America's Faustian bargain

Nosmo King

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2009
Buckle of the Rust Belt
We sat back in incredulity as politics and entertainment melded as one festering sore named Trump. We watched him act imperiously in his reality television show. We sat transfixed as he meted out justice for transgressions committed by the likes of D list celebrities. And, apparently, we loved it. As an aside, I have never been a fan of reality television. If I wanted to watch low brow, uncultured morons shout at one another, I could go and park in the nearest public housing project parking lot and watch to my heart's content.

But suddenly, Trump wasn't just hocking tacky properties, overpriced steaks, rot gut wines and phony 'universities'. Suddenly he was promoting outlandish conspiracy theories like the legitimacy of President Obama's birth certificate. He gained prominence among the unwashed who held racist prejudices against the President. When Trump announced he was to run for President as a Republican, I thought I had misunderstood. To me, he should have been running no as a joke.

But he ran and did his level best to keep anything like a campaign of ideas from happening. His was a campaign of personality. Now, his brand of personality is one unworthy of respect as he has shown such little respect himself.

But that same crowd who watched politics and entertainment meld together share the same loathesome characteristics of personality. Crude, simplistic, boorish and prone to bullying, Trump's supporters had a relief valve for their frustrations at last. They see him as someone who 'tells it like it is'. That is to say, he tells it without nuance, grace, a purpose of unity and consideration. No deep intellect, no thought for consequence.

Disagree with The Donald and feel his wrath. Quicker to attack than think, any and all dissent is quashed. Without an understanding of history, he swaggers through the attention not understanding that his brand of comportment is the womb of revolt.

And now we are wed to this creep for the foreseeable future. Until scandal or some latter day Arthur Bremmer up and does what needs to be done, the American people must suffer the embarrassment at best, ruination at worst of the heavy, clumsy and crude hand of the huckster buffoon sitting, not in the White House but at one of his properties at our expense.
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The rule of law – envisioned by the Founding Generation to safeguard the people, their rights, and their protected liberties from the likes of Trump and his supporters – is likewise in jeopardy.
His pronouncements on Saturday of violence on "many sides" drew contempt from not only Democrats, but his fellow Republicans, much to their credit. He repositioned himself 48 hours later and called out the filth of the Alt-right.

That was great for a day. Today he walked back his conciliatory comments and doubled down on an attack on those who openly opposed the Nazis and bigots and Klansmen and Alt-righties.

The tragedy is Trump seems to know what he is doing, yet does not care.
We sat back in incredulity as politics and entertainment melded as one festering sore named Trump. We watched him act imperiously in his reality television show. We sat transfixed as he meted out justice for transgressions committed by the likes of D list celebrities. And, apparently, we loved it. As an aside, I have never been a fan of reality television. If I wanted to watch low brow, uncultured morons shout at one another, I could go and park in the nearest public housing project parking lot and watch to my heart's content.

But suddenly, Trump wasn't just hocking tacky properties, overpriced steaks, rot gut wines and phony 'universities'. Suddenly he was promoting outlandish conspiracy theories like the legitimacy of President Obama's birth certificate. He gained prominence among the unwashed who held racist prejudices against the President. When Trump announced he was to run for President as a Republican, I thought I had misunderstood. To me, he should have been running no as a joke.

But he ran and did his level best to keep anything like a campaign of ideas from happening. His was a campaign of personality. Now, his brand of personality is one unworthy of respect as he has shown such little respect himself.

But that same crowd who watched politics and entertainment meld together share the same loathesome characteristics of personality. Crude, simplistic, boorish and prone to bullying, Trump's supporters had a relief valve for their frustrations at last. They see him as someone who 'tells it like it is'. That is to say, he tells it without nuance, grace, a purpose of unity and consideration. No deep intellect, no thought for consequence.

Disagree with The Donald and feel his wrath. Quicker to attack than think, any and all dissent is quashed. Without an understanding of history, he swaggers through the attention not understanding that his brand of comportment is the womb of revolt.

And now we are wed to this creep for the foreseeable future. Until scandal or some latter day Arthur Bremmer up and does what needs to be done, the American people must suffer the embarrassment at best, ruination at worst of the heavy, clumsy and crude hand of the huckster buffoon sitting, not in the White House but at one of his properties at our expense.
So, I'm guessing you don't like Trump? :laugh:
We sat back in incredulity as politics and entertainment melded as one festering sore named Trump. We watched him act imperiously in his reality television show. We sat transfixed as he meted out justice for transgressions committed by the likes of D list celebrities. And, apparently, we loved it. As an aside, I have never been a fan of reality television. If I wanted to watch low brow, uncultured morons shout at one another, I could go and park in the nearest public housing project parking lot and watch to my heart's content.

But suddenly, Trump wasn't just hocking tacky properties, overpriced steaks, rot gut wines and phony 'universities'. Suddenly he was promoting outlandish conspiracy theories like the legitimacy of President Obama's birth certificate. He gained prominence among the unwashed who held racist prejudices against the President. When Trump announced he was to run for President as a Republican, I thought I had misunderstood. To me, he should have been running no as a joke.

But he ran and did his level best to keep anything like a campaign of ideas from happening. His was a campaign of personality. Now, his brand of personality is one unworthy of respect as he has shown such little respect himself.

But that same crowd who watched politics and entertainment meld together share the same loathesome characteristics of personality. Crude, simplistic, boorish and prone to bullying, Trump's supporters had a relief valve for their frustrations at last. They see him as someone who 'tells it like it is'. That is to say, he tells it without nuance, grace, a purpose of unity and consideration. No deep intellect, no thought for consequence.

Disagree with The Donald and feel his wrath. Quicker to attack than think, any and all dissent is quashed. Without an understanding of history, he swaggers through the attention not understanding that his brand of comportment is the womb of revolt.

And now we are wed to this creep for the foreseeable future. Until scandal or some latter day Arthur Bremmer up and does what needs to be done, the American people must suffer the embarrassment at best, ruination at worst of the heavy, clumsy and crude hand of the huckster buffoon sitting, not in the White House but at one of his properties at our expense.
So, I'm guessing you don't like Trump? :laugh:
What's to like?
The rule of law – envisioned by the Founding Generation to safeguard the people, their rights, and their protected liberties from the likes of Trump and his supporters – is likewise in jeopardy.
That's laughable! The rule of law went out the window when Obama came on the scene. The Obama administration and the corrupt bitch, Hillary, along with most of their staff...thought they were above the law. That's the way the lunatic Democrats think. The law doesn't apply to them.

Donald Trump saved the nation when he beat that worthless pile of dog squeeze, Hillary in a fair but tainted election. Despite her millions of illegal votes, he won the Electoral College.

I just love when snowflake liberals get their panties in a wad and cry.
The rule of law – envisioned by the Founding Generation to safeguard the people, their rights, and their protected liberties from the likes of Trump and his supporters – is likewise in jeopardy.
That's laughable! The rule of law went out the window when Obama came on the scene. The Obama administration and the corrupt bitch, Hillary, along with most of their staff...thought they were above the law. That's the way the lunatic Democrats think. The law doesn't apply to them.

Donald Trump saved the nation when he beat that worthless pile of dog squeeze, Hillary in a fair but tainted election. Despite her millions of illegal votes, he won the Electoral College.

I just love when snowflake liberals get their panties in a wad and cry.
Don't fool yourself. We are not upset about the results of the election. We are upset about the comportment of Donald Trump.

And part and parcel of that despicable comportment is his campaign's collusion with Russian operatives, the lies and cover up as a consequence and his supporter' willingness to forgive that collusion.

If winning was all that matters, we would be sports fans. But, this is not only the governance of this nation's n, but how this nation is represented to the world.

Where were the grand juries, the Special Prosecutors and the oversight committee vigorously investigating the alleged crimes of the previous administration? What did they conclude? Your claims of malfeasance fall on deaf ears because the evidence just isn't there. It is all amplified and magnified by the cowardice of internet 'pundits' who produce nothing but hot air and partisan bile.
The rule of law – envisioned by the Founding Generation to safeguard the people, their rights, and their protected liberties from the likes of Trump and his supporters – is likewise in jeopardy.
That's laughable! The rule of law went out the window when Obama came on the scene. The Obama administration and the corrupt bitch, Hillary, along with most of their staff...thought they were above the law. That's the way the lunatic Democrats think. The law doesn't apply to them.

Donald Trump saved the nation when he beat that worthless pile of dog squeeze, Hillary in a fair but tainted election. Despite her millions of illegal votes, he won the Electoral College.

I just love when snowflake liberals get their panties in a wad and cry.
Don't fool yourself. We are not upset about the results of the election. We are upset about the comportment of Donald Trump.

And part and parcel of that despicable comportment is his campaign's collusion with Russian operatives, the lies and cover up as a consequence and his supporter' willingness to forgive that collusion.

If winning was all that matters, we would be sports fans. But, this is not only the governance of this nation's n, but how this nation is represented to the world.

Where were the grand juries, the Special Prosecutors and the oversight committee vigorously investigating the alleged crimes of the previous administration? What did they conclude? Your claims of malfeasance fall on deaf ears because the evidence just isn't there. It is all amplified and magnified by the cowardice of internet 'pundits' who produce nothing but hot air and partisan bile.
Surely you jest! Obama and Holder did not allow prosecution of lawlessness in his administration. Holder is one of the most criminal AGs we have had in a long time. Loretta Lynch is not far behind. Hillary's lied about Benghazi and her emails, she destroyed subpoenaed evidence, she had numerous political associates MURDERED...the list goes on.

The comportment of Donald Trump is distorted by the fake media. Idiotic liberals suck up every word broadcasted by the dishonest twits that control the media as if they were gospel.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
The rule of law – envisioned by the Founding Generation to safeguard the people, their rights, and their protected liberties from the likes of Trump and his supporters – is likewise in jeopardy.
That's laughable! The rule of law went out the window when Obama came on the scene. The Obama administration and the corrupt bitch, Hillary, along with most of their staff...thought they were above the law. That's the way the lunatic Democrats think. The law doesn't apply to them.

Donald Trump saved the nation when he beat that worthless pile of dog squeeze, Hillary in a fair but tainted election. Despite her millions of illegal votes, he won the Electoral College.

I just love when snowflake liberals get their panties in a wad and cry.
Don't fool yourself. We are not upset about the results of the election. We are upset about the comportment of Donald Trump.

And part and parcel of that despicable comportment is his campaign's collusion with Russian operatives, the lies and cover up as a consequence and his supporter' willingness to forgive that collusion.

If winning was all that matters, we would be sports fans. But, this is not only the governance of this nation's n, but how this nation is represented to the world.

Where were the grand juries, the Special Prosecutors and the oversight committee vigorously investigating the alleged crimes of the previous administration? What did they conclude? Your claims of malfeasance fall on deaf ears because the evidence just isn't there. It is all amplified and magnified by the cowardice of internet 'pundits' who produce nothing but hot air and partisan bile.
Surely you jest! Obama and Holder did not allow prosecution of lawlessness in his administration. Holder is one of the most criminal AGs we have had in a long time. Loretta Lynch is not far behind. Hillary's lied about Benghazi and her emails, she destroyed subpoenaed evidence, she had numerous political associates MURDERED...the list goes on.

The comportment of Donald Trump is distorted by the fake media. Idiotic liberals suck up every word broadcasted by the dishonest twits that control the media as if they were gospel.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
I know that the image of Sec. Clinton as a character straight out of House of Cards or The Godfather has been inculcated by way of radical internet 'pundits'. It is disappointing that such an image has been accepted as fact by American voters.

There was a time we could trust the American voter, but it turns out the current crop of voters is more interested in finding fault rather than truth, crime rather than fact.

Those same 'pundits' have told reality television fans that the media is a boogeyman. We see the comportment of Trump in his own words and actions. We hear him as he disparages POWs, women, immigrants, protestors and minorities unfiltered. There is no distortion.

I've never bought of modern American Conservatism as a ',metal disorder'. Rather now I see modern American Conservatism as a movement motivated by fear, suspicion, hatred and bordering on violence. I pity the modern American Conservative for their political ignorance and divisive attitudes.

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