range missiles.


I was also told that Hitler would not have warred with England if only they surrendered. :lol:

The Amerika Bomber is true as far as I know. History channel had a great program about WWII far-out tech and plans a couple of years ago. Amerika bomber was on there.
Elsewhere on the forum I was told that Nazi Germany didn't want to eventually defeat America. I found this rather amusing so I looked around for information to the contrary and I found this...

Amerika Bomber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is this some kind of conspiracy theory and incorrect?

I also read that Hitler wrote a second, unpublished book where he stated that in 1980 his successor would be able to defeat America with long range missiles.


I was also told that Hitler would not have warred with England if only they surrendered. :lol:

He didn't want a war with England. he wanted to expand eastward and England and France got in his way (good thing) by declaring war on Germany when they attacked Poland. by "surrender" they probably meant dropping out of the war. hitler tried to make peace with england on multiple occasions.
hitler declared war on the USA because of his pact with Japan.
Hitler never had the capability to defeat America. Nobody ever has. To defeat the US you would have to build a massive Naval force and be able to maintain logistic supply lines in excess of 3000 miles.

A bomber may have been able to piss us off but could never defeat us. Hitlers bombers couldn't defeat England from a hundred miles could he defeat us from 3000 miles away?
Hitler never had the capability to defeat America. Nobody ever has. To defeat the US you would have to build a massive Naval force and be able to maintain logistic supply lines in excess of 3000 miles.

A bomber may have been able to piss us off but could never defeat us. Hitlers bombers couldn't defeat England from a hundred miles could he defeat us from 3000 miles away?

but was he deranged enough to think he could do it? and what about the atomic race?
Elsewhere on the forum I was told that Nazi Germany didn't want to eventually defeat America. I found this rather amusing so I looked around for information to the contrary and I found this...

Amerika Bomber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is this some kind of conspiracy theory and incorrect?

I also read that Hitler wrote a second, unpublished book where he stated that in 1980 his successor would be able to defeat America with long range missiles.


I was also told that Hitler would not have warred with England if only they surrendered. :lol:
The Ju 290 was a pipe dream, it didn't work.

The closet the Germans ever got to a heavy bomber was the HE-177, a plane so bad the Germans never bothered to mass produce it, instead they kept the bombers designed in the 1930s in service until the war's end.

You will have to do better rav, you made quite a fool of yourself on this one.

(Hint: when it comes to WWII knowledge, I know more about it then most people, I'm certified to teach it on a college level)
but was he deranged enough to think he could do it? and what about the atomic race?
Atomic weapons were beyound German abilty, ironically because of Hitler's racial polices, the men needed to do it had fled west.

The key man, Enrico Fermi, had left italy because he was married to a Jew.

The Brits were prepared to kill the only remaining man who might be able to figure it out, Werner Hisenberg:


Britain's OSS determined he could not suceed to the mission to kill him was called off.
Read this Rav, its a little old but very good, I have a hard copy of it: / The Transatlantic Duel: HITLER vs. ROOSEVELT

It spells out a lot about the power politics of Hitler vs FDR and Britain's postions, as well as discusses the various peace attempts by Hitler with the UK.
The information about the Amerika Bomber came out after your article was written.

And while it was a pipe dream, the atom bomb wasn't.

I found this interesting.

Education: Education for Death - TIME

(of course, maybe it's just more of Stalin's propaganda :lol:)
Read this Rav, its a little old but very good, I have a hard copy of it: / The Transatlantic Duel: HITLER vs. ROOSEVELT

It spells out a lot about the power politics of Hitler vs FDR and Britain's postions, as well as discusses the various peace attempts by Hitler with the UK.
The information about the Amerika Bomber came out after your article was written.

And while it was a pipe dream, the atom bomb wasn't.

I found this interesting.

Education: Education for Death - TIME

(of course, maybe it's just more of Stalin's propaganda :lol:)
Still think you can one up me?

For shame Rav, look at the date of the article, Nov of 1941.

The USA broke international law in 1940 to send war material to Britain, and had been fighting an undeclared naval war against Germany for several months by that time.

Try again, you still aern't even close. :lol:
The information on the Amerika Bomber came to light after your article is what I was saying.

So you must be one that thinks the Amerika Bomber information is untrue and that because Hitler said he didn't want to wage war with us he was telling the truth.

Got it.

but was he deranged enough to think he could do it? and what about the atomic race?
Atomic weapons were beyound German abilty, ironically because of Hitler's racial polices, the men needed to do it had fled west.

The key man, Enrico Fermi, had left italy because he was married to a Jew.

The Brits were prepared to kill the only remaining man who might be able to figure it out, Werner Hisenberg:


Britain's OSS determined he could not suceed to the mission to kill him was called off.

how could they be certain?

The information on the Amerika Bomber came to light after your article is what I was saying.

So you must be one that thinks the Amerika Bomber information is untrue and that because Hitler said he didn't want to wage war with us he was telling the truth.

Got it.

Clearly you don't have it.

Hitler had no interest in the USA until the USA started to interfere in its affairs.

Hitler also had no plans to 'take over the world', Hitler understood it wasn't possible.

In fact, Hitler didn't even want to fight in the Balkans or North Africa, those fronts were forced on germany by Italian ineptitude.

He wanted two fights, the first to defeat france and 'avenge' WWI, and the second a campaign to take over European Russia and turn it into greater germania.

As for long range bombers, the only nation that had one in 1939 was the USA (B-17C), Britain wouldn't have a true 4 engine heavy bomber until 1941 (Short Sterling) and not a good one until the Lancaster in 1942.

Russia and the Axis powers never developed strategic bombing, they flirted with it, but never committed to it.

So again, Germany was not the USA's enemy until FDR made the USA Germany's enemy, and 'Amerika bombers' were a dream.
how could they be certain?

From the allies own experience with making one, the cost and the materials needed.

The British were certain it was beyound Germany's ability by mid 1942 unless germany committed every resource it had to it, something taht would have left germany defenseless by 1943 and obviously not done.
The information on the Amerika Bomber came to light after your article is what I was saying.

So you must be one that thinks the Amerika Bomber information is untrue and that because Hitler said he didn't want to wage war with us he was telling the truth.

Got it.

Clearly you don't have it.

Hitler had no interest in the USA until the USA started to interfere in its affairs.

Hitler also had no plans to 'take over the world', Hitler understood it wasn't possible.

In fact, Hitler didn't even want to fight in the Balkans or North Africa, those fronts were forced on germany by Italian ineptitude.

He wanted two fights, the first to defeat france and 'avenge' WWI, and the second a campaign to take over European Russia and turn it into greater germania.

As for long range bombers, the only nation that had one in 1939 was the USA (B-17C), Britain wouldn't have a true 4 engine heavy bomber until 1941 (Short Sterling) and not a good one until the Lancaster in 1942.

Russia and the Axis powers never developed strategic bombing, they flirted with it, but never committed to it.

So again, Germany was not the USA's enemy until FDR made the USA Germany's enemy, and 'Amerika bombers' were a dream.
Why then was Goring talking about his wishes to bomb them in 1938?
how could they be certain?

From the allies own experience with making one, the cost and the materials needed.

The British were certain it was beyound Germany's ability by mid 1942 unless germany committed every resource it had to it, something taht would have left germany defenseless by 1943 and obviously not done.
You missed my Red Sox reference.

It was in 1944 they decided not to kill him.
The information on the Amerika Bomber came to light after your article is what I was saying.

So you must be one that thinks the Amerika Bomber information is untrue and that because Hitler said he didn't want to wage war with us he was telling the truth.

Got it.

Clearly you don't have it.

Hitler had no interest in the USA until the USA started to interfere in its affairs.

Hitler also had no plans to 'take over the world', Hitler understood it wasn't possible.

In fact, Hitler didn't even want to fight in the Balkans or North Africa, those fronts were forced on germany by Italian ineptitude.

He wanted two fights, the first to defeat france and 'avenge' WWI, and the second a campaign to take over European Russia and turn it into greater germania.

As for long range bombers, the only nation that had one in 1939 was the USA (B-17C), Britain wouldn't have a true 4 engine heavy bomber until 1941 (Short Sterling) and not a good one until the Lancaster in 1942.

Russia and the Axis powers never developed strategic bombing, they flirted with it, but never committed to it.

So again, Germany was not the USA's enemy until FDR made the USA Germany's enemy, and 'Amerika bombers' were a dream.
Why then was Goring talking about his wishes to bomb them in 1938?

Goering bombed the hell out of Britain without success. Dropping a few bombs would have pissed us off but not done anything to assure victory

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