Americans don't think tariffs work? Europe's Airbus to acquire majority stake in Bombardier's CSeri


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Trust me America, ShockedCanadian tells no lies...a follow up to the already odd saga that is Bombardier.

As I explained many times regarding Canadas interference in the free market via the RCMP and their surrogates, Trump wins again. Full credit to Wilbur Ross in this (though he wisely deflected that he had anything to do with this during NAFTA negotiations), as he forced a 300% duty increase on Bombardier products. This means jobs will be shipped to Alabama where Airbus has manufacturing. All in an effort to avoid paying the costs of duties. Jobs shipped from Europe and Canada to America, because of American First policies.

The joke in all of this? Both Bombardier and the Canadian government (and opposition Conservatives) spoke how these duties were not going to fly, how they would be challenged in the WTO and Canada would win, yadda yadda. I told my wife that there was nothing Canada could do, we have been stabbing America in the back and we are now paying the Piper. All of this tough talk, yet, Bombardier literally sells at a discount ONLY the C-Series to European rival Airbus, the same product facing massive duty increases. Why is this? They KNOW they cannot avoid the duty increases, and they also know; thanks to people like myself who have emailed Boeing directly, that Canada is interfering in the free market.

In the email I sent many months ago I recall asking the Canadian government, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale and others to counter my assertion that Canadian operatives are working in corporations on Canadian soil, INCLUDING Bombardier out of Montreal. Though I didn't specifically name that company, as I was emailing Boeing, they would understand how my assertion might relate to their industry. Of course as always, Canada remained quiet, quite unhappy about how much I know and the names of operatives in many cases, continuing down the path of M.A.D with me. I made my point loud and clear, they didn't need to respond (in fact, not settling this with me is costing Canada FAR more than I ever could have won in a court case).

So, now America gains jobs, competition leaves Europe and Canada damages what little government sponsored innovation we had. Who wins in all of this? Why the same clowns who always win in Canada, the Canadian security apparatus and their political donors. As I've said 1000 times, they would gladly "sacrifice" Canadian jobs and the economy to maintain de facto control of the economy and it's citizens.

If this unheard of case of clear communist tactics doesn't illustrate how much leverage capitalist countries have over fake free market, I don't know what will. Check out the details of the "purchase", it was handed to them for free, paid for by Canadian taxpayers. Absolutely stunning. They are trying to avoid the lawsuit and maintain their communist tactics, along with our European friends. THIS is how guilt looks, along with soul sucking, innovation destroying globalism.

I hope Boeing continues the lawsuit and includes other Canadian products. oh, and this might address the duties, but doesn't address anti-dumping laws which are still ongoing and the case maybe even stronger now. Go big on this one Boeing!

Europe’s Airbus to acquire majority stake in Bombardier’s CSeries

Bombardier Inc. announced late Monday that rival aerospace giant Airbus SE will acquire a majority stake of its CSeries program, a big strategic move that comes as the company faces the prospect of permanent massive duties in the U.S.

Under the agreement, which was signed Monday, Airbus will acquire a 50.01-per-cent stake in the CSeries program and provide the division with procurement, sales and marketing and customer support expertise. Bombardier will now own approximately 31 per cent, while Investissement Quebec will own 19 per cent.

There will be no cash contribution by any of the partners and the CSeries program will not assume any financial debt, according to a news release.

“Airbus is the perfect partner for us, Quebec and Canada,” Bombardier chief executive Alain Bellemare said in a statement. “Their global scale, strong customer relationship and operational expertise are key ingredients for unleashing the full value of the C Series.”

The partnership comes as Bombardier grapples with 300 per cent preliminary duties on U.S. imports of its C-Series jet, thanks to a petition filed with the U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. International Trade Commission by its U.S. rival, the Boeing Co....

“Building the final assembly in the U.S. for the U.S. market, that would seem to take a lot of the wind of out the sails of Boeing’s lawsuit,” he said. “With Airbus there, and less government support, it looks a lot more viable everywhere, not just in the U.S.”

The deal came following reports earlier in the day that Bombardier was looking for investors and considering selling parts of its aerospace business.
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Trust me America, ShockedCanadian tells no lies...a follow up to the already odd saga that is Bombardier.

As I explained many times regarding Canadas interference in the free market via the RCMP and their surrogates, Trump wins again. Full credit to Wilbur Ross in this (though he wisely deflected that he had anything to do with this during NAFTA negotiations), as he forced a 300% duty increase on Bombardier products. This means jobs will be shipped to Alabama where Airbus has manufacturing. All in an effort to avoid paying the costs of duties. Jobs shipped from Europe and Canada to America, because of American First policies.

The joke in all of this? Both Bombardier and the Canadian government (and opposition Conservatives) spoke how these duties were not going to fly, how they would be challenged in the WTO and Canada would win, yadda yadda. I told my wife that there was nothing Canada could do, we have been stabbing America in the back and we are now paying the Piper. All of this tough talk, yet, Bombardier literally sells at a discount ONLY the C-Series to European rival Airbus, the same product facing massive duty increases. Why is this? They KNOW they cannot avoid the duty increases, and they also know; thanks to people like myself who have emailed Boeing directly, that Canada is interfering in the free market.

In the email I sent many months ago I recall asking the Canadian government, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale and others to counter my assertion that Canadian operatives are working in corporations on Canadian soil, INCLUDING Bombardier out of Montreal. Though I didn't specifically name that company, as I was emailing Boeing, they would understand how my assertion might relate to their industry. Of course as always, Canada remained quiet, quite unhappy about how much I know and the names of operatives in many cases, continuing down the path of M.A.D with me. I made my point loud and clear, they didn't need to respond (in fact, not settling this with me is costing Canada FAR more than I ever could have won in a court case).

So, now America gains jobs, competition leaves Europe and Canada damages what little government sponsored innovation we had. Who wins in all of this? Why the same clowns who always win in Canada, the Canadian security apparatus and their political donors. As I've said 1000 times, they would gladly "sacrifice" Canadian jobs and the economy to maintain de facto control of the economy and it's citizens.

If this unheard of case of clear communist tactics doesn't illustrate how much leverage capitalist countries have over fake free market, I don't know what will. Check out the details of the "purchase", it was handed to them for free, paid for by Canadian taxpayers. Absolutely stunning. They are trying to avoid the lawsuit and maintain their communist tactics, along with our European friends. THIS is how guilt looks, along with soul sucking, innovation destroying globalism.

I hope Boeing continues the lawsuit and includes other Canadian products. oh, and this might address the duties, but doesn't address anti-dumping laws which are still ongoing and the case maybe even stronger now. Go big on this one Boeing!

Europe’s Airbus to acquire majority stake in Bombardier’s CSeries

Bombardier Inc. announced late Monday that rival aerospace giant Airbus SE will acquire a majority stake of its CSeries program, a big strategic move that comes as the company faces the prospect of permanent massive duties in the U.S.

Under the agreement, which was signed Monday, Airbus will acquire a 50.01-per-cent stake in the CSeries program and provide the division with procurement, sales and marketing and customer support expertise. Bombardier will now own approximately 31 per cent, while Investissement Quebec will own 19 per cent.

There will be no cash contribution by any of the partners and the CSeries program will not assume any financial debt, according to a news release.

“Airbus is the perfect partner for us, Quebec and Canada,” Bombardier chief executive Alain Bellemare said in a statement. “Their global scale, strong customer relationship and operational expertise are key ingredients for unleashing the full value of the C Series.”

The partnership comes as Bombardier grapples with 300 per cent preliminary duties on U.S. imports of its C-Series jet, thanks to a petition filed with the U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. International Trade Commission by its U.S. rival, the Boeing Co....

“Building the final assembly in the U.S. for the U.S. market, that would seem to take a lot of the wind of out the sails of Boeing’s lawsuit,” he said. “With Airbus there, and less government support, it looks a lot more viable everywhere, not just in the U.S.”

The deal came following reports earlier in the day that Bombardier was looking for investors and considering selling parts of its aerospace business.
Bye-bye Canadian jobs. Only company I hated working with more than Bombardier was Airbus. And Messier Bugatti. Suce français.
As a Bombardier stock holder, I hope this bodes well for that troubled company. Jobs in Alabama should take the bitterness out of the pill for Boeing.

Take that Boeing. Airbus and Bombardier just delivered a slam dunk

But Bombardier chief executive Alain Bellemare had a simple question to answer: Is it better to own a larger majority stake in an aircraft program valued at just $2 billion, which hasn’t secured a major order for 18 months; or a minority stake in one with much better prospects? After closing, Bombardier will own 31 per cent of the CSeries partnership, while Quebec will hold 19 per cent.

As I argued here yesterday, Bombardier’s finances were arguably too weak to contemplate going it alone, especially with Boeing and the U.S. government trying to suffocate it. Now with Airbus as partner, Bombardier stands a better chance of convincing wavering customers to buy the plane and of making money with it more quickly. Bombardier’s goal was to reach cash break-even on the CSeries by 2020.

In bringing a trade case against Bombardier, Boeing seems to have forgotten the first law of all playground scuffles: if you pick a fight, always be sure to land the knock-out punch. Airbus just delivered it.
As a Bombardier stock holder, I hope this bodes well for that troubled company. Jobs in Alabama should take the bitterness out of the pill for Boeing.

Take that Boeing. Airbus and Bombardier just delivered a slam dunk

But Bombardier chief executive Alain Bellemare had a simple question to answer: Is it better to own a larger majority stake in an aircraft program valued at just $2 billion, which hasn’t secured a major order for 18 months; or a minority stake in one with much better prospects? After closing, Bombardier will own 31 per cent of the CSeries partnership, while Quebec will hold 19 per cent.

As I argued here yesterday, Bombardier’s finances were arguably too weak to contemplate going it alone, especially with Boeing and the U.S. government trying to suffocate it. Now with Airbus as partner, Bombardier stands a better chance of convincing wavering customers to buy the plane and of making money with it more quickly. Bombardier’s goal was to reach cash break-even on the CSeries by 2020.

In bringing a trade case against Bombardier, Boeing seems to have forgotten the first law of all playground scuffles: if you pick a fight, always be sure to land the knock-out punch. Airbus just delivered it.
Bombardier's market is small aircraft, not Boeing's market so will not have any impact on how well or poor they do.
Some in state media are calling this a "partnership". You can't spin this more offensively. 50% Of an entire product line handed out to a European competitor, while the R&D, development and proven capabilities of an airplane with no debt that Canadian taxpayers paid for is gone along with many high paying jobs. Neo-Communism at it's finest! Thanks to the Conservatives and now the Liberals, Canada has little competitive spirit, but CSIS, the RCMP and their pals are doing great!

When you destroy individual rights and maintain control without recourse for your citizens or it's businesses, this is the end result. The first domino in many to fall now that America has wisened up.
IMHO, Bombardier's situation lies squarely at the feet of the previous management team and their continued influence on how the company is run. They made some very poor decisions with the Lear 85 and the C Series and ignored warnings and suggestions of their engineers.

As heirs to company founder Joseph-Armand Bombardier, who invented the snowmobile, members of the Beaudoin-Bombardier family control Bombardier through a special class of stock that carries 10 votes a share. The arrangement, which gives the family 53.4 per cent of the voting rights, has long been criticized for perpetuating bad management and failing to deliver acceptable returns for shareholders.

Bombardier’s founding family holds tight as company’s fortunes shift
On the business aviation front, Bombardier continuously shoots itself in the foot. The engineers produce an outstanding aircraft like the Challenger 350 but year after year, their product/customer support falls flat. It's not rocket science. Cessna comes in number one or nearly so every year in service support. Their success in this area is no secret. But does Bombardier learn any lessons?

When someone coughs up 26 million for a Challenger 350 or 14 million for a Lear 75, they expect more than a great aircraft for that level of commitment. When said new bizjet is grounded for a minor glitch and service response is keeping Madame Megabucks from attending her fall retreat when she wants, pampered nostrils flare. Not conducive to a healthy return customer base. I've witnessed many times where jet owners bought a Challenger or Learjet due to the shear excellence of the aircraft and in spite of the craptastic service support. I would gladly trade a lesser ramp presence for better support. As sexy as a Lear is, as capable as a Challenger is, I'd have to go with an OEM who respects me as much as my millions. (Not that I'll ever be burdened with that decision:cool-45:).
There are actually comments from Canadians suggesting that Trump should be sent a thank you card from Airbus.

This is how comical and embarrassing neo-communism is. This is the kind of backwards and offensive propaganda that only an East German would absorb, or it seems, Canadians. Somehow Canada looks like the smart country for spending billions on a failed company and selling out the massive investment of C Series for nothing, and losing jobs to America. This all started with PM Harper, and it will continue. A nation of lemmings who actually believe some of the bs they are fed.

Read how comical an angry and arrogant state apparatus is with the comical article below. Sad.

Opinion: Airbus sends a thank you card to Donald Trump and Boeing
Opinion: Airbus sends a thank you card to Donald Trump and Boeing

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