Americans are beginning to realize the cost of the 'War On Terror'.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
About 20 years too late probably.

40 years ago we were still paying off the Vietnam and Korean wars, but the national debt was a manageable $900 billion. 20 years ago (before 9/11) the debt was large -$5 trillion-but still manageable with the right game plan in place.

Fast forward to 2021, our overseas wars have come home. ...refugees pouring in, millions are being layed off at a time when there's a driver shortage....and we're seeing hyperinflation start to creep in....but by the time gasoline hits $10 a gallon, that Walmart you just shopped at may be converted into a FEMA camp.

US National Debt Clock in real time ($28.8 trillion)

Detroit, Michigan, 2021.

Other places in 2021;

rail MagShang.jpg



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..undeniable we had to attack the bad guys that did 9-11..... is crap--now they are teaching employees to hate white people
...cut legal and illegal immigration
..definitely cut asylum and refugee crap completely
1. they killed more than were killed at Pearl Harbor
a.most MURDERED on 9-11 were civilians--not so at PH
2. so, just let terrorists murder 3000 Americans and do NOTHING!!!!!!????
He who wins the global economic battle will also win the military battle when needed.

Wasted resources is a tax on a nations future and sustainability. It's an anchor on the interests of that nation.
About 20 years too late probably.

40 years ago we were still paying off the Vietnam and Korean wars, but the national debt was a manageable $900 billion. 20 years ago (before 9/11) the debt was large -$5 trillion-but still manageable with the right game plan in place.

Fast forward to 2021, our overseas wars have come home. ...refugees pouring in, millions are being layed off at a time when there's a driver shortage....and we're seeing hyperinflation start to creep in....but by the time gasoline hits $10 a gallon, that Walmart you just shopped at may be converted into a FEMA camp.

US National Debt Clock in real time ($28.8 trillion)

Detroit, Michigan, 2021.
View attachment 552575

Other places in 2021;

View attachment 552577
View attachment 552578
View attachment 552581

The estimated aggregate cost of the War on Poverty is nearly $28 trillion, which is three and a half times higher than the $8 trillion total price tag of every major war since the American Revolution.

It’s Time to Admit the Feds Are Making Poverty Worse—Not ...

Seems to me, that the endless war that is in the United States, is the primary culprit for our bloated national debt. Stop paying lazy liberal fuckers to not work, and soon the debt would go away...
He who wins the global economic battle will also win the military battle when needed.

Wasted resources is a tax on a nations future and sustainability. It's an anchor on the interests of that nation.
The war on terror is expensive and unpleasant but we have no choice. If the terrorists go unbeaten none of us Americans are safe at home or anywhere else. Ask the Israelis. They have been through it for 70 years.
Terrorists come in various forms, but the single most-predominant are Muslim terrorist. A good number of years ago (before Afghanistan), there was a PEW Study done in the Muslim nations with questions asked about how Muslims felt about non-Muslims. Based upon their study, it was estimated then that approximately 320,000,000 Muslims believed that "all" non-Muslims (infidels) should be forcibly converted, subjugated or, outright killed. That figure is just shy of the entire U.S. population. It is of course, not the majority of Muslims, but a significant portion of them and those same individuals who responded in that manner, no doubt support terrorists actions, through funds or other methods. If one looks at a world map which shows the locations of Islamic terrorist attacks, one will find that it literally spans the globe, involving Europe, the North, Central and South American nations, Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, Africa and the Middle-East, with Muslims killing other Muslims deemed to be not true Muslims.
The bottom line is that terrorism isn't going anywhere, especially with regards to Islam, so military and law enforcement retaliation is a must.
The extent of the retaliation and its costs are the determination of our government, not your average Joe Blow. The alternative of just caving into terrorists is unacceptable. If Islam were wiped off from the Earth, it would be a far more stable planet, minus the anti-freedom and anti-communist hostilities.
Terrorists come in various forms, but the single most-predominant are Muslim terrorist. A good number of years ago (before Afghanistan), there was a PEW Study done in the Muslim nations with questions asked about how Muslims felt about non-Muslims. Based upon their study, it was estimated then that approximately 320,000,000 Muslims believed that "all" non-Muslims (infidels) should be forcibly converted, subjugated or, outright killed. That figure is just shy of the entire U.S. population. It is of course, not the majority of Muslims, but a significant portion of them and those same individuals who responded in that manner, no doubt support terrorists actions, through funds or other methods. If one looks at a world map which shows the locations of Islamic terrorist attacks, one will find that it literally spans the globe, involving Europe, the North, Central and South American nations, Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, Africa and the Middle-East, with Muslims killing other Muslims deemed to be not true Muslims.
The bottom line is that terrorism isn't going anywhere, especially with regards to Islam, so military and law enforcement retaliation is a must.
The extent of the retaliation and its costs are the determination of our government, not your average Joe Blow. The alternative of just caving into terrorists is unacceptable. If Islam were wiped off from the Earth, it would be a far more stable planet, minus the anti-freedom and anti-communist hostilities.
A majority of the world considers the US to be the terrorists.
Are they wrong ?
BTW the local choo choo runs damn near empty due to covid and crime. We dont need those. Park and ride lots that were full are also almost empty

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