America's Superpowerdom is crashing-


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
The US along with the rest of the world has always had these people they just had to hide before.
LMAO ....

Yep ... they were well hidden in Patton's Army.

Well hidden in LBJ's CIA as well.

Yes, they did exist you piece of worthless observer of the the characteristics of humans. I don't expect acceptance from fascist like you who live in a rigid stereotypical world of denial.
The US along with the rest of the world has always had these people they just had to hide before.
LMAO ....

Yep ... they were well hidden in Patton's Army.

Well hidden in LBJ's CIA as well.

if only J Edgar Hoover would have been allowed to live his truth without fear.......maybe COINTELPRO wouldn't have happened....
The US along with the rest of the world has always had these people they just had to hide before.
LMAO ....

Yep ... they were well hidden in Patton's Army.

Well hidden in LBJ's CIA as well.

Yes, they did exist you piece of worthless observer of the the characteristics of humans. I don't expect acceptance from fascist like you who live in a rigid stereotypical world of denial.
This is Penelopes brain on drugs ^^^ :lol:
Yes, they did exist you piece of worthless observer of the the characteristics of humans. I don't expect acceptance from fascist like you who live in a rigid stereotypical world of denial.
I am sure lots of unrealistic shit exist in that Alt Left Reality you live in.

Now run along and go rope you one of those pink unicorns.
I am sure lots of unrealistic shit exist in that Alt Left Reality you live in.
He's factually correct- there have always been people who didn't conform to the society's predelictions- right, wrong, or indifferent is immaterial-
Yes, they did exist you piece of worthless observer of the the characteristics of humans. I don't expect acceptance from fascist like you who live in a rigid stereotypical world of denial.
I am sure lots of unrealistic shit exist in that Alt Left Reality you live in.

Now run along and go rope you one of those pink unicorns.
This veteran, twice honorably discharged from the US Army will stay in this thread if I want..You may join the conversation and discuss the topic or be reported for harassment.
Latest CIA recruitment video: “I am a woman of color. I am a mom. I am a cisgender Millenial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. I am intersectional but my existence is not a box-checking exercise.”

The US No Longer Has A Credible Conventional Military Force

Compare US military recruitment—

But, fear not, fellow country persons- we have the most beloved Crash Test Dummy in history at the helm-

It is rather appalling

But true patriots - straight men - will continue to answer the nations’s call despite the sexual perversion craziness being embraced by the Pentagon
When I first saw the video I was shocked. The first take-away for me, is not ONCE did this apparent CIA operative state "I am an American". All of her comments sounded like that girl who went to activists groups and who has disdain for those around her. She represents Identity Politics 101, so, is this what America is fighting for nowadays?

If am in in China recruiting for MSS or in Russia recruiting for FSB, I am using this video in recruitment videos and telling prospective candidates "this is your competition".

They would most certainly experience a sharp increase in applicants...
But true patriots - straight men - will continue to answer the nations’s call despite the sexual perversion craziness being embraced by the Pentagon
Apparently not- it helps to read provided sources prior to rendering opinions

According to the Pentagon, 71% of Americans aged 17 to 24 – roughly 24 million out of 34 million people—are ineligible to join the military because of “obesity, lack of high school diploma, or a criminal record.” — 71% Of Eligible Gen-Zers Don't Qualify For Military Due To Obesity, Criminal Records And Other Reasons | ZeroHedge

To fill the ranks, the Pentagon and CIA recruit women with two mom

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