America: “You have the RIGHT to an attorney”.....but not a doctor right guys?


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2020
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.
Its like “Oh he cant afford to protect himself in court, so, his govt will provide this basic dignity for its people.”

But then “Hes sick? Screw him let him suffer and die. Thats what he gets for not being able to afford it.”
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime.

You can be entitled to a doctor just as soon as the state accuses you of being a disease.

Most US laws, and Constitutional protections, particularly the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th amendment, are there to protect you FROM the government and abuses by the state.

The Constitution makes no promises to protect you from Mother Nature.
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.
Our founding fathers didn't think about health care when they were drafting the Constitution. They were looking at what they perceived were wrongs being committed against the Colonists by the Monarchy's government and trying to address them.
As for health care, the federal government is bloated enough already. Just because some woman spreads her legs and spits some kid out, is not the government's responsibility, it's the parents responsibility until the kid becomes old enough to take care of him/herself. For situations where someone is born with various medical conditions that the parents can't afford to cover the costs, then such matters should be the responsibility of the parents and "the state" in which they live, or charitable organizations, but not the federal government.
Without food, you starve, does that suddenly become the responsibility of the federal government? In temperate climates, you need heavy clothing, shelter and warmth to prevent death in late fall, winter and early spring, does that suddenly become the responsibility of the federal government?
In the sweltering heat of summer, people can die without adequate air-conditioning, does air-conditioning for all suddenly become the responsibility of the federal government?
At some point, you "gimme free this and gimme free that sponges need to grow up and stop seeking out a teat to suck on. I've worked all my life, even as a kid, bringing money into the household. I'm not rich, can't afford a lot, live on a small plot of my own property in a rundown manufactured home, but it's mine and mooching immature children, just keep wanting more. And, you have a**holes like Sanders wanting to take more and more from us, bleed us dry, by taking what little we have worked for and give it to you moochers.
Get a job, low wage or not and over the years, you work your way up, or stay in the low wage job, but stop begging for more and more stuff, while dipping your greedy little hands into our pockets for money that we actually worked for.
The government owes me a job ...

Its like “Oh he cant afford to protect himself in court, so, his govt will provide this basic dignity for its people.”

But then “Hes sick? Screw him let him suffer and die. Thats what he gets for not being able to afford it.”
Uhhh, hospitals have to accept you if you are gravely ill whether you can pay or not.

Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

And they send you a bill. Which isnt free. Attorneys are free
And they send you a bill. Which isnt free. Attorneys are free

You continue to try and equate the two issues.

I'll ask you again:

1) Where in the Constitution are you guaranteed free health care?

2) Where in the Constitution are you guaranteed to have legal council?
Let us sort this ridiculous attempt at analogy out. Government law enforcement arrests you and charges you with crimes that can result in imprisonment. If you cannot afford a lawyer, the state will do whatever it wants and you essentially are going to prison or whatever the consequence of the crime you may or may not have committed. We see this today even with smart lawyers as they battle the Butthurt Obama/Crooked Hillary Deep State. So on one hand the government compromises and provides counsel, a public defender to help your case against the prosecution which may or may not be corrupt. And on the other hand, you demand a personal physician to address an inherited or acquired disease or injury that the government had nothing to do with. Seem like apples and oranges!

A more relevant analogy is American citizens who pay for insurance demanding behavior modification of folks who do not pay insurance and get free medical in American emergency rooms. For example, a gangbanger shooting a rival gangbangers costs tens of thousands of dollars in hospital bills that gets passed to normal citizens. Low IQ folks getting pregnant costs tens of thousands for each instance, that gets passed to normal citizens. How about equal rights to law abiding, normal American citizens!
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Its like “Oh he cant afford to protect himself in court, so, his govt will provide this basic dignity for its people.”

But then “Hes sick? Screw him let him suffer and die. Thats what he gets for not being able to afford it.”
Uhhh, hospitals have to accept you if you are gravely ill whether you can pay or not.

Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia

And they send you a bill. Which isnt free. Attorneys are free

There is no way you’re 40 years old.
The right to an attorney is in the Constitution. The right to a doctor isn't. The right to a doctor is simply something that the "Greatest Christian Nation" in the world should provide. After all Communist Cuba is even able to do that.

Heck what is odd is the "Greatest Christian Nation" in the world even tried to stop that from happening. Makes no sense to me.
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.

You are 1/2 correct, even if you are spinning-------------->you have a basic RIGHT to a doctor and medical care, but...……..the doctor has the RIGHT to along with the medical institution to sue you for his/their, compensation! If you can't pay, he gets squat. If you can pay, he gets the money!
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.
great. we'll give you a free doctor of the same quality you get a free lawyer, and the doctor will be just as interested in your welfare as the lawyer is your case.
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.
Silly bastards come up with the funniest shit.
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing. But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen?

I get your point Peachfuzz, but understand this:
  1. Law and a legal defense is a matter of government domain. One can need a lawyer for a LOT of reasons, not just because they chose to do something wrong, and the Constitution mandates a fair trial.
  2. Taking care of an illness or injury is a matter of private practice. Your body is not the domain of the government. But yeah, we really do need to fix healthcare.
  3. There ain't an icecube's chance in hell that Bolshevik Bernie will ever be POTUS. Better wrap your head around that fact right now.
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.
Stupid lie.

You cannot be refused medical services at the ER.

If you want to sit at the adult table you need to act like a big girl.
Funny how US LAW dictates you are entitled, have a RIGHT to the service of an attorney...when you are accused of a crime. In fact if you cant afford one the govt literally says “one will be provided to you” free of charge. Wow. Thats pretty amazing.

But get sick? OOOOOHHHH you don’t have the right to someones service.

I get it now. I can CHOOSE to commit a crime, then im entitled to someones service. But I DONT choose to get sick, but when I do, Im no longer entitled to medical services.

And you wonder why PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS is going to happen? This is why. And its past due.
Stupid lie.

You cannot be refused medical services at the ER.

If you want to sit at the adult table you need to act like a big girl.

They may refer you to a cancer specialist but they are not going to treat it.

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